
  • 网络Projective test;TAT
  1. 团体个性投射测验(GPPT)的初步试测报告

    Study on the Group Personality Projective Test in China

  2. 历史上罗夏墨迹测验(RIM)一直被视为投射测验而用精神分析的理论解释它,使其偏离了客观化的发展方向。

    In history , the Rorschach Ink-Blot Method ( RIM ) has always been considered as a projective test , so its interpretations were mainly based on Psychoanalytic Theory , which had deviated from its original objective direction .

  3. 目的:对团体个性投射测验(GPPT)进行项目分析,检验其在我国的可应用性。

    Objective : To make the item analysis of the Group Personality Projective Test ( GPPT ) and test its adaptation in China .

  4. 介绍两种动机测验及其形式:1)多元动机测验(MMG)及其半投射测验形式和网格技术,它综合了投射测验和问卷的优点;

    This article introduces two new motivation tests , their forms , and the technologies they use as well . One is Multi-Motive Grid , the form of which is semi-projective , and the technology it uses is the grid technology which has the advantages of TAT and questionnaire .

  5. 一个团体投射测验的介绍

    An Introduction to Group Personality Projective Test

  6. 问卷测验、投射测验及情境测验是心理学中齐名的三大测验技术。

    Queslionnaire test , projective test and situation test are three test technologies in Psychology .

  7. 通过时间透视投射测验和修订后的主动性人格量表考察高低主动性人格的时间观。

    This paper conducted a perspective projective test with respect to the time perspective and proactive personality .

  8. 犯罪行为决策的研究方法主要采用心理物理法、过程追踪法、访谈法、投射测验法和犯罪统计法等。

    The research methods include psychophysical method , process tracing , interview , projective testing , and crime statistics , etc.

  9. 罗夏墨迹测验是迄今为止应用最广泛的投射测验,也是极其重要的非结构化人格测验之一。

    Rorschach Inkblot Test is the most popular projective test , which is also one of the most important personality tests .

  10. 其在现代心理测验中最主要的投射测验,其主要功能就是测试被测的人格特征。

    It was chiefly projective test in modern psychological test , and its main function was to test the personality characteristics .

  11. 运用成就动机问卷和投射测验研究了大学生的成就动机和成功恐惧。

    This research used a questionnaire of achievement motivation and projective technique to examine university students ' achievement motivation and fear of success .

  12. 人格测量主要有投射测验、自陈量表、主体测验、行为评估技术等。

    The assessment of character is consisted of projective tests , self-report scale , the main tests , behavioral assessment technology and so on .

  13. 本研究采用投射测验,通过集体开放式问卷的形式来比较工读学生和普通学生攻击性行为归因方式的特点。

    Using the approaches of Projective Technique in the form of collective questionnaires , this paper aims to examine the comparation between the attribution style on aggressive behaviors of Gong-du and normal students .

  14. 根据访谈和统合型房树人投射测验结果,可从另一个侧面说明犯罪青少年存在人格缺陷及心理问题。

    According to interviews and Synthetic House-Tree-Person Technique results may be from another perspective , the existence of young offenders personality defects and psychological problems . 8 . the characteristics of juvenile delinquency are : ⑴ .

  15. 在研究一的基础上,研究二运用投射测验法、问卷调查法和个案访谈法,探究自杀意念高中生在时间维度上对自我的认知。

    Based on the first research , the second part applied the methods of projective tests , questionnaire survey and casework interviews to explore the characteristics of temporal self-cognition of senior middle school students who have suicidal ideation .

  16. 本研究是第一次用投射测验的方法对成人依恋进行测量,从测验设计到结果解释,都具有先创性,为心理测量或者心理咨询提供了考察成人依恋的新方法。

    This study is the first time the method of using projective test to measure adult attachment , the results from tests designed to explain all have first-invasive , measurement , or counseling for the psychological study provides a new method of adult attachment .