
  • 网络Invested Asset;investment asset;assets for investment
  1. 根据麦肯锡全球研究所(mckinseyglobalinstitute)最近的一份报告,自1990年起,全球外国投资资产已增长近1000%,至96万亿美元。

    According to a recent report from the McKinsey Global Institute , since 1990 global foreign investment assets have increased by nearly 1000 per cent , to $ 96000bn .

  2. 组合证券投资资产配置的边际分析法初探

    A Probe to Margin Analysis of Portfolio Investment Assets Allocation

  3. 决定可投资资产规模的决定性因素,其一是成熟度的提高,另外一个是人均国内生产总值(gdp)增幅。

    Growth in sophistication is one of the main determinants of investable asset size , the other being GDP per capita growth .

  4. 使用到期收益率(YTM)来衡量长期投资资产的收益能力,同时通过久期(duration)考察其潜在利率风险。

    Using Yield to Maturity ( YTM ) to measure return of long-term investments and using duration to measure the potential interest rate risk .

  5. 一蹴而就为长期投资资产所不齿。

    Overnight success is anathema to a long-term asset class .

  6. 对确定投资资产公允价值有关问题的探讨

    Problems Concerning Determining the Fair Value of Investment assets

  7. 为防止投资资产减值就要对子公司的各项资产进行控制,防止其减值。

    So we should control the profit and the assets quality of subsidiary company .

  8. 国际房地产直接投资资产分配研究

    International Direct Real Estate Asset Allocation Analysis

  9. 房产具有双重特征:它既是一种消费品,也是一种投资资产。

    Property has dual characteristics : it is both a consumption item and an investment asset .

  10. 那些拥有至少180万美元投资资产的人更倾向于以富人自居。

    Those with at least $ 1.8 million in investible assets were more inclined to call themselves wealthy .

  11. 这项研究共调查了20个国家的2000位拥有150万美元以上可投资资产的富人。

    The study surveyed 2,000 people from 20 countries with investible assets of $ 1.5 million or more .

  12. 可投资资产达到或超过25万英镑的财富管理客户数量增长了15%。

    The number of people with investable assets of 250,000 or more who have become wealth-management clients rose by 15 per cent .

  13. 但是,石油也已经成为寻求未来获利的投资者喜爱的投资资产,他们的资金有时对市场造成扭曲。

    But petroleum has also become a favored asset for investors looking for future profits and their dollars sometimes distort the market .

  14. 在可投资资产在人民币1亿元以上的超高净值中国人中,有51%的人说他们在海外有投资。

    Among the ultra-high-net-worth Chinese those with at least 100 million yuan of investable assets 51 % said they had money invested overseas .

  15. 在传统的寿险公司投资资产配置中,经常用到久期、现金流匹配等资产负债管理方法。

    Traditionally , life insurance companies used Assets Liabilities Management methods such as duration and cash flow matching to allocate investment assets frequently .

  16. 如果你有大量这方面的投资资产类别,一部份的利息,可投资于地地道道的-本清黄金来电。

    If you have large investment in this asset class , a portion of the interest earned can be invested in out-of-the-money gold calls .

  17. 政府资产计价对象范围仅包括政府公共资产、政府投资资产、政府公共资源资产、政府遗产资产和政府权利资产。

    The objects of the valuation only include public assets , public resource assets , investment assets , heritage assets and right assets of the government .

  18. 那些将自己拥有的一切都用来创建企业的企业家,最初可能满足不了私人银行对最少可投资资产的要求。

    Entrepreneurs who have thrown everything they own into creating a business may not initially meet a private bank 's test of a certain minimum threshold in investable assets .

  19. 对不同行业的股票之间的收益和波动关系的研究有助于实现有效地金融投资资产分布和建立行业收益模型。

    Researching on the volatility relationships between different sectors of the stock return can help to achieve effective distribution of financial assets and the establishment of industry revenue model .

  20. 投资资产价值与投资资产所形成的股权价值是不同的两个价值,两者不能互换。

    The value of assets invested is totally different from the equity value resulted from this invested assets . Each of these two values cannot replace the other one .

  21. 长期投资资产组合理论将以往通常的一期投资扩展到了多期阶段,并认为长短投资的结果不一定相同。

    The long term portfolio theory extends the classic one-period investment problem to the multi-period problem , and claims that the conclusions in long term and short term will be different .

  22. 利率上升往往对债券构成利空,因为现有债券价格会下跌,而收益率上升。经济增长强劲则倾向于利好股票等风险更高的投资资产。

    Higher interest rates tend to affect bonds adversely because prices on existing debt falls as yields rise , and a stronger growth environment tends to favour even riskier investments such as equities .

  23. 然后,分别对两种传统投资资产的组合策略进行了详细的研究探讨,并对每种投资策略进行了比较分析,对策略中存在的问题提出了自己的解决方案;

    Then the combinational strategies of two conventional investment assets are respectively analyzed , every investment strategy are compared , and the methods to resolve the problems are put forward in the strategy .

  24. 但对于熟悉对冲基金、房地产大宗商品和私人股本风险并拥有充足可投资资产的投资者,他们可以拥有使用全部7种资产类别量身定制的投资组合。

    But investors who understand the risks of hedge funds , real estate commodities and private equity - and have sufficient investible assets - can have a portfolio tailored from all seven asset classes .

  25. 在参与主体的市场准入方面,并不是所有的金融机构都有权利发行资产支持证券,也并不是所有的法律主体都有资格投资资产支持证券。

    In the aspect of market access of participation , not all financial institutions have the right to issue asset-backed securities , and not all of the legal subjects are eligible to invest in asset-backed securities .

  26. 去年,可投资资产超过100万美元的亚洲人达到340万人,这使得亚洲第一次超越北美,成为富豪人数最多的地区。

    Asia has overtaken North America for the first time as the region with the most super-wealthy individuals as the number of people with $ 1m or more in easily investable assets hit 3.4m last year .

  27. 首先提出了金融危机之下寿险企业投资资产配置的原则,以及对投资进行风险管理的基本模式(即采用资产负债管理),并论述了金融危机之下加强资产负债管理的必要性。

    First , it proposes the investment principles of life insurance enterprises in China under financial crisis , as well as the basic model of investment risk , and discusses the necessity to strengthen the asset-liability management under financial crisis .

  28. Tiger21本月早些时候发表了一篇对其会员的调查。该公司总部位于纽约,拥有115名会员,这些会员都是自己创业的富人,拥有超过70亿美元的可投资资产。

    Tiger 21 , a New York-based group with 115 members , all of whom are " self-made " and have more than $ 7bn in investable assets between them , published a survey of its members earlier this month .

  29. 报告称,这一庞大的富人群体平均可投资资产是133万元,他们在所有私人资产上的份额从2010年的15.5%增加到2012年的16.4%。

    The average amount of investable assets of this mass affluent group was 1.33 million yuan , and their share in the overall private assets rose from 15.5 percent in 2010 to 16.4 percent in 2012 , the report said .

  30. 在财富分布方面,2008年-2010年,中国高净值人士拥有的可投资资产占全国总量的比例分别为19.9%、21.4%、22.4%。

    In the aspect of wealth distribution , from 2008 to 2010 , percent of investable assets held by Chinese high net worth individuals in total amount of the whole country is 19.9 % , 21.4 % and 22.4 % respectively .