
  • 网络wind River;Wind River System;WinDriver
  1. 在这个优先级反转场景中,低优先级的任务占有着高优先级任务需要的资源(这个问题出现在使用风河公司VxWorks系统的火星开拓者探测器上)。

    In this priority inversion scenario , a lower-priority task holds a resource that a higher-priority task requires . ( This problem occurred on Mars in the Pathfinder probe using Wind River 's VxWorks . )

  2. 怀俄明州的幽静的湖泊捕获了完全透明的圆环塔肖像,这是在风河山脉里圆形山所围绕的盆地。

    Wyoming 's Lonesome Lake captures a crystal clear likeness of Cirque of the Towers , a circular mountain-ringed basin in the Wind River Range .

  3. 塔圈谷(冰塔谷),风河山脉,怀俄明州。

    Cirque of the Towers , Wind Rivers Range , Wyoming .

  4. 设备软件开发环境是美国风河公司的Tornado2.2。

    The software developing platform of terminal machines is Tornado 2.2 of WindRiver Company .

  5. 风河地区自然资源丰富,地理位置优越,风景资源极具潜力。

    Feng River region rich in natural resources and strategic location , landscape Resource great potential .

  6. 风河在上边流动,它流过这些山脉的同时也在雕琢着这些山脉,慢慢地就形成今天我们所看到的峡谷。

    buried the Owl Creek Mountains . Wind River flowed on top and began carving into the mountains , creating the canyon we see today .

  7. 【参考译文】这也证实了地质学家关于形成风河峡谷的猜想,大量的耕地埋葬了猫头鹰溪山脉,这个数量令人难以置信。

    This also confirmed the theory geologists had about the formation of Wind River Canyon , the incredible amount of infield buried the Owl Creek Mountains .