
  • 网络doctrine of equivalent;the doctrine of equivalents
  1. 论对于等同原则的恰当限制

    Equitable Restrictions on the Application of Doctrine of Equivalents

  2. 等同原则是专利侵权判定中的一个重要原则。

    The doctrine of equivalents is an important principle in patent infringement verdict .

  3. 其次阐述了等同原则在一些英美法系国家的发展。

    Then describe the development of countries in Anglo-American Legal System .

  4. 最后,本文讨论等同原则的合理限制。

    Finally , the dissertation discusses the rational constraints on the DOE .

  5. 首先介绍了等同原则的产生背景。

    First of all introduce the background of the principle .

  6. 专利侵权归责的等同原则研究

    Research on the Equal Principle of the Patent Pirate Responsibility

  7. 其次分析了等同原则适用时主要受到的限制。

    Then analyze the limits in applying the DOE .

  8. 第二章为等同原则基本理论。

    The third is the basic theories about DOE .

  9. 等同原则在专利侵权认定中扮演着非常重要的角色。

    The doctrine of equivalent plays a very important role in patent infringement .

  10. 试论专利侵权判定的等同原则

    On Patent Infringement under the Doctrine of Equivalents

  11. 在美国的影响下,等同原则已在全球范围内被广泛接受。

    The doctrine of equivalents has being accepted word-widely under the influence of America .

  12. 等同原则首先是在美国专利司法实践中产生的。

    The doctrine of equivalent firstly generated from the judicial practice of United States Patent .

  13. 等同原则适用不可避免的要涉及到等同原则的适用流程问题。

    It is inevitable to involve the Procedure of Application when we apply this principle .

  14. 美国对等同原则的发展也是通过司法判例加以变革的。

    Development for the doctrine of equivalent of America is also changed by judicial decisions .

  15. 论专利权保护范围确定中等同原则的适用

    Discussion on the Suitability of Doctrine of Equivalent in Confirming Patent Right 's Protection Range

  16. 此外,等同原则的限制和时间也是完善等同原则标准不可或缺的构成部分。

    Time and limitation about doctrine of equivalent plays an important role in consummating the standard .

  17. 等同原则迄今已经有二百多年,现在已经被国际上广为接受。

    Equivalent principle has 200 years history , now it has been widely accepted by international .

  18. 首先论及的是等同原则的概念,使我们对等同原则有个初步的了解。

    First of all , I discuss the concept so that we have a basic understanding .

  19. 法院在审理此类案件时,尤以等同原则为突出之处。

    When the Court in such cases , especially for the prominent place the same principle .

  20. 外观设计的专利侵权判定在目前实践中还没有适用等同原则,本文暂不论及。本文主要是针对发明和实用新型专利侵权判定中等同原则的适用。

    This article mainly deals with apply of the DOE in invention and utility model patent infringement .

  21. 等同原则如同调节器,是多种利益博弈的价值选择体。

    DOE as regulator is a variety of interests of the value of the game of choice .

  22. 等同原则理论起源至今,已有150多年的历史。

    Since theory of the doctrine of equivalent originated , it has been running for over 150 years .

  23. 目前许多国家都已经把等同原则作为专利侵权判定中的一项原则。

    At present , the DOE is an important principle at the case of patent infringement in many countries .

  24. 对等同原则的主张可以运用禁止反悔和公知技术进行抗辩。

    It can demur by using The Doctrine of Prosecution History Estoppel and prior art to the proposition of DOE .

  25. 等同原则的出现与适用,为判定专利侵权的成立提供了一套行之有效的方法。

    The appearance and application of the equal principle provides a set of effective methods in judging the patent pirate .

  26. 之所以如此安排,与等同原则适用的特点有着较大的关系。

    The reason why such an arrangement , with the same principle applies to the characteristics of a larger relationship .

  27. 与国外有关国家的适用流程相比,我国等同原则的适用流程存在一定的问题。

    Compared with some other countrys ' Procedure of Application , there is still some problems in the procedure in ours .

  28. 禁止反悔原则是代表了社会公众的利益,而等同原则涵有极强的保护私权的利益取向。

    Estoppel on behalf of the public interest , while the same principle of Han-interest orientation of the strong protection of private rights .

  29. 但等同原则的适用难免有倾向保护专利权人的利益之嫌,因此在实践中适用等同原则要加以限制。

    However , the DOE inevitably have a tendency to apply the protection of patentee , which should be rational limited in practice .

  30. 专利禁止反悔原则从弃权理论发展而来,与专利等同原则并不具有天然的限制与被限制的关系。

    The development of patent prosecution history estoppel indicates that it is not merely acting as a restrictive tool to the application of equivalent .