
  1. 缅甸拉咱市氯喹治疗间日疟的敏感性评价

    Sensitivity of Plasmodium vivax to Chloroquine in Laza City , Myanmar

  2. 结果表明,缅甸拉咱市的间日疟病例对氯喹治疗均敏感,该边境地区间日疟病例可采用氯喹进行临床治疗。

    Results showed that P.vivax is sensitive to chloroquine in Laza , Myanmar , and chloroquine can still be used for the imported vivax malaria cases at the China-Myanmar border .

  3. 我打了个电话找人拉关系,给咱俩接了个蛋糕单子。

    I made a call to a connection I know and got us a real cupcake job .