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  1. B:太棒了。你知道,我们中国的古诗真的很棒。我们应该多学点。

    B : Fantastic . You know , our Chinese ancient poems are really great.We should learn more .

  2. 充分利用你们的青春时光多学点东西。

    Make full use of your youth to learn more knowledge .

  3. 我想尽可能多学一些关于这个行业的知识,让自己更有备无患。

    I want to learn as much as possible about the industry so that I 'm better prepared

  4. 她还想尽可能多学几门外语。

    She also wants to learn as many foreign languages as possible .

  5. 教员B:也许我们应该多学学二年级学生。

    Staff B : Well , maybe we should all try to be more like second-graders .

  6. 此番他接受了《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournal)的采访,一边用如恩的杯子喝着港式奶茶,一边谈论了重新定义“中国制造”、与妻子的合作以及成为当代博才多学之人等问题。

    Over a cup of Hong Kong-style milk tea served in a Neri & Hu cup , Mr. Neri spoke to the Journal about redefining ' Made in China , ' collaborating with his spouse , and being a modern-day Renaissance man .

  7. 一个人应该趁着年轻的时候多学点东西。

    One should try to learn more when one is young .

  8. 人们并不鼓励从小多学知识。

    To acquire academic skills at early ages was not encouraged .

  9. 哈,看到了吧,多学一门语言多么重要!

    Ah , see how important to learn another language !

  10. 有点想,多学点有用的东西!

    What I need is learn more useful things about the work !

  11. 我得多学一些菜的做法。

    I have to learn how to make more dish .

  12. 我宁愿接受少一点的薪水而在新岗位上多学点东西。

    I prefer to learn more in a new position .

  13. 事实上,她出不想再多学一些。

    In fact , she didn 't want to learn more too .

  14. 多学学电脑、手艺、园艺等等。

    Learn more about the computer , crafts , gardening , whatever .

  15. 那会努力我去多学中文。

    This will help motivate me to learn chinese .

  16. 我很愿意帮助你生活得更好一点儿,多学一点儿知识。

    I 'd love to help you live and learn a little better .

  17. 所以你们应该尽量多学些语言。

    That 's why you should learn as many words as you can .

  18. 多学一点知识是唯一的回答。

    To get more knowledge is the only answer .

  19. 多学点英语是非常有用的。

    Much exposure to English can help a lot .

  20. 我们要多学知识以便能面对各种困难。

    We must learn more to enable us to face all the difficulties .

  21. 以防万一,我也要多学一下法律。

    So I had to study the law in case I 'd get busted .

  22. 你应多学点,不要少学。

    You should study more , not less .

  23. 然后我们一块学习了整整一周,每天还多学一小时。

    So we worked for a full week , an extra hour every day .

  24. 多学科协同化方法在油田开发方案中的应用

    Application of Multidisciplinary Coordination in Oilfield Development Plan

  25. 他认为如果年轻人能够多学新技能。

    He felt that if the young man were able to learn new skills .

  26. 所以你要多学一些牛顿力学的知识

    So you 're gonna need to know a lot about Newton for this .

  27. 我想多学点东西。

    I want to learn a lot .

  28. M:学习学习再学习,我想多学点东西。

    M : Study , study , study . I want to learn a lot .

  29. 我还多学了一门手艺呢。

    We also learned a skill .

  30. 留学生顾问劝告她入大学前多学点英语。

    The foreign student advisor recommended that she study more English before enrolling at the university .