- 名antitoxin;toxolysin

Vero Cell Assay for Determination of Diphtheria Antitoxin Titres
Conclusion Tetanus antitoxin skin test solution with concentration of 15u / ml is optimus .
Detection of tetanus antitoxin titers by double antigen sandwich ELISA
Changes in cell wall composition , production of pathogenesis-related ( PR ) proteins , and synthesis of phytoalexins are associated with resistance .
Resveratrol ( 3,4 ' , 5-trihydroxystilbene ) is a phytoalexin which is present in a number of plant species .
But the patients treated with early tracheostomy , nutrition supplement and intrathecal injection of TAT recovered better .
All antibodies belongs to IgG1 subclass . Results of toxin-antitoxin neutralization show that 12 out of 13 monoclonal antibodies have the activity of neutralizing e-toxin .
Induced HSP enhances biosynthesis of lignins and phytoalexins in roots , thus increasing diseases resistance and storage tolerance in heat-shocked roots .
Proteomic Characterization of Human Erythrocyte 20S Proteasome and Analysis of Species-dependent 20S Proteasome Heterogeneity Diphtheria antitoxin is a foreign protein .
Objective : Resveratrol ( trans-3 , 4 ' , 5-trihydroxystilbene ) is a phenolic phytoalexin present in grape skins and wines , especially red wines .
Animal test showed good immunogenicity of the recombinant antigen . The antigen at a dosage of 1 μ g could induce 1 2 IU / ml of antitoxin with an ELISA titer of 1 ∶ 800 .
A Case of Arthus Reaction Induced by Injecting of Tetanus Antitoxin
At present , the unique effective therapy is to inject tetanus anti-toxin ( TAT ) or human tetanus immunoglobulin ( TIG ) into patient to neutralize the exotoxin .
The toxin neutralizing activity was detected by human MAbs G2 、 G6 、 G2 + G6 and horse anti tetanus antitoxin .
Res ( resveratrol ) is a kind of plant endotoxin . It is a kind of composion with health care function existing on several dozen food and one of medicine .
The Experimental Approach on the Detection of Diphtheria Antitoxin in Serum by means of BA - ELISA Method
Resveratrol is a kind of phytoalexin , which is low molecular weight , biologically active metabolite produced by plants as defense to various exogenous stimuli .
Antitoxin is substance that acts against a poisonous substance and prevents it from having a harmful effect . Application of ICP-MS to Detection of Mineral Elements and Heavy Metals in Cassava 's Byproducts
The tetanus anti-toxin ( TAT ) titers of 205 ( 37 . 56 % ) women of childbearing age before immunization reached natural protective level , and GMT was 3 . 88 ± 5 . 12HAU / ml.
Results The positive rate of tetanic antibody was 44 . 22 % . The average level of tetanus an-titoxin ( TAT ) in the cases of positive antibody was 0 . 096u / ml.
4IU / ml. The positive rate of the anti-tetanus toxin rose from 69 05 % to 98 81 % , the GMT from 0 033 ? 2IU / ml to 4 3801IU / ml.
Established a rotating-shaking method for incomplete Freund 's . adjuvant ( IFA ) antigen 's preparation and compared this with IFA antigen which prepared by classic method when we produced highly finished tetanus antitoxin ( TAT ) .
The tetanus anti-toxin ( TAT ) level of 1318 women aged 15 ~ 45 years were detected by IHA . The results showed that TAT positlve rate and protective rate were 8.80 % and 7.97 % , respectively , and GMT was 0.0026IU/mI .
It introduced the influence of the preparing method , dose , concentration of tetanus antitoxin skin test fluid and selecting of location skin test on assessment of skin test result . It explained announcements for using TAT in clinical practice .
Tetanus antitoxin ( TAT ) is clinically extensively applied . However , compared with other allergic reactions , the allergic reaction aroused by TAT skin test is the most dangerous and should thus be highly valued by grass-roots unit medical workers .
To date , 80 doses of antitoxin ( 20 from the United Kingdom , 50 from CDC Atlanta and10 from Sanofi-Pasteur Canada ) have been provided , and severely affected patients are being treated .
These human monoclonal antibodies were novel replacement for clinical trial .
How soon can you be here with the antitoxin ?
Effect on the quality of Tetanus antitoxin immuned by three types adjuvant
Report of two cases on anaphylactic reaction to tetanus antitoxin