
dān bǎo zhài quàn
  • secured note;guaranteed note
  1. 2月20日,在中新集团尽管一度推迟但仍在30天的宽限期内支付了利息后,穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody'sInvestorsService)上调了中新集团高级无担保债券的评级。

    On Feb.20 , Moody 's Investors Service upgraded Neo-China 's senior unsecured bonds after the company made an interest payment that had been delayed but was still within a30-day grace period .

  2. 德意志银行(deutschebank)成为近3个月以来首家发行优先无担保债券的欧洲银行,进一步提振了市场情绪,表明融资市场的压力可能正在减轻。

    Deutsche Bank boosted sentiment further after it became the first European bank to issue senior unsecured debt for nearly three months , indicating that stresses in funding markets may be easing .

  3. 花旗、美银和富国拒绝就是否会发行更多fdic担保债券发表置评。

    Citi , BofA and wells declined to comment on whether they would issue more FDIC-backed debt .

  4. dealogic的银行数据包括所谓的高级无担保债券发行,这是银行传统上主要的融资手段。

    The Dealogic bank data includes so-called senior unsecured issuance , traditionally the bread and butter of bank funding .

  5. 德国的银行,包括deutschepfandbriefbank在内,正在研究发行结构性资产担保债券的可能性。

    German banks , including Deutsche pfandbriefbank , are examining the possibility of issuing structured covered bonds .

  6. 通用电气(GE)虽未获政府资金,但其金融子公司通用电气金融(GECapital)已发行数十亿美元FDIC担保债券和无担保债券。通用电气表示,它将继续通过上述两条渠道筹集资金。

    General Electric , which did not receive government funds but whose finance arm GE Capital has issued billions of dollars in FDIC-backed and non-guaranteed bonds , said it would continue to raise funds through both sources .

  7. 相对于一般债券,FDIC担保债券的发行成本较低,因为在有了政府担保的情况下,投资者愿意接受相对较低的利率。

    FDIC-backed debt is cheaper to issue than normal debt because investors are prepared to accept a lower interest rate because of the government guarantee .

  8. 迪富尔表示,CFF计划追随一些欧洲发行者,在美国发行担保债券。

    Mr Dufour says CFF plans to follow the lead of some European issuers , by selling covered bonds in the US .

  9. 在那之前,德国产业投资银行和sachsenlb等银行已积累了作为资产担保债券发行商的专业知识,为企业及自身需求服务。

    By then , banks such as IKB and Sachsen LB had built-up expertise as issuers of asset-based bonds for companies as well as for their own requirements .

  10. 近几周来,评级最高的次级抵押贷款证券和债务担保债券(CDO)价格进一步大幅下挫,华尔街银行的亏损主要源自于这两类证券。

    In recent weeks there have been further large price declines for the most highly rated subprime mortgage securities and collateralised debt obligations , which account for the bulk of the losses sustained by Wall Street banks .

  11. 毕竟,担保债券总比次级贷款更有吸引力。

    Well , they 're a lot more attractive than sub-prime .

  12. 任何投资组合担都可以把担保债券包括进去。

    This could be an anchor asset for any portfolio .

  13. 但担保债券会对银行资产构成拖累,使留给其它债权人的资产减少。

    But covered bonds encumber bank assets , leaving less for other creditors .

  14. 那些令担保债券对于投资者而言更为安全的因素,会对其它银行债权人构成风险。

    What makes covered bonds safer for investors poses risks to other bank creditors .

  15. 一旦公司破产,担保债券由特定的资产作保证。

    Secured bonds have specific collateral backing them in the event of firm bankruptcy .

  16. 美国政府接管“两房”之后,抵押担保债券价格上涨。

    Mortgage-backed bond prices rose after the US government seized control of the agencies .

  17. 另一项方案可以与第一项同时实施,将担保债券持有人不受损失。

    The other , which could run in parallel , would guarantee against losses by bondholders .

  18. 担保债券是一种由相对优质的贷款和抵押贷款组成的债务。

    Covered bonds are a type of debt made up of relatively high-quality loans and mortgages .

  19. 2010年,加拿大与欧洲银行共向美国投资者销售了超过300亿美元的资产担保债券。

    Canadian and European banks sold more than $ 30bn of covered bonds to US investors in 2010 .

  20. 在金融危机期间,尽管其它市场陷入冰冻,但欧洲银行仍然通过资产担保债券募集到了资金。

    European banks managed to raise funds via covered bonds throughout the crisis even as other markets froze .

  21. 债券市场的另一个巨大变化,是银行的政府担保债券计划将逐渐结束。

    Another big shift in the bond market will be the winding down of government-guaranteed debt programmes by banks .

  22. 与此相反,担保债券的付款是由银行担保的,无论打包的贷款表现有多糟。

    In contrast , covered bonds have payments that are bank-guaranteed regardless of how poorly the packaged loans perform .

  23. 银行融资的主要来源高级无担保债券的发行规模为2003年以来最低。

    The amount of senior unsecured debt , a mainstay of bank funding , is at its lowest since 2003 .

  24. 债务担保债券被分割为不同风险和回报等级、并出售给投资者的一批债务。

    CDOs are pools of debt that are sliced into tranches of varying risk and return that sold onto investors .

  25. 近年来,该领域一直是抵押贷款担保债券市场中增长最快的领域之一。

    In recent years , this area has been one of the fastest-growing parts of the market for mortgage-backed bonds .

  26. 通用汽车的债券持有者抵制其推动减少三分之二无担保债券的努力,而这是政府纾困的一个条件。

    GM 's bondholders are resisting its push to cut its unsecured debt by two-thirds , a condition of the bail-out .

  27. 最近几个月,担保债券占融资总额的45%,而平均水平为29%。

    Covered bonds accounted for 45 per cent of funding in recent months , from an average of 29 per cent .

  28. 甚至连欧洲央行在购买有担保债券问题上,也多少有点屈从于国际压力,她表示。

    Even the European Central Bank has somewhat bowed to international pressure with its purchase of covered bonds , she said .

  29. 一些欧元区国家的经济困境令投资者对于无担保债券保持警惕,对于这些国家的银行而言,这种债券仍是一条生命线。

    The bonds remain a lifeline for banks in eurozone countries whose economic woes have made investors wary of unsecured debt .

  30. 这不包括越来越受银行欢迎的担保债券,即将贷款和抵押贷款打包发行的债券。

    It excludes covered bonds , the bundled packages of loans and mortgages that have become increasingly popular for banks to issue .