
lā chuáng
  • broaching machine;broacher;drawbench
拉床[lā chuáng]
  1. 第一章对拉床设备、远程监控系统、GPRS网络分别进行了概述。

    In Chapter One , the overviews of broaching machine , remote monitoring system , and GPRS network are given .

  2. 在分析该工序加工工艺过程的基础上,阐述了采用PLC进行全自动液压对接平面拉床控制系统技术改造的设计过程,并说明了其中的相关技术问题。

    The design process of the reform of the machine tool control system of automatic hydraulic broaching machine for bisect plane machining by applying PLC on the basic of analyzing the machining process of this working procedure was discussed , and the relative technical problems were explained .

  3. 基于PLC的滑动轴承对接平面拉床控制系统

    Control system of broaching machine for bisect plane machining of sliding bearing based on PLC

  4. 利用V型块自动对中定位原理,对飞轮键槽拉床定位塞尺进行改进。

    Improvement is made to the positioning feller gauge in flywheel keyway broaching machine by V-type auto center align .

  5. 利用万能工具显微镜对V型缺口冲击试样的形状及尺寸进行检查,并以此数据指导V型缺口拉床的调整,加工出合格的试样。

    The shape and dimension of the V-notch impact samples were checked by a universal tool maker 's microscope . The checking data can be used to direct the adjustment of the V-notch broacher so as to process the qualified samples .

  6. 本文介绍了用8031单片机控制立式拉床的工作循环和速度选择等。并阐述了电液系统的构成、硬件、软件以及PWM控制。

    The paper presents the work cycle and velocity election of a vertical broacher controled with single chip microcomputer 8031.The compo - sition of electrohydraulic system 、 hardware 、 soft - ware and PWM comtrol are also described , which system is simplified by the method .

  7. 所提供的实验结果,已用在长沙机床厂产品L6120B型(L6120的改进型)拉床床身结构的设计中。

    The result of the experiment has been adopted in the broacher body ( model L6120B & An improved design of model L6120 ) design by Changsha Machine Tool Works .

  8. 介绍了将普通车床改装为拉床的方法。

    The method refitting the common lathe into broacher is introduced .

  9. 头连续;机械式拉床主体设计

    Head continuous with body ; The Main Design on Mechanical Broacher

  10. 模块设计在多功能液压实验台中的应用研究多功能液压牵拉床的研制及93例临床治疗分析

    The Research of Multifunctional Hydraulic Tractor and Clinical Analysis of 93 Cases

  11. 激光全息干涉计量方法在拉床床身结构刚度测试中的应用研究

    Measurement for the stiffness of Broacher Body Structure by Laser Holographic Interferometry

  12. 用二通插装阀技术改造立式拉床液压系统

    Transforming the Hydraulic System of Vertical Broaching Machine by Slip-in Cartridge Values

  13. 加工涡轮盘的大型卧式侧拉床

    Large Horizontal Side Broaching Machine for Discs Broaching

  14. 车床改装拉床的设备改造技术

    Equipment Reconstruction Technology Refitting Lathe into Broaching Machine

  15. 直径950mm轧机推拉床推杆断裂失效分析

    Analysis of Fracture of a Pushing Rod of Ejector in Φ 950 Rolling Mill

  16. 机械式拉床辅助设计

    The Aid Design on Banausic Broaching Machine

  17. 车床改装拉床的液压控制系统和主框架的结构稳定性

    Design Hydraulic Control System and Main Frame of Broaching Machine Refitted with Old Long Lathe

  18. 利用旧车床改装成LJ8510/CGL型键槽拉床,符合绿色制造减小回收成本的要求。

    An old long lathe is changed to LJ8510 / CGL type keyway broaching machine .

  19. 第三章给出了位于拉床现场的终端机应用程序的设计方案。

    In Chapter Three , the design of the application in the terminal computer is described .

  20. 其中计算所得到的拉削力,必须小于拉床的实际拉力。

    Which has been calculated Broaching , and must be less than the actual pull broaching machine .

  21. 连杆裂解槽拉床数控系统研究

    Research on the Numerical Control System of the Machine for Fracture Splitting Notches in the Connecting Rod

  22. 拉床还可以进步分为表面拉床、内拉床和通用拉床或组合拉床。

    Broaching Broacher can progress into the surface , or within Broacher portfolio and generic Broacher Broacher .

  23. 单人操作,工作量为单轴平面拉床两倍,省时省工。

    You can operate by yourself , the eficiency is double to Hydraulic Broaching Machine , time-saving and labor-saving .

  24. 拉床可以根据上作特性和当机床完全装好工具后所完成的作业类型进行分类;

    Broaching properties and can make when fully loaded machine tool operations after the completion of the types of classifications ;

  25. 我厂最近自主开发生产一种:高效低耗、经济实用新型卧式液压拉床。

    I plant a recent independent development and production of : low-efficient , economical and practical new horizontal hydraulic broaching machine .

  26. 机械式拉床主体设计本文介绍了我们采用激光全息干涉计量方法在拉床床身结构刚度试验中的应用。

    The Main Design on Mechanical Broacher The measurement for the stiffness of broacher body structure by laser holographic interferometry is introduced in this paper .

  27. 从计算结果分析了该机床支承件薄弱环节,并对卧式拉床结构提出了设计改进的建议。

    The weak links of the bed are found by the analysis and a proposal for improving the structural design of broaching machines was presented .

  28. 本文针对拉床故障检测和维修过程中存在的时间周期长成本高等问题,设计实现了一种基于GPRS/Internet的拉床远程监控系统。

    To solve the problem of long period and high cost for fault diagnosis and repair of broaching machine , a remote monitoring system of broaching machine based on GPRS / Internet is studied .

  29. 我校自行研制的新一代径向柱塞泵具有结构简单、噪声低、抗冲击性能好、寿命长等优点,在轧钢机、拉床、液压凿岩台车等冲击负载的设备中有广阔的应用前景。

    The new radial piston pump that designed by our college has many advantages , such as structure simplicity , low noise , good capacity of anti-impact , long using time and so on . It has broad applying prospect .

  30. 第二章提出了本课题具体需要解决的问题,并对问题做了具体的分析,然后给出了系统设计的解决方案。着重对拉床终端机子系统的各个硬件环节进行了分析和说明。

    In Chapter Two , the problems to be solved are analyzed , and the overall structure of the system are introduced . Furthermore , the analysis and descriptions of every hardware parts on the terminal subsystem are given emphatically .