
kànɡ shēnɡ sù kànɡ xìnɡ
  • antibiotics resistance
  1. 水产养殖环境中抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)的研究及进展

    Research Advancement of Antibiotics Resistance Genes ( ARGs ) in Aquaculture Environment

  2. 抗生素抗性基因筛选

    Antibiotics resistance gene screening

  3. 这里的研究人员发现,一小段脱氧核糖核酸(dna)可以使细菌中的抗生素抗性基因失去活力。

    The researchers identified short stretches of DNA that inactivate genes responsible for antibiotic resistance in bacteria .

  4. 它可以通过阻断DNA分子(质粒)在细胞间的移动来遏制抗生素抗性在细菌中的蔓延。

    It blocks the DNA molecules ( plasmids ) that move from one cell to another , spreading antibiotic resistance genes .

  5. 对20株黄芪根瘤菌进行了C,N源利用、抗生素抗性、耐逆性和酶活性研究。

    Twenty strains isolated from Astragalus spp . were analyzed by a series of tests for C , N nutrient utilization , resistance to antibiotics , endurance to salt and alkali , and enzyme activities .

  6. 这种T-DNA可以修饰含有一个选择性标记的基因,如抗生素抗性标记基因。

    This T-DNA may be modified to include a selectable marker gene , e.g.for antibiotic resistance .

  7. 用吖啶橙消除质粒试验及亚硝基胍回复突变试验,初步证明抗生素抗性基因在质粒上,而决定多粘菌素E生物合成的基因可能在染色体上。

    The elimination of plasmid by acridine orange and the reversion test by NTG indicated preliminarily that the gene of biosynthesis of polymyxin E is located on the chromosome , but those antibiotic resistance genes are located on the plasmid .

  8. 检测:13C呼吸试验、上消化道胃镜、组织学评价、快速尿素酶试验、细胞培养、抗生素抗性评定。

    MEASUREMENTS : ( 13 ) C-urea breath test , upper endoscopy , histologic evaluation , rapid urease test , bacterial culture , and assessment of antibiotic resistance .

  9. 西北大学研究人员在一种细菌中发现了一个叫做CRISPR位点的特殊DNA序列,该位点可以阻止抗生素抗性在致病性金黄色葡萄球菌中的传播。

    The Northwestern researchers have discovered that a special DNA sequence found in certain bacteria , called a CRISPR locus , can impede the spread of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic staphylococci .

  10. 论文获得以下主要研究结果:1.采用紫外线诱变处理EM菌和CL菌,用含制霉菌素和放线菌酮的抗性培养基平板筛选获得具有抗生素抗性的突变菌株。

    The major results of the experiment showed as follows : 1 . The strains of EM and CL with antibiotic resistance were obtained by UV-treatment on conidia of EM and CL and screen in Nystatin and Cycloheximide media .

  11. 近来的研究显示,革兰阴性菌中一种基因捕获和表达的遗传单位&整合子(integron)在细菌获得抗生素抗性机制中起了重要作用。

    Integron , a genetic element of gene capture and expression in Gram-negative bacteria , has been showed to play an important role in acquired antibiotic resistance of bacteria .

  12. 基因盒往往由一个编码抗生素抗性的开放读码框(ORF)和一个整合位点attC组成。

    One gene cassette usually contains a open reading frame encoding antibiotic resistance and a specific recombination site called attC ( or 59-base element ) .

  13. 介绍了目前常用的植物转基因方法,并简要就转基因植物的生态安全性、35S启动子安全性、载体骨架序列安全性、抗生素抗性标记基因安全性和食品安全性五个方面进行了综述。

    This paper summarized the common technologies of genetic modification , and the securities on zoology , 35S promoter , sequence of carrier , antibiotic marked gene and foodstuff .

  14. 但是Terryn补充说,利用抗生素抗性基因在豆科植物的转基因研究中是不可避免的。

    But , she adds , using antibiotic resistance markers are unavoidable in research on crops such as leguminous plants .

  15. bldA突变菌株中含TTA密码子的抗生素抗性基因、抗生素调节基因仍有表达,暗示存在一个替代bldAtRNA翻译UUA密码子的机制。

    Some TTA containing antibiotic resistant genes and regulatory genes still expressed in bldA deficient mutants , suggesting that there is an alternative pathway to translate UUA codon while bldA tRNA is not available .

  16. 细菌金属耐受性及协同选择抗生素抗性的研究进展

    Advances in bacterial resistance to metal and co-selection of antibiotic resistance

  17. 抗生素抗性基因是筛选转基因植物的常用基因,其安全性引起了人们的普遍关注。

    Public concern was raised by the safety of antibiotic resistance genes .

  18. 结论引入氨基糖苷类抗生素抗性突变,可以有效提高硝吡咯菌的生产能力。

    Conclusion Introducing aminoglycoside antibiotic resistance mutation is effective in improving pyrrolnitrin productivity .

  19. 苏云金杆菌187菌株的质粒检测和抗生素抗性研究

    Detection and identification of plasmids and antibiotic-resistance in Bacillus thuringiensis subsp . israelensis 79-w-187

  20. 细菌遗传元件水平转移与抗生素抗性研究进展

    Progress in the Studies of Horizontal Transfer of Bacteria Genetic Elements Related to Antibiotic Resistance

  21. 肠球菌中抗生素抗性传递的研究

    Studies on Transferable Drug Resistance of Enterococci

  22. 方法在硝吡咯假单胞菌中引入氨基糖苷类抗生素抗性突变,以提高硝吡咯菌素的生产能力。

    Method Introducing aminoglycoside antibiotic resistant mutation into a pyrrolnitrin producer to increase pyrrolnitrin productivity .

  23. 其中,抗生素抗性是重要的评价指标。

    One of the main principle is that the evaluation of the antibiotic resistance pattern .

  24. 只有含有目的基因和抗生素抗性标记基因的材料才能生长。

    Only material containing the gene of interest together with the antibiotic resistance marker then grows .

  25. 疾病预防控制中心称病原菌的抗生素抗性是他们最担心的问题。

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls antibiotic resistance one of its top concerns .

  26. 转基因植物中使用抗生素抗性基因作为标记的安全性评价

    The hazard assessment for the use of antibiotic resistance genes as a marker in transgenic plants

  27. 抗生素抗性质粒研究进展

    Advances in plasmids resistant to antibiotics

  28. 作者就转基因植物中抗生素抗性基因的安全性作一综述。

    Now the safety evaluation of antibiotic resistance genes in transgenic plants is discussed in this paper .

  29. 例如可以导致它不但具有抗生素抗性而且具有抗热和抗酸性。

    This can , for example , lead to antibiotic resistance but also heat or acid resistance .

  30. 乳酸菌是在食品、医药等领域广泛应用的微生物,用乳酸菌构建以非抗生素抗性为选择标记的食品级载体的研究越来越为人们所关注。

    Lactic acid bacteria ( LAB ) are GRAS bacteria that are widely used in food industry and medicine .