
  • 网络lacan;jacques lacan;jacque lacan;lacon
  1. 雅克.拉康的思想始终以其晦涩难解著称于世。

    Jacques Lacan is very famous for his obscure and abstruse thought .

  2. 拉康关于自我建构的精神分析理论扩展了文学批评的视野。

    Jacques Lacan 's psychoanalysis theory of self-construction expands the view of literary criticism .

  3. 然而,在这里我们必须谨慎地区分被分割的主体(thedividedsubject)这个拉康的观念与主体位置(subject-position)的“后结构主义”观念。

    Here , however , we must carefully distinguish between this Lacanian notion of the divided subject and the " post-structuralist " notion of the subject-positions .

  4. Phallus的悲剧&以拉康的思想阅读杨康

    The Tragedy of " Phallus " & Reading Yangkang with the Thought of Lacan

  5. 这些概念是拉康主体思想中的重要理论支撑点。

    These notions laid the foundation for Lacan 's Subject Theory .

  6. 虚幻的自我&论拉康的镜子阶段理论

    Virtual Self & On Lacan 's " the Mirror Stage " Theory

  7. 拉康称其为是不在场的存在。

    Lacan says that it is nothing but the presence as absence .

  8. 教育学视界下之拉康主体理论

    Lacan 's Subject Theory & from the Perspective of Education

  9. 弗洛伊德症状阅读有着如下发展:首先,拉康发展了症状的意义。

    The development of " symptom reading " is described .

  10. 本文主要讨论了拉康晚期关于真实域的理论。

    This paper mainly discusses late Lacan 's theory of real order .

  11. 这一部分介绍了拉康主体理论的核心概念。

    This chapter explains the core concepts of Lacan ' ssubject theory .

  12. 通过修改索绪尔的所指与能指图式,拉康建构出S/s模式。

    He constructs his unique mode S / s by modifying Saussurean diagram .

  13. 但是关于拉康,我们完全有着另一种主体的观念。

    But with Lacan , we have quite another notion of the subject .

  14. 论拉康结构精神分析学无意识的语言结构

    On Lacan 's Unconscious Language Structure of Structural Psychoanalysis

  15. 无意识,拉康写到,是它者的话语。

    The Unconscious , Lacan writes , is the discourse of the Other .

  16. 能指的游戏&拉康语言/精神分析学中的意义

    The game of the signifier : " Meaning " in Lacan 's psycholinguistics

  17. 拉康语言哲学思想述评

    Commentary on Lacan ′ s language philosophical thinking

  18. 拉康认为欲望应该不断被重复直到它被认可。

    Lacan believes that a desire must insistently repeat itself until it be recognized .

  19. 根据拉康的理论,想象界充满了幻想、想象和欲望。

    According to Lacan , the imaginary is full of illusions , images and desires .

  20. 这又是拉康给我们上的一课。

    That 's another lesson of Lacan .

  21. 拉康的精神分析语言观

    Language Theory of Psychanalysis of Lacan

  22. 拉康作为后精神分析学家,其理论的后现代指向性是显而易见的。

    Jacques Lacan , as a post-psychoanalyst , the post-modern tendency of whose theory is remarkable .

  23. 拉康重建了弗洛依德的精神分析的理论。

    Lacan reconstructs Freud 's theory .

  24. 拉康与后现代文化批评

    Lacan and Postmodern Cultural Criticism

  25. 根据你对弗洛伊德、拉康、齐泽克的阅读,努力理解这一说法的含义。

    Using your reading of Freud , Lacan and Zizek , pursue the implications of this statement .

  26. 拉康“分裂的主体”理论是齐泽克意识形态幻象理论的基础。

    Zizek 's ideological fantasy is based on Lakan 's theory of " the split subject " .

  27. 超现实主义视域中的达利与拉康

    Dali and Lacan in Surrealism

  28. 主体的颠覆:拉康精神分析学中的自我

    On Subversion of the Subject

  29. 所以拉康给我们的教训是:心想事成的人绝对不会快乐。

    So the lesson of Lacan is , living by your wants will never make you happy .

  30. 拉康与法国女性主义

    Lacan and French Feminism