
hù lǐ mó shì
  • nursing model
  1. 结论5S护理模式有效地促进了护理工作的健康发展。

    Conclusion 5S nursing model can effectively promote the healthy development of nursing work .

  2. 5S护理模式的应用研究

    Study on the practice of 5S nursing model

  3. 目的探讨糖尿病(DM)患者社区康复照顾的护理模式,评价其效果。

    Objective To investigate the nursing modes of community rehabilitation care in the patients with diabetic mellitus ( DM ) .

  4. 结论应用PDCA对社区精神分裂症患者实施家庭干预是一项有前途的、必要的而且有效的康复护理模式。

    Conclusion Application of PDCA is a necessary and effective recovery nursing mode for carrying home intervention to community schizophreniform .

  5. Orem护理模式在阴道成形术中的应用

    Orem nursing mode applied in vaginoplasty

  6. 结论将Orem自护理模式应用于脑梗死患者的护理,能明显提高患者的日常生活活动能力,提高了患者的生活质量。

    Conclusion Application of Orem self-care theory in cerebral infraction patients nursing can obviously improve their Activity of Daily Life and quality of life .

  7. 目的探讨呼唤治疗护理模式(call-mode)对重型颅脑损伤(TBI)患者的促醒作用及预后的影响。

    Objective To examine the wakefulness-promoting effect of call-treatment-nursing-mode ( call mode ) on patients with severe traumatic brain injuries ( TBI ) and its prognosis .

  8. 一对一式分娩护理模式的探讨

    Study on Delivery Nursing Pattern of One Nurse to One Parturient

  9. 老年康复期病人护理模式研究

    A Study on Nursing Model of Senile Patients in Rehabilitation Stage

  10. 自知性互助性护理模式在手术病人中的应用

    Application of the Self-studied and Fraternal Nursing Mode in Post-operative Patients

  11. 实施产科全程护理模式促进产妇早泌乳充分泌乳

    Carrying out obstetrical whole process nursing model to improve early lactation

  12. 一体化护理模式在围产期保健中的作用研究

    The Role of Integrated Nursing care Model in Perinatal Health Care

  13. 等离子射频椎间盘消融术的短程病房护理模式探讨

    Study for nursing model for plasma radiofrequency ablation at short-term ward

  14. 目的:探讨腹部手术后的肠护理模式。

    Objective : To discuss the belly postoperative intestine nursing model .

  15. 导乐式家庭化产科护理模式的应用及效果分析

    Effects Analysis on Application of Family Dolar Accompanying Delivery Nursing Mode

  16. 老年康复期病人两种护理模式的比较研究

    Comparison of two nursing care patterns in old-aged recovery phase patients

  17. 舒适护理模式在疗养康复护理中的应用

    Application of comfort care model in recuperation and rehabilitation nursing care

  18. 组织化护理模式应用于重型颅脑损伤患者的研究

    Application of Organized Nursing Model in Patients with Severe Craniocerebral Injury

  19. 围产期协同护理模式的应用

    Study on Effect of Collaborative Care Model on Perinatal Health Care

  20. 城市新型老年护理模式的探讨

    Discussion on the new nursing mode of elderly people in cities

  21. 方法:采取全程护理模式。

    Methods : To adopt the whole - course obstetrical nursing .

  22. 慢性精神分裂症患者的结对护理模式探讨

    The exploration of coupling nursing pattern in patients with chronic schizophrenia

  23. 建立护士访谈工作制度促进产科护理模式的转变

    Establishing Nurses Interview System , Promoting Obstetric Nursing Mode Change

  24. 系统化整体护理模式的重新构筑

    Reconstruction to Mode of Systematic Approach to Holistic Nursing Care

  25. 产时护理模式改变的临床观察及护理

    Clinical Observation and Nursing of the Nursing Pattern Change in Birth Process

  26. 住院手术病人全程无缝隙护理模式的研究与实践

    The research and practice about non-break nursing mode for hospitalization surgical patient

  27. 我院推行整体护理模式的做法

    Steps taken in carrying out the holistic nursing model in our hospital

  28. 一贯制责任护理模式对产妇产后恢复的影响

    Impact of Consistency Primary Nursing Model on Hospitalized Postpartum Women

  29. 中外社区护理模式的比较及启示

    Comparison of Domestic and Foreign Community Nursing and its Revelation

  30. 舒适护理模式在维持性血液透析患者中的应用

    Application of Comfort Nursing Mode in Patients of Maintainable Hemodialysis