
  • 网络Reporting point;WAYPOINT
  1. C-130J的机组可以在任务计算机上输入这些扇面和报告点,从而在驾驶面板上获得一个关于它们的可视描述。

    Crews in the C-130J were able to program these sectors and reporting points into mission computers and get a visual depiction of them from the cockpit .

  2. 在协调世界时0830时在下一个报告点“D”处报告。

    Report at next way point " D " at0830 UTC .

  3. 机组将被迫快速调整进入新分配的扇面并且还要不错过他们的强制报告点。

    Crews would be forced to rapidly adjust to their new sector assignments and still not miss their mandatory reporting points .

  4. 在飞机进入或者是飞离机场的过程中机组人员被要求在分配给他们的扇面内的强制报告点上进行审核。

    Crews were required to check in at mandatory reporting points within their assigned sector as they ingressed or egressed the airfield .

  5. 显示并打印分类型标志脚本基线的标准图标(脚本步骤、验证点、报告点、或者步骤组)。

    Displays and prints standard icons identifying script lines by type ( script step , verification point , reportable point , or group of steps ) .

  6. 报告迟点才写,请带我去参观。

    The briefing can wait . please , show me the boat .

  7. 报告一点意思也没有。

    There 's nothing of interest in the report .

  8. 许多国家现在转而报告计费点的国际话务量。

    Many countries have now shifted to reporting international traffic volumes based on point of billing .

  9. 什么案子驴友和发动机回火事件我过了一眼警方报告有点平淡无奇了吧

    What , the hiker and the backfire ? I glanced at the police report , a bit obvious , surely ?

  10. 他们的分析报告还点出了水上风力涡轮机的反效果:这些地区的气温将下降1℃。

    Their analysis indicates the opposite result for wind turbines installed in water : a drop in temperatures by one degree Celsius over those regions .

  11. 问题:由于最近,我注意到美国地质勘探局(USGS)和紧急监援中心(EMSC)对待地震的报告有一点松懈。

    Question : As of late , I have observed that USGS and EMSC are a bit lax on their reports of earthquakes .

  12. 我对那份报告也有点贡献。

    Me putting in my two cents going over that report .

  13. 编写建设项目竣工验收报告的几点体会

    Ideas on Writing the Checking and Accepting Report for Construction Projects

  14. 以实验报告为切入点提高土力学实验教学效果

    Enhanced experimentation teaching effect of soil mechanics with test report as starting point

  15. 这篇报告有一点杂乱无章。

    This report is a bit scrappy .

  16. 编制采砂可行性论证报告的几点认识

    Compiling of sand-mining feasibility study report

  17. 我们认为报告的出发点是积极的,不少倡议是务实可行的。

    We believe that the report is well intentioned , nobly inspired and contains many practical proposals .

  18. 其次,以往估计主要依据全国病例报告、哨点监测和局部调查数据。

    Secondly , the previous estimate based primarily on national case reports , sentinel surveillance and local survey data .

  19. 他的报告没有一点真实性那里面一点点真实性也没有。

    There be not a particle of truth in his report There 's not a speck of truth in it .

  20. 在国际能源署的报告中有点被忽视的风能,近年也在生产率和成本上取得了长足的进步。

    Wind , which is perhaps slightly neglected in the IEA 's report , has also made great gains in both productivity and costs .

  21. 但费迪南德在第2天的训练中报告受了点小伤,紧接着也没能出战周二晚上的冠军杯。

    But Rio then reported a groin problem in training the next day and consequently wasn 't risked in Tuesday night 's Champions League victory over Besiktas .

  22. 以软件配置项、基线、软件配置库、配置控制、配置审计、配置状态报告为基本点,定义了软件配置实施过程中的配置管理活动;

    This paper defines software configuration management activities in configuration implementation procedure based on software configuration items , baseline , software configuration database , configuration control , configuration audit and configuration status report .

  23. 开头他先对这个报告作了几点概括性的评论。

    He began by making a few general observations about the report .

  24. 你的报告长了一点。

    Your report is a bit long .

  25. 全球健康2035(globalhealth2035)委员会的报告提出了3点重要教训。我担任该委员会的联合主席。

    The report of the Global Health 2035 commission , which I co-chaired , points up three crucial lessons .

  26. 基于口头报告的道路事故点电子地图定位研究

    Study of Road Accident Point Positioning on Electronic Map Based on Oral Report

  27. 并且提出了进一步提高安全评价报告质量的几点建议。

    Some suggestions for further improving the quality of evaluation are put forward .

  28. 他写完报告时,已经点完了3支腊烛。

    Three candles had been burnt away when he finished writing his report .

  29. 完善财务报告体系的几点建议

    Several Suggestions of Perfecting Financial Report System

  30. 报告包含了七点建议,为各国提出防治腹泻的防治方法。

    It includes a seven-point plan for countries to use to prevent and treat diarrhea .