
  • 网络coupon;voucher
  1. 折价券采购又大过去见你儿子了吗

    Choosing coupon shopping over going to see your son again ?

  2. 我有一张折价券是“买一个汉堡另送一个汉堡”。

    I 've a coupon for buy one burger get one free .

  3. C收银员:一定是因为你用了这些折价券。

    Cashier : > It must have been all those coupons you were using .

  4. 哎哟,现在才说你有折价券啊

    Oh , now you tell me you have coupons ?

  5. 他留下所有的折价券以备购物时使用。

    He saves all the refund coupons and uses them when shopping .

  6. 你的男伴连“折价券”都不会讲

    Your guy can 't even say " coupons . "

  7. 所以当我们去购物时都会带着折价券。

    We always bring coupons on our shopping trips .

  8. 搜到网上有名奇女子自封为“威廉斯堡折价券女皇”

    I found this woman online who calls herself the Williamsburg Coupon Queen .

  9. 你用了折价券啊,不是咩

    You used coupons , now didn 't ya .

  10. 我己经试过折价券和减价,甚至在《记事报》登广告。

    I have tried coupons , price cuts , even ads in the ledger .

  11. 你就是折价券怪胎

    You are a freak with the coupons .

  12. 折价券撕下无效。

    The coupon is not valid if detached .

  13. 给,把折价券给她。

    Here , give her the coupons .

  14. 很多人都用折价券啊

    Lots of people use coupons .

  15. 如果我们的蛋糕粉跟折价券的比例不对,就拿不到免费的钱了

    If we don 't have the exact right mix-to-coupon ratio we won 't get our free money .

  16. 你不在乎头发乱了,只在乎你的折价券,你的堕落程度可见一斑呀

    The fact that you 're more worried about your coupons than your hair shows how far you 've fallen .

  17. 阿丽:很抱歉,但这是特价品,我只能给您本店的折价券。

    Ali : I 'm sorry , but this was on sale , so I can only give you store credit .

  18. 我希望你别去添置衣服,就算你的折价券还没用光,你可能觉得需要为了迎接我而精心打扮。

    I hope you will not start buying any clothes if you have any coupons left because you think you must look nice for me .

  19. 愿你别再添购新衣,即使你的折价券尚未使用完,你或许想着用最好的一面迎接我。

    I hope you will not start buying any clothes if you have any coupons left because you think you must look nice for me . Just carry on as near as possible to normal .