
  • 网络test construction;Construction of test
  1. 探索性因素分析在测验编制中局限性的模拟实验

    A Monte Carlo study of the limitation of exploratory factor analysis in test construction

  2. 认知诊断作为新-代的测量理论,强调认知心理学对测验编制的指导作用。

    As a new tendency of measure theory , cognitive diagnostic assessment ( CDA ) emphasizes the role that cognitive psychology played in test construction .

  3. 项目反应理论(itemresponsetheory,IRT)也称潜在特质理论,是一种现代心理测量理论,其意义在于可以指导项目筛选和测验编制。

    Item response theory ( IRT ), also known as latent trait theory , is a modern psychological measurement theory , which can guide the item selection and test preparation .

  4. 基于IRT指导的标准参照测验编制的算法设计

    Design of the Algorithmic for Criterion-referenced Combination Based on Item Response Theory

  5. 结论:CISA的信度与效度均符合测量学的要求,达到了测验编制的预期目的。

    Conclusion : The reliability and validity of CISA were satisfactory .

  6. 幼儿教师胜任力行为情景判断测验编制

    The Construction of Situational Judgment Test for Competencies of Kindergarten Teacher

  7. 对问卷调查结果进行了信效度检验,其结果基本达到测验编制的要求。

    The reliability and validity of the investigation have been tested and the result basically meets the test requirements .

  8. 本实验将计算能力的纸笔测验编制成复杂的计算机程序,使测验的刺激呈现、结果记录和数据处理等全山计算机自动控制。

    With an elaborately-worked-out program , a computer automatically controlled the re-cording of results and the processing of datain this experiment .

  9. 我国中学生职业兴趣的特点与测验编制

    Characteristics of vocational interest of Chinese high school students and the development of interest scale for their college entrance and career guidance

  10. 首先,根据测量目标由测验编制者提出一组可能的线性拟合模型,拟合模型的集合称作测量目标结构空间。

    First , according to the measure aim , the test constructor raised a certain set including various possible fitting models which is called Criterion Structure Space .

  11. 本文主要用模拟研究的方法,通过生成拟合优度验证性因素分析的数据,来考察探索性因素分析在测验编制中的局限性。

    This article , using well - fitted Monte Carlo data produced by confirmatory factor analysis , intends to inspect the limitation of exploratory factory analysis in test construction .

  12. 本研究是知识空间理论和规则空间模型的结合在语言测验编制中的首次运用,笔者期待研究结果能为今后语言能力测验的编制提供新的思路和一定的经验。

    This study combined Knowledge Space Theory and RSM for the first time in language test construction . I expect the findings will offer some new ideas and for language test construction in the future .

  13. 对结果进行内部一致性信度和分半信度检验,使用验证性因素分析进行信效度检验,结果表明问卷的信度和效度都基本达到测验编制的要求。

    The results of internal consistency reliability and split-half reliability test , using confirmatory factor analysis reliability and validity , the questionnaire results showed that the reliability and validity of test preparation are essential to achieve the requirements .

  14. 基于PASS模型的计算机施测智力测验题编制的研究

    Research on Item Designing of Intelligence Test Based on Pass Model and Computer Administrating

  15. 基于IRT的三年级数学成就测验的编制

    Construction of Mathematics Achievement Test for Grade 3rd in IRT

  16. 3~4年级语文基本技能测验的编制

    Construction of Chinese Basic Skill Test for 3 ~ 4 Grades

  17. 4-6年级多重成就测验的编制II:信度考验

    Multiple Achievement Tests for Pupils of Grades 4-6 II : Rialibility

  18. 小学生写作能力测验的编制报告

    The Information about the Test of the Pupil 's Writing Ability

  19. 非词复述测验的编制和初步分析

    The Development and Primary Analysis of the Test of Nonword Repetition

  20. 记忆广度团体纸笔测验的编制

    Digit span test performed with paper and pencil in groups

  21. 3-4年级多项学习能力倾向测验的编制

    Development of Multiple Scholastic Aptitude Tests of Grades 3-4

  22. 工作记忆成套测验的编制及在小学生中的初步效度分析

    Development of the Working Memory Battery and Its Validity in Primary School Students

  23. 汉语阅读障碍儿童识字状况测验的编制

    The Compilation of Chinese Character Learning Test for Children with Chinese Reading Disorder

  24. 企业中层管理者一般管理素质情境判断测验的编制

    The Development of Situational Judgment Test for General Management Quality of Middle-level Managers

  25. 团体儿童智力测验的编制:目的、准则及其衡鉴

    The compiling of group intelligence test for children : its goal , criteria and evaluation

  26. 小学四、五年级数学诊断性测验的编制&基于规则空间模型的方法

    Development of Diagnostic Math Test for Grader 4 and Grader 5 based on the Rule Space Model

  27. 高血压相关基因和蛋白质数据库的初构初中生英语语音意识测验的编制与分析

    The preliminary construction of the database of hypertension related genes and proteins The Preliminary Construction and Analysis of Middle School 's Phonological Awareness Test

  28. 根据心理测验的编制原则和健康信念理论模式,编制了锻炼健康信念量表第一版。

    The Physical Exercise Health Belief Scale ( PEHBS ) was developed on the basis of the principles of developing scales and the Health Belief Model .

  29. 研究应用题的类型、结构不仅对学生学习,教师教学有帮助,也有助于数学课程的设计与测验题目编制的科学化。

    Therefore , investigating problem categories and structures not only contributes to teaching and learning , but also lays a scientific foundation for mathematical curriculum design and test construction .

  30. 在心理健康标准和心理素质标准测验的编制和具体测量中,要以心理健康标准和心理素质标准为依据,分别编制心理健康测验和心理素质测验。

    Psychology could respectively develop mental health standards and psychological diathesis standards and based on them , the compiling mental health test and psychological diathesis test could be carried out .