
  • 网络investment expenditure;capital investment
  1. 论我国公共财政条件下的财政投资支出

    On the Financial Investment Expenditure Under the Condition of Public Finance in China

  2. 因此,财政投资支出的领域也应该是市场不能有效发挥作用的领域。

    Therefore , the area of financial investment expenditure is where the market functions inefficiently .

  3. 有报道称,奥巴马团队正考虑推出一份价值6750亿美元至7750亿美元的财政刺激方案,占美国国内生产总值(GDP)的5%至6%,方案可能包括大规模的长期投资支出。

    Mr Obama 's team is reportedly considering a fiscal stimulus worth $ 675bn - $ 775bn , or 5-6 per cent of US gross domestic product , likely to include substantial long-term investment spending .

  4. 实证上采用VAR模型分析,结果发现公共支出降低了地区经济基尼系数,公共投资支出是西部地区资本形成的重要力量。

    Empirical analysis using VAR model found that public spending reduced the Gini coefficient of regional economy , and public investment spending is a major force in capital formation in the western regions .

  5. 渣打银行(standardchartered)昨日表示,来自各地的收入均呈现强劲增长,但这家新兴市场银行补充道,进一步的投资支出意味着,上半年的成本增长可能超过收入增长。

    Standard Chartered , the emerging markets bank , yesterday pointed to strong income growth across its territories but added that further investment spending meant that cost growth would outstrip income growth in the first half of the year .

  6. “上个月海外对中国产品的需求仍然疲弱,虽然名义投资支出上升,但我们还没有看到它产生实质影响的迹象,”资本经济(capitaleconomics)的马克威廉姆斯(markwilliams)说。

    " Overseas demand for Chinese products remained weak last month and while investment spending is picking up on paper , we have yet to see signs of it making a difference on the ground , " said Mark Williams at capital economics .

  7. 巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)驻法兰克福的经济学家托尔斯腾波雷特(thorstenpolleit)表示:“德国制造商不仅受益于世界其他地区(尤其是亚洲)的资本支出,也越来越多地受益于国内公司投资支出的提高。”

    Thorsten polleit , economist at Barclays Capital in Frankfurt , said : " German manufacturers are not only benefiting from capital spending in other regions of the world , especially Asia , but increasingly from domestic firms ramping up their investment outlays . "

  8. 职工家庭支出包括消费和投资支出,消费首先是物质消费,其次是精神文化消费。

    The family expenditure includes that of consuming and investing .

  9. 更多的投资支出又意味着使用更加先进的机器和设备。

    More investment spending implies the use of more sophisticated equipment and machinery .

  10. 但是推动国内支出,尤其是消费和投资支出,是至关重要的。

    But boosting domestic spending , especially for consumption and investment , is vital .

  11. 市场结构、投资支出与经济增长

    Market Structure , Investment and Economic Growth

  12. 上市公司投资支出与融资约束敏感性研究

    Research on the Sensitivity between Financial Constraint and Investment Expenditure of Listed Companies in China

  13. IT业上市公司投资支出与内部现金流量敏感性研究

    Research on the Sensitivity between Investment Expenditure and Internal Cash Flow of IT Listed Companies

  14. 但该组织表示,这一预测的前提是中国采取进一步行动限制投资支出。

    But it said this estimate assumed China took further action to curb investment spending .

  15. 在公共财政条件下,财政投资支出的必要性在于存在市场失灵,因为市场失灵的领域需要政府干预,财政投资支出是政府众多干预手段中的一种。

    The necessarily of financial investment expenditure lies in the existence of " market malfunction " .

  16. 政府消费支出具有很强的生产性,与投资支出相比更能促进经济增长的实证性结论。

    Compared with government investment , the government consumption can contribute more to the economy growth .

  17. 股票市场发展与企业投资支出研究

    A Study on Development of Stock Market and Enterprise Investment Expenditure Based on the Perspective of Effective Demand

  18. 对于项目投资者,他们面临着投资支出可能超过建成项目价值的巨大风险。

    For the project investors , they face great risk that investment expenditure may be more than project value .

  19. 从政府投资支出转向政府消费支出是政府职能转变的重要标志。

    The transformation from the governmental investment spending into the governmental consumption spending marks the transformation of governmental function .

  20. 新农村建设投资支出对陕西经济增长的贡献率研究

    The Research on the Contribution Rate of the New Village Construction Investment Expenditure to the Shaanxi Provincial Economic Growth

  21. 奥斯本应进一步削减目前的开支,腾出资金用于加大投资支出,以支持建筑业。

    To support construction , Mr Osborne should bring forward investment spending , cutting current expenditure harder to make room .

  22. 鉴于出口和投资支出呈现走软迹象,目前有一些证据表明中国经济已经开始放缓尽管这些证据参差不齐。

    There is some , albeit mixed , evidence of this already , with exports and investment spending showing softer tones .

  23. 现在你能否更好地解释这一点,另外今后一两年你们是否还会做出类似的投资支出?

    Can you better explain that , and should investors expect similar expenditures in a year from now , or two ?

  24. 保护好消费生态环境,可以减少无效消费支出和投资支出,并为可持续性消费行为奠定基础。

    To protect well consumer ecological environment can reduce futile consumer expense and investment expense and lay foundation for sustainable consumer behaviour .

  25. 市值之所以增加,是因为收购消除了这笔不利于公司市值的100万美元的内部投资支出。

    The market value increases because the acquisition eliminates the expenditures on internal investments with negative market value of $ 100 million .

  26. 另外,国外学者还针对企业资产剥离后投资支出的变化,就资产剥离所得资金的应用做了深入研究。

    Furthermore , some scholars study the use of proceeds from divestitures through the change of post-sale capital expenditures of divesting firms .

  27. 第一步,实证检验股价信息含量对企业投资支出的引导作用。

    In the first step , it takes the empirical test on the guiding role of stock price informativeness in corporate investment spending .

  28. 结果表明,在控制衡量偏误的影响下,投资支出仍然对现金流非常敏感。

    The result shows that investment is still sensitive to the cash flow even when we control the measure error of Tobin 's Q.

  29. 实证结果表明,在国有股比例低的公司中,高负债抑制了高增长性企业的投资支出;

    As reflected , in terms of a high - growth company of small state stake , high liabilities prove a hurdle to investment .

  30. 近二十年来的国内外财务研究表明,企业投资支出与内部现金流存在显著相关关系。

    The overseas and domestic financial studies in the recent twenty years have both certified significant correlations between corporate investments and internal cash flows .