
  1. 目的:确定新西兰小鼠自身抗染色质抗体、抗DNA抗体、抗组蛋白抗体的遗传易感基因染色体定位。

    Objective : To map the susceptibility alleles of anti-chromatin antibody , anti-DNA antibody , anti-histone antibody in SLE model - ( NZB × NZW ) F1 mice .

  2. 人参皂苷Rg1抗黑质神经元凋亡的可能机制

    Possible mechanisms of the protective effect of Ginsenoside Rg1 on apoptosis in substantia nigra neurons

  3. Bc1-2家族是人参皂甙Rg1抗黑质神经元凋亡的重要调控蛋白

    Bcl-2 family : the important regulating proteins during ginsenoside Rg1 protection against apoptosis of nigra neurons

  4. 结论(NZB×NZW)F1小鼠自身抗染色质抗体的产生受多基因调控,候选易感基因不仅来自于NZB,也来自于NZW。

    Conclusion : Susceptibility allele of anti-chromatin antibody in ( NZB × NZW ) F1 mice was comprised of multiple genes and the candidate susceptibility genes were derived from both NZB and NZW strain .

  5. 结果提示,叶下珠保护肝脏损伤作用可能与其抗指质过氧化和膜保护作用有关。

    These results suggest that the anti lipid peroxidation effect and protective action of membrane of Phyllanthus urinaria may be related to its protective action against CCl 4 induced liver injuries .

  6. 结论:SKI能在体外发挥抗肾间质纤维化的作用。

    Conclusion : SKI can prevent kidney interstitial fibrosis in vitro .

  7. 而正常肝非组蛋白、组蛋白及肝癌组蛋白与抗肝癌染色质Ig作用,均起阴性反应。

    However , hepatoma chromosomal histone , normal rat liver chromosomal histone or nonhistone all gave negative reactions .

  8. 抗静电软质聚氨酯泡沫的研制

    The Preparation of Flexible Polyurethane Foam with Antistatic Effect

  9. 探讨肾间质纤维化的发生机制、研发抗肾间质纤维化的药物对慢性肾脏疾病的控制具有重要意义。

    With the purpose of controlling the progression of chronic kidney disease , it is of great value to elucidate the mechanisms of renal fibrosis and develop new drugs with anti-fibrotic effect .

  10. 在精子形成过程中,此抗原由胞质内均匀分布变为聚集于顶体帽旁侧的区域,这一区域将形成顶体后区。

    In the process of the spermiogenesis , the antigens were assembled in the cytoplasm other than the acrosomal cap region , which was destined to form the postacrosomal region of the spermatozoon .

  11. 白藜芦醇抗帕金森病黑质细胞凋亡的实验性研究

    Pharmacologic Study of Resveratrol on Substantia Nigra Apoptosis in Parkinson Disease

  12. 抗溶剂沉淀沥青质过程相态及相平衡研究

    Phase behavior and equilibrium in asphaltene precipitation process with antisolvent

  13. 抗纤维化;中药抗肾间质纤维化机制研究

    Research on the Mechanism of Intervening Renal Interstitial Fibrosis by Chinese Herbal Medicine

  14. 冬虫夏草治疗组小鼠的肺纤维化程度明显降低,它可能是通过降低WNT信号通路的表达起到抗纤维化的作用,且呈剂量相关性,高剂量比低剂量有较强的抗肺间质纤维化作用。

    The extent of pulmonary fibrosis in cordyceps sinensis groups , it maybe has effects on pulmonary fibrosis by reducing the WNT signaling , and the high dose of Cordyceps sinensis has more stronger effects than lower dose on pulmonary fibrosis .