
cè liánɡ yuán
  • surveyor;measurer
  1. 生存的尴尬&浅析卡夫卡《城堡》中土地测量员K的形象

    Embarrassment of Survival & Kafka 's Characterization of K , the Land Surveyor in The Castle

  2. 对《城堡》主人公土地测量员K的形象剖析有助于揭开《城堡》的重重迷雾。

    An analysis of K , the land surveyor in The Castle will help to rid the dense fog that shrouds the novel .

  3. 它给测量员、工程师、制图师和科学家提供了便利的保存、搜索和交互高解析CAD和GIS制图产品。

    It supplies surveyors , engineers , cartographers , and scientists with the ability to conveniently store , search , and exchange high-resolution CAD and GIS mapping products .

  4. 法官安德鲁·舒尔曼(AndrewSchulman)说,他还获准聘请一名测量员,让他“安心”。

    also was given permission to hire a surveyor to give him " peace of mind , " Judge Andrew Schulman said .

  5. (英国)皇家特许测量员协会(RICS)更近一期的统计数据勾画了一副同样乐观的市景。

    More recent statistics from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ( RICS ) paint an equally bullish picture .

  6. 测量员对我们的房子做出了估价。

    Surveyors carried out a valuation on / of our house .

  7. 测量员的报告寄存在建房互助会。

    The surveyor 's report was lodged with the building society .

  8. 一年后,他被正式任命为县的土地测量员。

    He was appointed official county surveyor a year later .

  9. 公路测量员同意将公路上的石块消除掉。

    The highway surveyor agreed to keep the road clear of stones .

  10. 测量员对土地进行了测量。

    The surveyor made a survey of the land .

  11. 高尔夫场地中标志球的位置的旗杆。用标杆标记位置的测量员。

    Flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf green .

  12. 政府土地工程测量员协会

    Association of Government Land and Engineering Surveying Officers

  13. 进行现场勘查之后,测量员出具了这一地产的书面报告。

    Following an on-site inspection , the surveyor prepared a written report on the property .

  14. 一个使用传统工具的测量员

    A surveyor with traditional survey tools

  15. 十六岁时他的第一个工作是当一名土地测量员的助手。

    He took his first job as a surveyor 's helper at sixteen years of age .

  16. 设想你是一个测量员,想要判定到河那边一个物体的距离。

    Suppose you 're a surveyor and want to determine the distance to an object across a river .

  17. 土地上永久性的、供土地测量员参考使用的特征。

    A permanent feature on land which is used as a point of reference for a land surveyor .

  18. 用一尺宽的红白相间的颜色喷成的直棒;测量员用来测量东西。

    A straight rod painted in one-foot bands of alternate red and white ; used for sightings by surveyors .

  19. 被召集来的测量员进行评估后认为,这所王室住宅年久失修,需要全面翻修。

    Surveyors called in to assess the royal residence say it needs a major top-to-toe overhaul after years of neglect .

  20. 海岸带复合农林业水杉林带生物量估测模型的研究测量员对我们的房子做出了估价。

    A study on biomass equations for Metasequoia glyptostroboides shelterbelt in the coastal agroforestry Surveyors carried out a valuation on / of our house .

  21. 布雷特:我还得到了测量员和土木工程师的帮助,所以我可不能把一切都归功到自己身上。

    Brett : I had the help of the surveyors and a civil engineer , so I can 't take all of the credit .

  22. 30多名中国测量员正在执行重新测量珠穆朗玛峰高度的任务,他们从大本营出发前往更高的地方。

    Over 30 Chinese surveyors on a mission to remeasure the height of Mount Qomolangma have left the base camp for a higher spot .

  23. 女王网站其他的工作招聘信息还包括门票销售助理、建筑测量员、零售助理以及管理员团队领导。

    Other job vacancies currently on the Queen 's website include openings for a ticket sales assistant , building surveyor , retail assistant and warden team leader .

  24. 用来测量倾斜角的测量员使用的装置。

    An instrument used by surveyors in order to measure an angle of inclination or elevation .