
  • 网络Resist stress;renitency
  1. 我以为这是抵抗压力最有效的刀兵。

    I considered this as the most effective weapon against stress .

  2. 获得控制感是抵抗压力最好的武器。

    A sense of control is the best weapon against stress .

  3. 微笑让你变得更健康、更能抵抗压力和让你更有魅力。

    Smile to improve your health , your stress level , and your attractiveness .

  4. 有可塑性,适应性强,能抵抗压力,喜欢挑战。将长期在阳江发展。

    Plastic , adaptable , can work under pressure , like challenge , and will work in Yangjiang in the future .

  5. 控制局势,而不应被它左右或束手无策。获得控制感是抵抗压力最好的武器。

    Take control of the situation instead of feeling overwhelmed or powerless . a sense of control is the best weapon against stress .

  6. 急诊护士应当提高自身抵抗压力的能力,加强应激训练,调整心态,以更好地提高心理健康水平,有效轻松地工作。

    In order to improve psychological health situation and work effectively , the emergency nurses should enhance their abilities of resisting pressure , strengthen stress training .

  7. 低密度的运动对保持身体正常运作有着显著的成效,它能抵抗压力对衰老的影响:出门散散步,或是进行一些娱乐消遣。同时,这也能促使心智的独立,使它在其他时间活力充沛。

    Low-intensity activity does a phenomenal job of keeping the body in working order without placing too much stress on an aging system : getting out an walking , or enjoying some form or recreation also contributes to a sense of independence that allows the mindset needed for the other points to flourish .

  8. 在场发射显示器中,支撑体起到支持阴阳极基板以抵抗大气压力下形变和应力的作用。

    In a field emission display ( FED ) panel , spacers are used to support the anode and cathode substrate .

  9. 关键问题在于,中国是否具备坚定抵抗外界压力的力量美国长期以来拥有这种力量。

    The real question is whether China has the power , long enjoyed by the US , to stand steadfast against outside pressures .

  10. 社会支持逐渐开始成为抵抗怀孕压力的强大武器,比如关心的话语、善解人意的朋友、以及能够引发微笑和欢笑的环境。

    Social support kind words , nurturing friends , and surroundings that prompt smiles and laughter is emerging as a powerful antidote to pregnancy stress .

  11. 耕地资源安全系统具有自我维持、自我调节及其抵抗各种压力和抗干扰能力的弹性力。

    Cultivated land resources security system has a self-sustaining , self-regulation and its resistance to a variety of stress and anti-jamming ability of elastic force .

  12. 采用此设计方法制作彩色显像管,既能得到失真较小的显示图像,又能使显示屏内表面曲率半径较大,提高显示屏抵抗大气压力的能力。

    The advantages of the CRT with optimized inner surface geometry include less virtual image distortion and higher strength against air pressure because of larger radius of the inner surface curvature .

  13. 负载量一结构在支撑一定重量,质量或抵抗外界压力时所承受的全部压力轻质混凝土承重砌体抗震抗剪承载力的计算

    The overall force to which a structure is subjected in supporting a weight or mass or in resisting externally applied forces . SEISMIC RESISTANT CAPACITY OF NEW LIGHT QUALITY CONCRETE BEARING MASONRY

  14. 因为要在很深的水中生活,要能抵抗水的压力,那就必须有一种不可估计的巨大力量。

    Because it takes incalculable strength just to live in those deep strata and withstand their pressure .

  15. 预制钢桁架做成的33英寸厚的楼板将担当加强外墙的支撑以抵抗风载压力的扭曲应力。

    Thirty-three inch deep floors made of prefabricated steel trusses would act as supports to stiffen the outside walls against the buckling forces of the wind-load pressures .

  16. 负载一台机器所抵抗的外部机械压力。

    The external mechanical resistance against which a machine acts .

  17. 玻璃片能抵抗这样强大的压力吗?能抵抗。

    Is glass capable of resisting such pressures ?

  18. 它产生T细胞负责抵抗疾病和抵消压力影响。

    It produces T cells responsible for fighting off disease , and is adversely affected by stress .

  19. 机械特性是用来衡量材料抵抗机械载荷或者压力性能的指标。

    Mechanical properties are defined as a measure of a material 's ability to carry or resist mechanical forces or stresses .

  20. 在新技术发展起来后,才解决了怎样使潜艇外壳的强度足以抵抗这么巨大的压力的问题。

    After the new technique was developed , the problem of how to make a submarine hull strong enough to resist such a great pressure was solved .

  21. 而且,他把新闻集团经营得很像家族企业,族员拥有的特别投票权让他们可以抵抗季度收益的压力。

    And he runs News Corporation much like a family firm , with special voting rights that allow the family to resist the pressures of quarterly earnings .

  22. 这种对角色扮演、逃避现实的沉迷应该是和中国中产阶级孩子被严格管制的生活有关,用以抵抗这种巨大的压力。

    This obsession with role-playing escapism could have much to do with the highly regimented lives led by middle-class Chinese kids , who cope with enormous pressure .

  23. 为了使上层公路桥面板能帮助主桁上弦杆抵抗巨大的纵向压力,正桥全部采用混凝土桥面板与钢桁梁共同作用的板桁结合梁。

    In order to let the slabs help the top chords of the steel trusses resist the giant compressive forces , slab truss composite structures are used throughout the main bridge .