
  1. 投资宏观调控的决策模型:从区域乘数效应角度

    Study on the macro-adjustment decision-making models of investment from the area multiplier effect

  2. 我国外商直接投资宏观调控法律问题研究

    Study of Legal Issue on Macro Control of Foreign Direct Investment in China

  3. 依据现实调整目标优化投资宏观调控

    Optimizing Investment Macro Control Through Object Adjustment

  4. 论现实基础上的投资宏观调控手段

    Macrocontrol Investment Based on Reality

  5. 健全投资宏观调控体系,改进调控方式,完善调控手段。

    Finally , we want to establish a macro-control mechanism for investment and improve control methods and measures .

  6. 我认为,要在现实基础上促动和完善投资宏观调控,就要明确和解决以下诸方面相辅相承的问题,它们就是构成该理论框架的依据。

    I think that promoting and optimizing IMAC on the base of reality demands to clear and solve the following complementary problems , which make up the frame .

  7. 最后从经济学角度对控制结果进行了解释,从而为房地产投资宏观调控政策的制定提供了有益的理论指导。

    Finally , the control results are explained from the angle of economics , which can provide beneficial theoretical guidance for the formulation of macro-regulation and control policy of real estate investment .

  8. 最后,分析了我国现行外资立法方面存在的缺陷,提出了我国需要尽快出台一部《外商直接投资宏观调控法》以及完善我国外资立法的其它方面的几点建议。

    Then , the author analyzes the deficiencies of laws and rules of foreign funds and proposes several suggestions cm perfecting the legislation of foreign funds and promotes the Law of Macro control of FDI at last .

  9. 经济评价作为项目前期评价工作的重要内容之一,对于加强固定资产投资宏观调控,优化投资结构,规避投资风险,充分发挥投资效益,都具有十分重要的作用。

    Hence , as one of the main contents of project pre-evaluation work , economic evaluation is very important for improving macroeconomic control of fixed assets , optimizing the investment structure , avoiding the risk of investment , and fully strengthening the benefits of investment .

  10. 对我国农户投资行为宏观调控的探讨

    The Research of Farmers Investment Behaviour Macro & control

  11. 关于加强固定资产投资结构宏观调控的见解

    The opinion about strengthening macroscopic adjustment and control to the structure of investment in fixed assets

  12. 市场规制、国家投资、宏观调控不同类型的经济法,其责任各具差异性。

    Market regulation , state investment , and macro-control of different types of economy have different responsibilities .

  13. 固定资产投资是宏观调控的切入点与着力点,是宏观经济增长的主要力量。

    Fixed assets investment ( FAI ), which is the major force of macroeconomic growth , is the point cut and origin of force of the macroeconomic control .

  14. 但劳动力市场的发育和成长与其他生产要素市场相比还比较缓慢,在市场机制、秩序、管理、投资及宏观调控等方面存在不足。

    But the cultivation and development of the labor market fall behind those of the market of other essential production factors . There exist some defects in the labor market concerning market mechanism , management and order , investment and macro adjustment and control .

  15. 文章对近几年来我国在财政、信贷和投资的宏观调控方面的失误进行了实证分析,同时对量入为出的财政原则、中央银行的双项目标控制做法等提出了不同看法。

    Practical analysis is mede on the defects in the macrocontrol of public finance , loansand investment in China , and different views are also expressed to the financial principle of " expenditure according to revenue " and the practices of " dual targets control " .

  16. 公共投资作为国家宏观调控的组成部分之一,对于稳定和推动一国(地区)经济发展起着至关重要的作用,但同时也成为各国区域经济发展差距拉大的因素之一。

    Public investment is the organic component of national macroeconomic policy system , it plays a vital role in the economy and also widened the disparity of regional economic development .

  17. 电解铝行业投资过热问题与宏观调控

    Investment Overheating Issue and Macro-Control in Electrolytic Aluminium Industry

  18. 因此,调节投资已经成为宏观经济调控的主要政策之一。

    And regulating investment has become one of the main policies of macro control .

  19. 政府投资是国家宏观经济调控的必要手段,在社会投资和资源配置中起重要的宏观导向作用。

    The government investment is the essential method for regulating national macroscopic economy , and takes on important macroscopic guidance role in social investment and resources distribution .

  20. 2004年以来国家对固定资产投资规模实行了宏观调控,这一政策实施后对新疆固定资产投资产生了较大的影响,使新疆投资增长速度明显放缓。

    The macro-regulation policy on the scale of investment in fixed assets implemented by China since the year 2004 has brought a great influence on investments in fixed assets in Xinjiang and slowed down the investment rate in fixed assets apparently in Xinjiang .

  21. 政府综合运用产业政策和财政货币金融手段,对石油、石化投资总量和投资结构实行宏观调控和引导;加快培育和完善石油工业的国家投资主体;

    The government should apply industry policy and financial monetary means to adjust the macro-control , the direction of petroleum & petrochemical investment and the investment structure ;

  22. 在这一过程中,政府研究、制定和实施国家鼓励对外投资政策,对海外投资活动进行宏观调控,以及促进我国经济长远发展和国家经济安全等都起到了积极作用。

    During this process , the government studies , drafts and implements policy of encouraging foreign investment on national level and carries on the macroscopic regulation to it , which plays a positive role in promoting development of China 's economy in the long run and the state economy security .

  23. 建立农业投资项目管理信息系统是农业投资项目信息化管理的重要内容,也是建设国家宏观投资预警信息系统、进一步完善投资宏观调控机制的迫切需要。

    Establishment of agricultural sci-tech investment projects management information system is an important content of informatization management of agricultural investment project , and also is an urgent requirement of constructing the national macroscopic investment early warning information system and making further perfection of macroscopic investment controlling mechanism .