
  • 网络vote trading;vote-trading;Logrolling
  1. 一些主要股东威胁称,如果不让他们平等地参与可转换债券发行,那么将投票反对交易。

    Some leading shareholders have threatened to vote against the deal if it does not give them the right to equal participation in the convertible bond issue .

  2. sundance将于11月30日召开一次股东大会,就该交易投票,这笔交易需要获得75%的投资者批准才能完成。

    A Sundance shareholder meeting is scheduled for November 30 to vote on the deal , which requires 75 per cent investor approval .

  3. 贯序投票和投票交易可以防止最终选择孔多塞失败者和被其他所有可能的结果帕雷托占优出现。

    Sequential voting and vote-trading prevent the selection of Condorcet losers and universally Pareto-dominated outcomes .

  4. 逾15%的英国大股东都打算投票反对该交易。

    More than 15 per cent of large UK shareholders intend to vote against the deal .

  5. 最终,苏格兰皇家银行94.5%的股东都投票支持这笔交易。

    In the end , 94.5 per cent of RBS shareholders voted in favour of the deal .

  6. 这宗预定在未来两周内交由股东投票的友好交易,无法与皮博迪的敌意收购同时推进。

    That friendly transaction , due to go to a shareholder vote within the next fortnight , cannot proceed in tandem with Peabody 's unfriendly one .

  7. 小心谨慎的中西部议员组成了“15成员团队”,并表示他们不会投票支持限额交易体系,除非经济萎靡降低对他们选民造成的影响。

    The " Gang of15 ", a group composed mostly of wary Midwestern senators , say they will not vote for cap-and-trade unless their concerns about the economic impacts on their constituents can be assuaged .

  8. 如果控制着10%以上股份的股东投票反对,那么交易也将失败。

    A deal will also fail if shareholders controlling more than 10 per cent of shares vote against it .

  9. 如果拥有超过三分之二投票权的股东投票反对,那么交易可能被否决。

    It could be blocked if holders of more than two-thirds of voting rights represented are against it .

  10. 我们还评估了一系列针对全民公决中投票人偏好不可分割这一问题的解决方案,包括对一个问题集合进行投票、贯序投票、以及投票交易等。

    We evaluate potential solutions to the problem of nonseparable preferences in referendums , including set-wise voting , sequential voting , and vote-trading .