
  • 网络Multiple barriers;Multiple Disabilities;Quad;mutiple combination,dbstacle;multiple combination,obstacle
  1. 在NRC的世界里,这些都是多重障碍,对于公众暴露和公众危险来说。

    So in the NRC world these are the multiple barriers to public exposure and public risk .

  2. 在CAFTA内,实现律师服务贸易自由化存在法律壁垒等多重障碍。

    In CAFTA , there are many obstacles in realizing the trade liberalization of legal service , like the law barriers .

  3. 论我国教师专业发展的多重障碍

    On Many Obstacles to Teachers ' Professional Development in China

  4. 后者包括人力资本缺乏和下岗失业人员再就业存在多重障碍。

    The latter includes the lack of human resource and reemployment obstacles .

  5. 尽管篮球在中国增长的潜力看起来无穷无尽,但是这项运动的发展在当地仍然面临多重障碍。

    While the potential for basketball growth in China can seem limitless , the sport still faces numerous roadblocks there .

  6. 尽管中国曾对美国的投资壁垒提出抱怨,但北京方面意识到,在会上提出这样的抱怨,将引发美方的强烈反弹:在美国看来,外国企业在华开展业务面临多重障碍。

    While the Chinese have complained about investment barriers , Beijing recognises raising such complaints would draw a strong push back about what the US regards as multiple obstacles to foreign companies doing business in China .

  7. 数据驱动语料库资源及其分析软件的知识产权保护,以及语料库数据驱动分析技术应用的复杂性,给这一技术在科技翻译教学中的推广和普及造成多重障碍。

    The complexities in designing corpus-based teaching aids and the stringent policies on the protection of intellectual property makes it hard for teachers to make use of the technology in the teaching of science and technology translation .

  8. 我国目前在建立违宪审查制度时存在多重障碍,直接影响了违宪审查制度的确立。

    Through thinking about the historical sources , subject and procedure etc , which on the system of unconstitutional review of China at present , we find some barriers . And the barriers could directly influence the establishment .

  9. 结论聋生中存在一定比例的有听力、智力、行为问题等双重或多重障碍的学生,行为问题以情绪问题为主;

    Conclusions got from the research was as follows . There were certain proportions of double or multiple disorders on audition , intelligence and behavior problems of deaf students , among the behavior problems the emotion problem was primary .

  10. 视觉障碍的程度、性质、时间,多重障碍的兼有以及入学年龄、文化背景等都构成个体间不同的差异,并引发不同的教育需要,影响着教学的各个方面;

    The differences of visually impaired individuals were not only varied but complex in the degree of impairment , nature , time , cultural background and the presence of other disabilities , which all brought out different special educational needs and influenced the teaching process .

  11. 非定常激波在多重矩形障碍物中传播的数值模拟

    The Numerical Simulation for an Unsteady Shock Wave Sweeping Over Multiple Obstacles

  12. 尽管发展小额贷款公司符合多方利益,但作为新型的机构小额贷款公司在现实中面临着多重法律障碍。

    The small loan company meets the interests of multi aspects , but as a new organization , the small loan company has met many legal difficulties in reality .

  13. 当演员们想增加赢得奥斯卡或艾美奖的机会时,他们通常会扮演患有多重人格障碍的角色,以使他们的演技得到淋漓尽致的发挥。

    When actors want to increase their chances of winning an Oscar or an Emmy , they will often take a role as a character with a multiple-personality disorder , allowing them to chew the scenery with abandon .

  14. 多重业务的迅速发展和其拥有的多媒体、互动等新特征,使宽带网络难以有效地实现统一承载,并进而成为多重业务发展的障碍。

    With the rapid development of multi-play services with new characteristics like multimedia and interactivity , it is difficult for the present broadband networks to carry them effectively .