
  1. 他们抱一种和解的态度去参加谈判。

    They approached the talks in a conciliatory spirit .

  2. 它们长相可爱,让人很想抱一抱。

    They looked very cuddly .

  3. 抱一抱班尼就能化解我所有的压力。

    A quick Benny hug melts away all of my stress .

  4. 再抱一个还要吗

    Let 's get another one . Another one ?

  5. 我喜欢那个看上去很想抱一抱他的小孩。

    I like that kid who appears so cuddly .

  6. 是以圣人抱一为天下式。

    Therefore the wise embrace the One and become examples for the world .

  7. 温暖就是心里的两个自己在抱一抱吧。

    Warmness is to have two different selves in your heart huge each other .

  8. 那小女孩习惯抱一个破旧的娃娃入睡,那是她的守护神。

    The little girl habitually fell asleep clutching a battered doll , her palladium .

  9. 噢我强烈建议大家来抱一抱奶牛

    Oh , I highly recommend hugging a cow

  10. 抱一个,美人

    Give me a hug , beautiful .

  11. 于是她把儿子都叫来,吩咐他们抱一捆柴火放在她的面前。

    So she called her sons and bid them lay a bundle of sticks before her .

  12. 对所有人都抱一份感恩的心情会使我们的生意长盛不衰。

    Having a sense of appreciation for all the people will keep us going on in business .

  13. 有一次我试着去抱一只澳洲野狗却因此受伤缝了15针

    One time , I had to get 15 stitches ' cause I tried to hug a dingo .

  14. 别说了,这样满不错的,来,抱一个。

    Mrs. Bing : Oooh , c'mon , shut up , it 's fun . Gimme a hug .

  15. 以利沙说,明年到这时候,你必抱一个儿子。

    About this time next year , 'Elisha said , 'you will hold a son in your arms .

  16. 菲多:我已经迫不及待的想尽快回到家中,抱一抱我的年轻的小女儿。

    Fedor : my direction is to get home as soon as possible and hold my young new daughter .

  17. 抱一抱奶牛或者用你的手臂去环抱一只山羊将会是一次很不错的体验

    and it 's just an amazing experience to hug a cow and just throw your arm around a goat

  18. 即使是对西尔弗等谨慎的、依赖数据的预测者,我们也应该抱一种更切合实际的期待,这才是明智的。

    We would be wise to have more realistic expectations , even of careful data-driven forecasters such as Silver .

  19. 孩子们始则受其双亲,长大之后则批评双亲,以至于对他们抱一种宽恕的态度。

    Children begin by loving their parents ; as they grow older they judge them ; sometimes they forgive them .

  20. 尽管考拉看上去很可爱,总是令人忍不住想抱一抱它,但是这种动物也因极强的攻击性而著称,尤其是在感觉自身受到威胁时。

    While the koalas appears cute and cuddly , they have been known to act aggressively , especially when feeling threatened .

  21. 在腐国,拥抱早已是人们互相问好的一种习惯性方式:家人、朋友甚至是一般熟人,没有见面不抱一个的。

    Hugging is a societal norm in the UK as a way of greeting people : for family , friends and even acquaintances .

  22. “是小猫,我第一次猜对了。”他想,边把双手伸到箱子里想抱一只小猫出来。

    " Kittens , I was right the first time " he thought , reaching in with both hands to pick one up .

  23. 我们还邀您闻一闻花香,抱一抱大树,和小鸟聊聊天并在草地上野餐。

    We also invite you to smell the roses , hug the trees , talk to the birds and picnic on the lawns .

  24. 没砍着蛇,他把附近的一块石头砍成了两半。因为没有砍中,所以他恐惧万分,担心蛇会用它的毒牙咬他,以抱一斧之仇。

    Having missed , he was in great fear that the snake would take his revenge on this attack by striking him with his fangs .

  25. 视频中显示,这些超级可爱、让人很想抱一抱的熊猫宝宝们仰卧在圈舍的草地上,争相抢夺装有配方牛奶的奶瓶。

    The footage shows the cute and cuddly bears lying on their backs on grass in their enclosure grabbing hold of the bottles filled with formula .

  26. 安慰他一下,抱一抱他就消气了,如果两个一起生气的话,上帝也挡不了!

    And comfort him , hug him . He then will be pacified . But if you both get angry , even God cannot do anything good !

  27. 你可以摇一摇或抱一抱他,给他喂奶,或者拍拍孩子后背让他打嗝。

    You can sway , offer a hug , feed the child a bottle , or even pat him on the back to help get out a burp .

  28. 李区得意地表示,这些娃娃背上的数位介面,设定娃娃「在不同时间因不同理由哭闹」,他还鼓励孙庆国抱一个。

    Boasting a digital interface on their backs , the babies are " programmed to cry at different times for different reasons ," Leach said , encouraging Sun to hold one .

  29. 老贝承认在周末和富勒姆的比赛,阿奎将不再出现在首发阵容中,主要的是考虑到他刚从一次严重的踝伤中恢复,对此更愿意抱一个谨慎的态度。

    Benitez admitted that Aquilani would not be in the starting line-up against Fulham on the weekend , preferring to err on the side of caution after a lengthy spell on the sidelines with an ankle injury .

  30. 他抱着一摞小册子匆匆出去了。

    He hurried out with an armful of brochures .