
  • 网络Blood sugar
  1. 手指采血测血糖的方法会引起疼痛,使病人畏惧。

    However , blood sugar check-up by finger stick causes pain and thus makes many patients withdraw .

  2. 每周采尾静脉血测血糖及尿糖,并记录24小时饮水量和尿量,连续测量3周。

    Every week , venous blood from the tails was collected to measure blood sugar and urine sugar , and24-hour drinking volume and urine volume were recorded , 3 weeks in a row .

  3. 对各组采血标本测血糖,胰岛素,C肽,血脂各项,血肌酐,血尿酸和集尿测微量白蛋白排泄量,及观察眼底视网膜等,进行统计分析处理。

    Plasma glucose , insulin , C-peptide , lipid , creatine and uric acid , and their urine samples for microalbuminuria were examined .

  4. 采空腹及早餐后2h静脉血测血糖。

    Blood glycose in limosis and at 2 h after breakfast was detected .

  5. 测血糖、肌酐清除率(Ccr)、肾肥大指数(肾重体重)的变化。

    Creatinine clearance ( Ccr ) and kidney weight to body weight were calculated .

  6. 同时测血糖、血压、血脂、身高、体重,计算腰围、臀围、体重指数、腰臀比值和胰岛素敏感指数、胰岛素抵抗性、胰岛B细胞功能。

    Meanwhile the plasma glucose , blood pressure , blood lipid , height , and weight were measured , and body mass index , waist hip ratio , insulin sensitivity index , insulin resistance and insulin B cell function were also calculated .

  7. 用ELISA法测定血清PANDER,应用全自动生化分析仪测血糖、血脂等,用化学发光法测胰岛素。

    Serum PANDER was measured by ELISA kit , blood glucose and blood lipids by automatic biochemical analyzer in all subjects , blood insulin by Chemiluminescence .

  8. 方法:尾静脉注射四氧嘧啶制作大鼠糖尿病模型,连续灌胃给Qi盐14d,葡萄糖氧化酶法测血糖。

    Blood samples were collected from tail vein and blood glucose levels were measured with glucose oxidase method after oral administration Qi salt 14 d. Glucose tolerance test was performed .

  9. 分别于第4,8,16周测血糖、血浆ET1和AngⅡ,并取主动脉作电镜观察。

    At 4,8,16 weeks after injecting STZ , glucose , plasma endothelin 1 and angiotensin ⅱ were respectively measured , and we also observed aortic endothelial cell under the electron microscope .

  10. 第5周测血糖,阿朴吗啡勃起实验后,乙醚麻醉下断头取血,分离血清,取一侧睾丸组织制成匀浆液,测定血清及组织匀浆中NO及NOS水平。

    After the apomorphines experiment , the rats were killed , blood taken from the vein , homogenate prepared from the isolated testis tissue and the level of NO and NOS in the serum and tissue homogenate surveyed , separately .

  11. 分别于缺血前、缺血30min、再灌注2h和4h由尾静脉取血,测血糖水平和血胰岛素水平。血糖检测应用葡萄糖氧化酶法,血浆胰岛素应用放免法测定。

    Blood samples were drawn from caudal vein before ischemia , 30 minutes after ischemia , 2 hours and 4 hours after reperfusion respectively to measure blood glucose and plasma insulin levels . 5 .

  12. 按葡萄糖氧化酶法测血糖,按苯酚-硫酸法测肝糖元含量。

    Blood glucose and liver glycogen were measured by GOD method and phenol_su .

  13. 方法使用小剂量短时胰岛素耐量试验所测血糖回归直线的斜率为胰岛素敏感性指标。

    Methods Using the small dose short time insulin tolerance test to determine the insulin sensitivity of patients .

  14. 成模后,每周测血糖1次,将中间死亡大鼠及血糖恢复鼠弃除。

    After success , measure glucose one time every week , the death and the blood glucose restored rats were abandoned .

  15. 每月测血糖的病人占32.9%,并且随医药费用报销比例的增长而增高。

    32 9 % of patients measured their blood glucose every month and it increased with proportion of reimbursement of medicine expenses .

  16. 不因糖尿病而缺课。总能在上学条件下为注射,测血糖和饮食作出适当的安排的。

    No absences from school just because of diabetes . Special arrangements can always be made for blood testing , insulin shots , or meals .

  17. 各实验组大鼠分别于造模前、治疗前(即造模后1周)、治疗后6周相同时间测血糖、饮水量并称量体重。

    Every group rats will be measured blood glucose , the amount of drinking water , body weight before making the model , before the treatment and after 6-week treatment .

  18. 方法:采用四氧嘧啶100mg/kg腹腔注射制备高血糖大鼠模型,血糖检测仪测血糖;

    Method : the hyperglycaemia big rat model was created by injecting alloxan ( 100mg / kg ) into abdominal cavity , to use blood glucose detection machine for detecting blood glucose ;

  19. 方法:采用四氧嘧啶诱发实验性糖尿病动物模型,用葡萄糖氧化酶法测血糖,用放射免疫法测血清胰岛素。

    Methods : Animal diabetics models were made with ip alloxan . Blood glucose was measured with glucose oxidase method ( kit ), and insulin was measured with radioimmunoassay ( kit ) .

  20. 体内实验以昆明雄性小鼠为实验对象,以取鼠尾尖血测血糖值的方法进行淀粉、蔗糖、葡萄糖耐量实验。

    Mice from Kunming were provided to extract their blood from tail top to test the tolerance of starch , sucrose and glucose according to the method of blood sugar testing in vitro .

  21. 期间对治疗显效组随机让8只鼠饮用一定时间低聚糖后,改饮冷开水,定期测血糖值,观察反弹现象。

    At this span , to investigate the rebound phenomena , taking 8 mice received cool water randomly when they had received 4 % chitooligosaccharides a period of time and measured their blood glucose at the given time .

  22. 将30只健康雄性大耳白家兔分为对照组和治疗组,前者仅给基本饲料,后者从耳缘静脉一次注射5%Alloxan140mg/kg,定期采血测血糖、血脂,定期解剖。

    30 male rabbits were divided into control group and experimental group . The former received a stock diet and the latter received alloxan ( 14 mg / kg ) in addition to stock diet . Regular detection of blood sugars , lipids and urine sugar was done .

  23. 方法:采用化学药品链脲霉素(streptozotocin)制备小鼠糖尿病模型,用葡萄糖氧化酶法测小鼠血糖含量。

    Method : Using chemicals streptozotocin prep rats diabetes model ; to measure rats blood-sugar content with glucose oxidase method ;

  24. 于服药8周后测空腹血糖(FPG)、葡萄糖耐量实验(OGTT)、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)以及中医症候的前后变化。

    After 8 weeks , the condition of FPG , OGTT , HbAlc on an empty stomach and changes of syndrome were detected .

  25. 取含有50g碳水化物的复配式粗杂粮制成馒头,50g葡萄糖为对照物,10名志愿者测空腹血糖后,服用2种食品,测定3h内不同时间的血糖水平,依照Wolver方法计算食物的GI值。

    Choose 10 volunteers to ingest 50g glucose and ingest the steamed bread of mixed grains which imply 50g carbohydrate the second day . Limosis blood glucose and blood glucose levels during the subsequent 3 hours were determined . Calculating the GI according to the Wolver ′ s method .

  26. 第30天尾部采血测空腹血糖;

    At the30th day , the fasting blood sugar was determined ;

  27. 将本室研制的胰岛素滴鼻剂滴入糖尿病大鼠的鼻腔后,在不同时间测其血糖浓度。

    After the insulin naristillae made by our dePartment , was dripped into the nasal cavities of 13 diabetic rats , their blood sugar concentrations were determined at various intervals .

  28. 方法用美国OneTouchⅡ血糖仪测定末梢血、静脉血及用己糖激酶法测静脉血血糖浓度。

    Method determine vein and peripheral blood sugar by one touch II blood sugar device , and compare with vein blood sugar measured by hexokinase method .

  29. 记录体重指数(BMI),测血脂、血糖。

    Body mass index were recorded .

  30. 但血糖仪测静脉全血糖可靠性较差,宜适用于监测毛细血管血糖。

    But it is suitable for CBG monitoring due to relatively poor reliability .