
dǐ yā dān bǎo
  • mortgage guarantee
  1. 建模时笔者利用第二章有关LGD的影响因素的分析结果,将抵押担保和企业的信用等级这两个因素加以考虑,引入条件回收率的建模方法。

    Using the analysis result regarding the influencing factors of LGD in Chapter 2 and giving consideration to the factors of mortgage guarantee and credit level of enterprise , the author introduces the modeling method of conditional recovery rate .

  2. 对《担保法》抵押担保几个问题的法律思考

    Legal Reflection on the Problems of Mortgage Guarantee under the Guarantee Law

  3. 住房抵押担保证券(CMO)的连续支付结构分析

    Analysis of continuous payment structure of collateralized mortgage obligation Bond and Life

  4. 它们可以利用LendingClub的系统获得无担保贷款,并且几乎立即就能获批,而不用依赖银行或其他传统借贷机构。在提供融资时,传统机构一般要求对方进行抵押担保。

    Rather than have to rely on banks or other traditional lenders who require collateral for their financing , these customers can instead use Lending Club 's systems to procure an unsecured loan with near-instant approval .

  5. 从明天开始,预计华尔街投资银行将纷纷公布强劲的第二季度业绩,原因是股权资本市场、咨询和资产管理带来的收入,抵消了抵押担保证券(mortgage-backedSecurities)发行减少的影响。

    Wall Street investment banks are expected to report strong second-quarter earnings starting tomorrow , as equity capital markets , advisory and asset management revenues offset a decline in mortgage-backed securities issuance .

  6. 她还表示,结构性产品的评级方法,是惠誉最明确且公开定义的评级方法之一。结构性产品包括抵押担保证券和债务抵押证券(CDO)。

    She also says rating methods for structured products – a class that includes mortgage-backed securities and collateralised debt obligations , or CDOs – are among the agency 's most clearly and publicly defined .

  7. 詹姆斯克罗斯比爵士提出,最有效的干预形式是由政府以某种方式拍卖政府担保,使得放贷机构能够为给新贷款融资而发行的aaa级批次抵押担保证券附上这些担保。

    Sir James Crosby suggested the most effective form of intervention would involve the government auctioning its own guarantees in a form that could be attached by lenders to AAA tranches of mortgage-backed securities , issued to fund their new lending .

  8. 例如,在上世纪90年代,许多人相信认为,由于投资者损失亏损和各种丑闻,抵押担保证券(cmo)市场已经近于消亡,但它得以新的形式复兴。

    Back in the 1990s , for example , many thought that the collateralised mortgage obligation market was almost dead as a result of investor losses and scandals , but it was revived in a new form .

  9. 抵押担保、置信威胁与融资选择

    Collateral Security , Credible Threat and the Choice of Finance Modes

  10. 首先,解决抵押担保证券市场中的流动性问题。

    First , address illiquidity in the market for mortgage-backed securities .

  11. 1925年财产法使英国法中的按揭出现向抵押担保发展的趋势。

    Property Law ( 1925 ) even shows the trend of warranty .

  12. 商业银行抵押担保贷款:风险及防范对策

    Risks of Mortgage Secured Loan of Commercial Bank and Countermeasures

  13. 不动产抵押担保中的法律问题研究

    Research on the Legal Issues in Mortgage and Security of Real Estate

  14. 二是会与担保法中的动产抵押担保产生功能重合,导致动产抵押法律制度闲置。

    Second , it will leave the legal system of chattel guarantee unused .

  15. 抵押担保在信贷合约中的经济意义

    Economic Sense of Mortgage and Guarantee in Credit Contract

  16. 那么,抵押担保证券市场的情况如何呢?

    And what of the market for mortgage-backed securities ?

  17. 抵押担保是提供市场经济信用的最有力的形式之一。

    Mortgage guarantee is one of the strongest forms supplying credit for market economy .

  18. 回购市场以及由美国国债作为抵押担保的贷款将会冻结。

    The repo market , loans offered against treasury bonds , would freeze up .

  19. 现在它们被分割成抵押担保证券,其中还包括晦涩难懂的衍生产品。

    Now they are sliced into mortgage-backed securities , which include arcane derivative products .

  20. 买盘剧增令抵押担保证券收益率全线走低。

    A surge of buying sent yields on mortgage-backed securities lower across the board .

  21. 美国政府接管“两房”之后,抵押担保债券价格上涨。

    Mortgage-backed bond prices rose after the US government seized control of the agencies .

  22. 使资本变现以获取新贷款的一个方法就是卖掉抵押担保的有价证券。

    One way to make capital available for new loans is to sell mortgage-backed securities .

  23. 这笔费用是为解决与美国联邦住房金融局在不良抵押担保证券上的纠纷。

    That 's result of the settlement over sour mortgage-back securities with federal housing finance administration .

  24. 析不动产抵押担保英语无主限定分句的研究

    Analysis of Real Estate Mortgage Content Brief A Study of the Subjectless Finite Clause in English

  25. 所有权转移和质押/抵押担保的同时存在是否发生冲突?

    Whether the conflict exists between transfer of title and pledge / mortgage at the same time ?

  26. 析不动产抵押担保论担保中的抵押制度

    The Mortgage System in Guaranty

  27. 抵押担保证券及其在我国的运用分析

    The mortgaged and Guaranteed Bond and the Application in China Analysis of Real Estate Mortgage Content Brief

  28. 房地产的抵押担保方式在现实生活中很普遍,由此产生的抵押纠纷也很多。

    The real estate collateral are in real life , and the resulting security there are many disputes .

  29. 因此,农村产权制度改革是农村拓展抵押担保市场的首要步骤。以农村土地产权制度改革为契机,顺应形势,建立我国农村土地产权抵押担保市场。

    Therefore , the rural property rights system reform is the first step of expanding rural mortgage guarantee market .

  30. 要建立健全农村资金回收机制;要健全农产和农村企业的贷款抵押担保机制,完善对担保机构的监督框架。

    Consummating the mechanism of the village enterprise mortgage guarantee and the monitoring frameworks of the mortgage guarantee mechanism .