
  • 网络competing applications
  1. 在本章中,介绍了禁止重复授权原则与新颖性标准以及抵触申请制度之间的关系。

    In this chapter , the relationship between the rule of prohibition of double patenting and the novelty standard is introduced .

  2. 其次,系统梳理了美中两国防止权利冲突制度各自庞杂的规定及相关表现,重点分析了防止权利冲突制度下的抵触申请、重复授权及其相互关系。

    Moreover , the numerous provisions and relevant performance in the United States and China systems to prevent the right conflicts are systematically settled , focusing on analysis conflicting application and double patenting and their relationship in the system to prevent conflicts .

  3. 如申请合乎商标法条例及没有抵触其他或已申请的商标,署会发出公告许可证及列明商标获准所须遵办的条件。

    If the application fulfills the requirement then the application will be granted by the examiner and the trademark office will publish the application in the gazette .