
  • 【经】over capitalised
  1. 科学设计,长远考虑,既不能脱离实际又不能好高骛远,既要有一定的超前意识,又要避免投资过大造成不必要的浪费,这是网络标准化建设的前提;

    Scientific design , long term consideration , contact with reality , consciousness of advance and proper investment are the prerequisite of the standardization contruction .

  2. 其中从山西万家寨附近引黄河水的西引黄济京方案,因工程地质和投资过大等问题而被否定。

    Drawing water from the Yellow River west of Beijing , one of the plans , was vetoed due to its geological conditions and heavy cost .

  3. 经过数据对比分析及计算,找出影响该企业绩效的主要原因在于人力资源投资过大,配置规模超出优化范围。

    After careful analyzing and calculating , key reasons have been found , which are due to over-investigating in human resource investment and exceeding distribution scale that is over the rational size .

  4. 但长期以来,我国污水治理一直受到基建投资过大、运行费用过高和处理效率较低、运行效果不稳定这两方面的困扰。

    In China , for a long time , wastewater treatment has been troubled by two aspects as large investment and high operating costs ; lower processing efficiency and instability operating effects .

  5. 针对目前农业科技园区的日光温室建造中存在投资过大和温室结构性能不甚理想两大问题,在冀中南地区气候型下对日光温室的结构性能进行整体改良。

    In allusion to two problems about bigger investment and lower performance of greenhouse in science and technology farm nowadays , the structure of greenhouse was improved on the climates in HEBEI province .

  6. 传统的工业污水或生活污水的处理方法投资过大,养殖业无法承受,并且这些方法不能使污水中的氮、磷等物质完全得到处理。

    Traditional industrial wastewater or sewage treatment of investment is too large , livestock breeding can not afford , and these method can not dispose the nitrogen , phosphorus and other substances in the water completely .

  7. 2011年,卡西欧在认定其电话机和液晶显示器(LCD)部门投资负担过大后剥离了这两个部门。

    In 2011 , the company jettisoned two divisions - phones and LCDs - after deeming the investment burden too great .

  8. 名义投资规模过大不等于实际投资规模过大。

    Abstract Nominal over investment scale is not equal to actual over investment scale .

  9. 第三产业内部的房地产业等投资比例过大也是值得关注的问题。

    The real estate industry and others have a large proportion is also an issue .

  10. 继续解决部分城市房地产投资规模过大和房价上涨过快的问题。

    We will continue efforts to restrict excessive real estate investment and lower overheated real estate prices in some cities .

  11. 国家统计局公布的数据显示,近年来国内商品房投资规模过大、平均销售价格上涨速度过快。

    Figures announced by the national bureau of statistics show that domestic commercial house investment scale is too large and it 's average sale price increases too fast in recent years .

  12. 但是,影视拍摄也能给外景地带来一些问题,如投资成本过大、促销策略倾斜、旅游发展时空集聚、同类外景地的品牌竞争。

    However , there are also some potential problems , such as blind investment , the clustering of tourists in space and time , and the increasing competition with the other similar locations .

  13. 部分地区城市规划和土地供应失控,导致投资增幅过大,土地供应过量,存在潜在的市场风险。

    At some areas , city planning and land supplying have gone out of control , which result in excess in investment and land supply , and then potential risk at the market .

  14. 目前我国固定资产投资比例过大,净出口由于国际市场的激烈竞争也不可能有大幅增加,所以消费需求拉动经济增长的重要性逐渐凸现。

    The consumption would show its great importance in booming the economy when the investment took too large a part in the whole economy , and when the overall export , due to the great competition from other economies , could not contribute too much to the overall demands .

  15. 这一问题带来的直接影响就是工作流执行耗时过长、对IT基础设施投资的需求过大。

    The direct impact of this problem leads to time consuming execution of workflows , and huge IT infrastructure investment demand .

  16. 同时,这些限制错误投资或风险过大投资的监管措施,其实也是对我们大多数人的保护。

    It will also protect the rest of us when those big bets go wrong or are perceived to be too risky .

  17. 预期利率升高,使投资前移,同样会产生投资规模过大的趋势。

    The increment of expected rate makes investment move up , also induces large investment size .

  18. 由于固定资产投资当中基础设施等低产出投资比重过大,导致投资率形成较弱的产出驱动能力。

    Because of the low output infrastructure investment take most part in the fixed investments the investment ratio forces economic growth weakly .

  19. 提高投资项目资本金的比例,能遏制投资规模过大。

    To improve the proportion of capital owned by self can keep the investment size within limits .

  20. 改革以来我国投资需求的实际变动过程与钱纳里标准结构相比,显示出很大的差异性,突出表现为投资率显著偏高、投资规模过大。

    Compared with " Chenery Standard Structure ", the actual evolution process of investment demand since China 's reform and opening up shows great diversity . The prominent phenomenon is that the ratio of investment is too high and that scale of investment is too large .