
  1. 尽管香港股市昨日尾盘出现反弹,但由于最近遭遇强大抛压,2007年初至今的香港十大首次公开发行(ipo)中,有8家公司跌破发行价。

    Eight of the companies involved in the top 10 initial public offerings in Hong Kong since the start of 2007 have fallen below their offer prices due to the recent sell-off , in spite of a last-minute rebound of the stock market yesterday .

  2. 活牛期货价格也面临抛压。

    Live cattle prices also came under selling pressure .

  3. 与此同时,美元汇率从最近的抛压中得到一个暂时喘息的机会,在仍旧震荡和不安的交易中微幅上涨。

    The move came as the dollar found temporary respite from recent selling pressure , edging higher in still-volatile and anxious trading .

  4. 迄今的抛压主要来自各种非正规渠道的股票相关借款,它们的杠杆率要高得多。

    The selling pressure so far has mainly come from stock-related borrowings via various unofficial channels where the leverage is much higher .

  5. 昨日,美元从近期沉重的抛压中获得了暂时喘息的机会,原因是修订后的数据显示,美国第三季度的经济增长明显强于预期。

    The dollar found some tentative respite from recent heavy selling pressure as revised data yesterday showed the US grew significantly more strongly than anticipated in the third-quarter .

  6. 此前自9月以来,人民币持续承受抛压,但本月兑美元汇率已攀升1%,即便美元相对于其它货币走强。

    The currency had come under sustained selling pressure since September but has climbed 1 per cent against the US dollar this month even as the dollar has strengthened against other currencies .

  7. 不少学者及业界人士认为期货市场的持续抛压传递到了股票市场,导致了A股暴跌。

    Many scholars and industry delegates believe that the delivery pressure to the futures market continued to pass to the stock market , which resulting in the fall of A shares stock market .

  8. 当10年期国债收益率突破5%后,另一股抛压来自住宅抵押贷款投资者。当长期债券收益率上升后,这些投资者不得不卖出美国国债,以平衡其投资组合。

    Another source of selling , once the 10-year yield was above 5 per cent , came from mortgage investors , who have to sell Treasuries to balance portfolios when long-dated yields rise .

  9. 随着油价下跌,近期因市场担心燃油成本上升而遭受抛压的航空类股出现反弹;而工业类股也得益于经济基本面因素重新成为关注焦点。

    Airline stocks , recently beaten down on worries over rising fuel costs , staged a bounce back as global oil prices dipped , while industrial stocks also benefited from a refocus on economic fundamentals .