
tiē xiàn
  • discount;discount on a promissory note
贴现 [tiē xiàn]
  • [discount on a promissory note] 以未到期票据向银行通融资金,银行扣取自提款日至到期日的利息后以票面余额付给持票人

贴现[tiē xiàn]
  1. 一些经济学家和地球之友(FriendsoftheEarth)等环保组织喜欢用零贴现率,从经济角度而言使子孙的灾难成本和我们的灾难成本一样大。

    A zero discount rate , favoured by some economists and campaigners such as Friends of the Earth , would make their distress the same as our distress in economic terms .

  2. IPO的估值方法大致可以分为三种:可比公司法、现金流量贴现法和经济收益附加值法。

    There are three approaches of valuing IPOs , Comparable Firms approach , Discount Cash Flow approach and Economic Value-Added approach .

  3. 诉讼掮客问题刍议关于EVA贴现模型的探讨

    A Discussion on the Issue of Litigation Broker

  4. 本文对FIDIC合同条款中的价格贴现与调整进行了分析。

    This article analyzed price discount and adjustment in FIDIC contract clause .

  5. 目前股权估值模型很多,有现金流贴现法、EVA方法、市盈率模型以及市净率模型等等。

    There are many valuation models such as CDF , EVA model , P / E model and P / B model etc.

  6. 美联储还缩短了部分贴现窗口贷款期限,并提高了向银行提供隔夜资金的短期拍卖工具(termauctionfacilities)最低竞价。

    The Fed also shortened the term of some discount window loans and raised the minimum bid in the term auction facilities it uses to supply overnight funds to banks .

  7. “项目的末尾”的确是这个解决方案预期生命的最后阶段,r代表贴现率,或者这个项目的要求回报率。

    Where the " end of the project " is really the lifespan of the solution and r is the discount rate , or required rate of return , of the project .

  8. 贴现现金流(DCF)就是公司的价值所在。

    Discounted Cash Flow ( DCF ) will always tell you what a company is worth .

  9. 但一旦设在了这里,它们为何不向商业银行领域扩张,以充分利用存款保险公共保障制度与美联储(Fed)的贴现窗口呢?

    But once here , why would they not expand into commercial banking , to gain full access to the public safety net of deposit insurance and the Federal Reserve discount window ?

  10. 对优化方案敏感性影响显著的参数主要包括:疫苗保护率、疫苗接种率、HBV感染费、贴现率、疫苗接种费和HBV感染率等。

    For the optimal program , the sensitivity parameters are vaccine protection rate , vaccine inoculation rate , HBV infection fee , discount rate , HBV infection rate and vaccination fee . 5 .

  11. 目前企业在进行技术创新项目的评估时,所采用的大都是贴现净现值法,即NPV法。

    Currently , when the enterprises value the technique innovation items , they like to use the Discounted-Cash-Flow method , namely NPV method .

  12. 现行的企业价值评估方法主要有四类:现金流贴现法、相对价值评估方法、经济增加值(EVA)评估方法和实物期权评估方法。

    Now there are four main methods of company evaluation : Discounted Cash Flow method , Relative Company Evaluation method , Economic Value Added ( EVA ) method and Practical Option method .

  13. 文章首先对以预期现金流为基础的企业价值测算方法进行了介绍,并重点论证了贴现现金流法(DCF法)和经济增加值法(EVA法)在本质上的一致性。

    This dissertation given a introduce of the measurement of expected cash flow based enterprise value first , and demonstrated essential uniformity of DCF method and EVA method emphatically .

  14. 欧元问世后,商业银行可在欧洲央行(ecb)的贴现窗口,为自己所持有的政府债券进行再融资,而监管者认为这些债券是无风险的。

    After the euro came into force , commercial banks could refinance their holdings of government bonds at the discount window of the European Central Bank and regulators treated such bonds as riskless .

  15. 结果表明,在不考虑环境成本的情况下,如果贴现率保持在8%以内,CNG公交车生命周期成本均低于柴油车;

    The results show that , the LCC of CNG powered bus is less than diesel bus if discount rate is below 8 % and environmental cost is not included ;

  16. 即使aig和贝尔斯登的股东失去了大部分股权,也比高盛(goldmansachs)和摩根士丹利(morganstanley)以极低的利率获得贴现和其它支持的情况要好。

    Even AIG and Bear Stearns shareholders losing most of their equity was preferable to Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley gaining access to the discount window and other support at a knock-down rate .

  17. 大量损失主要发生在8月17日这天。当天,美联储(Fed)出人意外地将其贴现利率下调50个基点,促使全球市场扭转跌势,强劲反弹。

    Most of the big losses were incurred on Friday August 17 , when the US Federal Reserve unexpectedly announced a cut in its discount rate of 50 basis points , causing global markets to rally sharply out of a downtrend .

  18. 首先,BGG模型中在对资产价格定价时,使用的是现金流贴现法。

    First , in the BGG model , discounted-cash-flow method is used to price assets .

  19. ifc表示,这个贴现票据项目将帮助其分散资金来源,同时测试本币市场的市场基础设施。

    The IFC said the discount note programme would help it to diversify its funding sources , while also testing market infrastructure in the local currency market .

  20. 2007-08年的危机毁掉了这种微妙的平衡,不仅迫使欧洲各国政府出手纾困大银行,还迫使美联储(fed)向高盛和摩根士丹利(morganstanley)敞开贴现窗口、为它们提供保护。

    The 2007-08 crisis destroyed that delicate balance , not only making European governments rescue large banks but leading to the US Federal Reserve extending the protection of its discount window to Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley .

  21. 在这样的条件下,利用Gerber-Shiu贴现罚函数推导出了保险公司的破产概率。

    An expression of ruin probability in this situation is derived from discussing the Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function .

  22. 相对于市盈率、股息贴现模型等传统的投资价值分析方法,EVA有许多优点,能够更为准确地反映公司股票的真实价值。

    To proceed the investment value of the listed companies with the EVA theory compare with Price-earnings ratio and Dividends - discounts model of the traditional profits index can accurately reflect the true value of the companies .

  23. 提出了重复和无限重复流速与拥塞控制博弈模型,论证了重复博弈NEP的存在性和最优性,讨论了重复博弈中贴现因子的意义;

    Subsequently , repeated and infinite repeated flow and congestion control game model is presented . The existence and optimization of the Nash equilibrium point is proved .

  24. 股权自由现金流(FCFE)贴现模型在上市公司价值评估中的应用

    The Use of FCFE Discount Model in Evaluation of the Value of the Companies in Stock Market

  25. 是的,这是一项十分糟糕的投资:如果你拿出计算器,运行任何一个受MBA们推崇的贴现现金流计算公式,你就会发现很难得出一个正值。

    Yes , it 's a terrible investment : if you get out your calculator and run one of those discounted cash flow calculations that MBAs favour , you 'll find it hard to come up with a positive number .

  26. 在现金流贴现估价模型中,股权自由现金流(FCFE)是一个更好的预期现金流量。

    Free cash flow of equity capital is a better-predicted cash flow in the cash flow discount model .

  27. 而在西方MBO实践操作中,经常采用的一种估价方法是现金流贴现估价模型,它以一种全面而又简明的方式,囊括了影响公司价值的因素。

    While in west countries , the DCF ( Discount of cash flow ) model is widely used in MBO practice . The model uses a comprehensive and simple way to take most factors that affects the company value into consideration .

  28. 本文的结论是在静态博弈条件下企业的Cartel联盟不具有稳定性条件,在重复博弈条件下,企业在合作均衡与竞争均衡之间的选择取决于贴现因子的大小。

    The result of the paper is the cartel alliance has no stable promise in the condition of the static game , the choose between the cooperative equilibrium and competitive equilibrium is decided by the numbers of the discount rate .

  29. 本文通过对Ohlson模型的再推导,再现了Ohlson模型构建过程中的基本假设,及其与股利贴现模型等价的基本思路。

    We deduce Ohlson Model again , which reappear basic assumptions of the model , in the process of building and its dividend discount model equivalent basic ideas .

  30. 传统的房地产价值评估NPV方法,对未来预期收益进行时间价值贴现,根据贴现后的现值来评估资产价值,认为资产收益或价格的不确定性因素造成资产价值损失,并忽略资产管理的灵活性价值。

    The traditional NPV method discounts the future expected returns and makes evaluations on current asset value . It advocates that uncertainties in the future capital returns or prices will cause value deduction , and neglects the value of flexibility in asset management .