
  • 网络Abstract Model
  1. 粘贴系统与删除系统是DNA计算中两种抽象模型。

    Sticker system and delete system are two abstract models in DNA computing .

  2. 提出了一个包括实体、对象和Agent在内的三层抽象模型框架,并对相关的概念进行了形式化定义与描述,阐述了Agent模型实现相关的细节。

    A 3-tier abstract models framework including entity , object and agent was proposed for agent-based modeling , and the concepts about entity , object , and agent were defined and represented by formal specifications .

  3. 基于XMLSCHEMA抽象模型的XML模式验证方法

    A method for XML document schema validation with abstract XML schema model

  4. 从关键抽象模型和软件技术发展的三要素比较了面向Agent与面向对象的不同。

    From key abstraction model and three factors of software technology development compare Agent-Oriented to Object-Oriented .

  5. GIS的数据抽象模型的构建和检索

    Structure and Search of GIS Data Abstract Model

  6. 给出了嵌入式软件设计中常用的UML并发状态图到B抽象模型的转换规则。

    The rules of transforming from UML state machine into B abstract machine are provided .

  7. 这是在blog示例中的一个简单的抽象模型。

    Here is a simple abstract model in the blog example .

  8. 基于人的社会化、社会互动、社会组织理论论述了面向Agent关键抽象模型Agent、交互、组织的定义;

    Based human socialization , social interaction , social organization theory discuss the definition of Agent , interaction , organization .

  9. DNA计算是一种新兴的计算方式,粘贴系统模型是其中基于粘贴运算的一种DNA计算的抽象模型。

    DNA computing is a new calculation method , and the sticker system is an abstract DNA computing model that based on sticking operations .

  10. 因此作者想从二维GIS的功能的角度出发,以地下管网为抽象模型,来进行三维GIS的研究和开发。

    The author wants to study and exploit 3D GIS based on the functions of 2D GIS , using underground pipe networks as model .

  11. VHDL高级抽象模型

    VHDL High Level Abstract Model

  12. 本文在对STREAMS机制进行介绍和分析的基础上,提出了基于STREAMS机制的开发UNIX内核网络协议软件的通用抽象模型。

    After discussion of STREAMS , we present a common abstract model of STREAMS - based UNIX kernel network protocols software .

  13. 文中以柔性耦合自动机为工具建立各个单元的Agent抽象模型、计算结构和算法。

    In this paper , the flexible coupling automaton was adopted to establish the abstract model , the computational architecture and the algorithm of each DMIS unit in the multi-agent system model .

  14. 通过研究设计模式探测理论,基于设计模式形式化方法提出了设计模式抽象模型和面向Java的实现模型。

    By studying the theory of design patterns detection , we provided a design pattern abstract model and a Java oriented implementation model based on the methods of design pattern formalization .

  15. XML解析器将XML文档的编码形式(编码在XML声明中规定)转化成表示XML文档信息的抽象模型。

    An XML parser converts an encoded form of an XML document ( the encoding being specified in the XML declaration ) to an abstract model representing the information in the XML document .

  16. 分析出了一般Wizard的抽象模型并给出了CAD/CAM-Wizard开发的一般途径。

    An abstract model of general Wizard is analyzed and put forward and a general procedure is designed to develop Wizard for CAD / CAM software .

  17. 根据一种称之为CG树的分布式集群的抽象模型,作者设计了自己CG树算法。

    Base on a model of distributed cluster , named CG tree , the author design his algorithms to manipulate CG trees .

  18. SCAMS由代码表示层、抽象模型层与具体应用层组成。

    SCAMS consists of code representation layer , abstract model layer and specific application layer .

  19. 此工具首先为VB程序建立非形式化的抽象模型:窗体结构图和过程调用图;然后为关键模块生成形式化规格说明。

    It can produce the windows structure graph for a VB program , the process call graph in a window , and the formal specification of a key module .

  20. 将得到的反例在Web服务上做投影操作,进行反例确认,对产生伪反例的Web服务抽象模型进行精化,生成新的组合抽象模型,再次对性质进行验证。

    The counterexample will be confirmed by doing projection operation in the Web services . Then refine the abstract model of Web service which causes spurious counterexample , and generate a new combination of the abstract models to verify the properties again .

  21. AGR元模型到组织抽象模型的建模方法

    Modeling Method for Abstract Organizational Model from AGR Meta-model

  22. 从流程角度分析了仓储管理的抽象模型,阐明了RFID技术对仓储管理的影响和该领域可能的研究方向,为其他学者进一步研究RFID和仓储管理相关问题提供了一个初步的研究框架。

    The paper analyzes the abstract model of warehousing management from the angle of process , depicts the impact of RFID in warehousing management and maybe , points out the future research direction .

  23. 查看ccREL抽象模型,然后,把它转换成可被修改且符合需求的Web页面应用程序。

    Let 's look at the abstract model for ccREL and then translate it into a Web page application that you can modify to suit your taste .

  24. 本文探讨了可预测性的概念,提出了分布式实时IPC的抽象模型,并分析影响分布式实时IPC的主要因素,为设计分布式实时应用作一定的探讨。

    This article makes research on predictability , presents an abstract model and analyses those main elements that affect the performance of distributed real time IPC . [ WT5HZ ]

  25. 根据该抽象模型建立了基于OGSA的虚拟组织实际网络构造模型;

    According to this model , a practical network model of VO structure based on Open Grid Service Architecture ( OGSA ) was constructed ;

  26. 本文从建立CGF实体的抽象模型入手,研究坦克实体行为的表示、生成和控制方法。

    Starting with building the abstract model of CGF entitys behavior , it studies CGF tank entity on expression , production and controlling the method of behavior .

  27. ccREL抽象模型是以作品属性和许可属性为基础。

    The abstract model for ccREL is based on work properties and license properties .

  28. CCM的核心组成部分可以概括为五个子模型:抽象模型、编程模型、打包模型、部署模型和运行模型。

    The core content of CCM includes the following five sub-models : the Abstract Model , the Programming Model , the Packaging Model , the Deployment Model and the Execution Model .

  29. 请注意,这一点也是引起极大争议的原因,因为有许多可用的技巧使得从各种语法和所生成的RDF抽象模型的转换具有一定的脆弱性。

    Note that this is also a source of great controversy as the many tricks available lead to a certain brittleness about the translation from the various syntaxes and the resulting RDF abstract model .

  30. 信息系统的LOODS抽象模型

    Loods abstract model for information systems