
zhènɡ fǔ zhài quàn
  • debenture;government bond;treasury bond
  1. 标准人寿投资的投资主管理查德巴蒂(RichardBatty)表示:在美国和英国政府债券市场上,风险已显著增加。

    Richard Batty , investment director at Standard Life Investments , said : The risks have heightened sharply in the US and UK government bond markets .

  2. 如果政府债券的收益率维持在低位,像EADS这样的企业发现融资十分容易,应当会对复苏构成支撑。

    If government bond yields remain low , and companies such as EADS find it easy to raise cash , that should support recovery .

  3. 大部分资金将通过发行政府债券来筹措。

    Most of it will be financed by government bonds .

  4. 中央银行获授权公开发行政府债券。

    The Central Bank is authorized to sell government bonds on the open market .

  5. 他们热心购买政府债券。

    They are eager to buy their government bonds .

  6. 指期限可长达30年的德国联邦政府债券

    German federal government bonds issued with maturities of up to 30 years .

  7. 为了降低长期利率,英国央行(bankofengland)一直在购买政府债券。

    To lower long-term interest rates , the Bank of England has been buying government bonds .

  8. 同时,尽管美联储已经终止资产购买计划,但日本央行(BankofJapan)仍忙于购买政府债券。

    And while the Fed has drawn its asset purchases to an end , the Bank of Japan is still busy buying government bonds .

  9. 另一种选择是狭义银行(narrowbank)模式。在这种模式下,银行只能将储户的资产投资于低风险的政府债券。

    Another alternative is the narrow bank model , which confines the banks to investing depositors ' assets in low-risk government securities .

  10. 今年早些时候,德意志银行(deutschebank)悄然决定缩减其对意大利政府债券的敞口。

    Earlier this year , Deutsche Bank quietly decided to reduce its exposure to Italian government bonds .

  11. 国际会计准则理事会(InternationalAccountingStandardsBoard)已经迈出了头一步,对欧元区银行是否为政府债券相关损失作了充足拨备提出了质疑。

    The International Accounting Standards Board has taken a first step , raising questions about whether eurozone banks are provisioning adequately for losses on government bonds .

  12. 欧洲央行(ECB)开始买入政府债券,而就在几天之前,该行还坚称自己不会这样做。

    The European Central Bank began buying government bonds days after insisting it would not .

  13. 欧洲中央银行(EuropeanCentralBank)负责为包含19个成员国的欧元区制定货币政策,它近期宣布了一项计划,其中包括印钱买进价值数千亿欧元的政府债券。

    The European Central Bank , which dictates policy in the 19-member eurozone , announced a plan that involves printing money to buy hundreds of billions of euros of government bonds .

  14. 尽管如此,据国际货币基金组织(imf)表示,高品质的政府债券几乎占了潜在安全资产供应的一半。

    Still , high-quality government securities account for almost half the supply of potentially safe assets , according to the IMF .

  15. 传统的做法是将地方政府债券收益率当作无风险回报率,其beta值为零。

    The convention is to use the yield on local government debt as the risk-free rate , which has a beta of zero .

  16. 日本银行(BankofJapan)周五出人意料地宣布,将扩大购买政府债券和其他资产的行动,使之达到每年价值逾7000亿美元的规模。

    In an unexpected decision , the Bank of Japan said on Friday that it would expand its program of buying government bonds and other assets to the equivalent of more than $ 700 billion a year .

  17. 德国已出台了一项禁令,禁止裸卖空德国股票、欧元区政府债券和与这些债券挂钩的CDS。

    Germany has announced a ban on naked short selling in German stocks , eurozone government bonds and credit default swaps linked to these bonds .

  18. 然而,如果政府债券的beta值为正,那么就需要考虑对使用这些模型的投资者的影响了。

    If , however , the beta on government paper has a positive measure then it is worth pondering the implications for investors who use these models .

  19. 欧洲央行(ecb)购买债券是权宜之计,这使其成为政府债券事实上的定价者。

    Bond buying by the European Central Bank is a stop-gap measure and one that makes the ECB the de facto price setter for government bonds .

  20. 信贷危机以来,政府债券已经变成最佳的AAA级资产,在很大程度上反映了这一点。

    That is largely reflected by the fact that government debt has become the triple A asset of choice since the credit crisis .

  21. 花旗集团(Citigroup)固定收益策略师AlbertLeung表示,总回报率不太可能显著高于政府债券的收益率。

    Albert Leung , a fixed-income strategist at Citigroup said the total return was unlikely to be substantially higher than the yield on government bonds .

  22. 从技术角度讲,EFSF作为单一险种保险人,能够在协议比例的范围内,为政府债券提供一种最初亏损额度保险。

    Technically , the EFSF monoline insurer would provide a first-loss tranche insurance for government bonds up to an agreed percentage .

  23. 印度央行(ReserveBankofIndia)宣布,当地银行必须通过购买政府债券等举措,来提高准备金率。此举旨在从系统内收回流动性,抵御重新抬头的通胀威胁。

    The Reserve Bank of India announced that local banks would have to boost their reserves , partly through the purchase of government bonds , in an effort to withdraw liquidity from the system and ward off the renewed inflation threat .

  24. sec指控这些陈述是假的,2008年7月提交申请的时候,该公司没有为任何资产支持证券和政府债券发布过评级。

    The SEC alleged that those statements were false and at the time of the application in July 2008 the company had not issued any ratings for asset-backed or government debt .

  25. 根据他们的方案,可将成员国的一部分政府债券并入一个单一债券,规模上限是各国国内生产总值(GDP)的60%,而高于这个门槛的任何债务都仍将由各国政府承担。

    Under their scheme , a member states debt of up to 60 per cent of gross domestic product would be folded into a single bond , while governments remain responsible for any debts above that threshold .

  26. 欧元问世后,商业银行可在欧洲央行(ecb)的贴现窗口,为自己所持有的政府债券进行再融资,而监管者认为这些债券是无风险的。

    After the euro came into force , commercial banks could refinance their holdings of government bonds at the discount window of the European Central Bank and regulators treated such bonds as riskless .

  27. ClearingHouse的研究报告显示,截止2012年7月,美国银行业的流动性资产达到了规定的81%,高于两年前的59%,原因是它们增加了政府债券持有量和储蓄规模出现增长。

    According to the Clearing House study , US banks had 81 per cent of the liquid assets they require as of July 2012 , up from 59 per cent two years earlier because of increased holdings of government bonds and deposit growth .

  28. 他表示:我们提供的是一种越来越稀有的商品,那就是AAA评级的政府债券,锦上添花的是,它们在最高评级债券中拥有最高的收益率。

    We offer what is an increasingly rare commodity , which is a triple A rated government bond with the icing on top the highest yield on those top-rated bonds , he said .

  29. 讨论主要集中在银行及银行持有的美国和英国等国的国债上,因为《巴塞尔协议》(BaselI)将政府债券列为零风险,即假定它们没有风险。

    The broader debate has focused upon banks and their holdings of Treasuries , gilts and the like as Basel I assigns a zero risk weight to government bonds - the assumption being that they are without risk .

  30. 事实上,它已经把短期利率调到零,而且已经通过用新发行的货币购买政府债券,推出了两轮量化宽松货币政策(QE)。

    It has already , in effect , lowered short-term interest rates to zero , and carried out two rounds of quantitative easing ( QE ), the purchase of government bonds with newly printed money .