
  • 网络Newspaper Group
  1. 我国最重要的报团评论家之一。

    One of the most important syndicated reviewers in the country .

  2. 写作上划分为宏观经济和微观经济(报业经济)两个层面,分析了报团发展的外在和内在动因(p28~:17);

    With the two lays of macro economy and micro economy , it analyzes the inside and outside factor of development of news groups .

  3. 你打算报旅游团还是自助游?

    Are you going to follow a tour group or travel by yourself ?

  4. (作者是华文报咨询团成员)

    ( The writer is a resource panellist of SPH 's Chinese Newspapers . )

  5. ·作者为华文报咨询团成员、国大物理系兼任教授。

    ( The author is visiting professor of physics at NUS and member of Chinese Newspapers Resource Panel . )

  6. (作者是南洋理工大学国立教育学院高级院士、华文报咨询团成员。)

    ( The writer is Senior Fellow of the National Institute of Education and a SPH Chinese newspapers resource panelist . )

  7. 作者为新加坡国立大学物理系客卿教授、华文报咨询团成员。

    The writer is a visiting professor at the NUS physics department and a member of the Singapore Chinese newspaper resource panel .

  8. 而增强海洋教育科研力量的根本出路则是加强海洋教育工作。(作者是南洋理工大学国立教育学院高级院士、华文报咨询团成员。)

    To do so , the only solution is to enforce ocean education work . ( The writer is Senior Fellow of the National Institute of Education and a SPH Chinese newspapers resource panelist . )

  9. (作者是南大中文系系主任兼中华语言文化中心主任,华文报咨询团成员)

    ( The writer is Director of the Division of Chinese Language and Culture and Director of the Center for Chinese Language and Culture in NTU . He is also a Chinese press resource panelist . )