
  • 网络metaphysician
  1. 玄学家们主张弃礼法而求自然。

    The metaphysicians advocated abandoning etiquette for the sake of nature .

  2. 所以你像范海辛一样出现了拜托跟我说实话我妻子是个心理玄学家

    So you show up like Van Helsing.Come on.Tell me the truth.My wife was a parapsychologist .

  3. 王弼是魏晋时代最年轻、最有创造性的玄学家。

    WangBi was the youngest and the most creative philosopher in the period of Wei and Jin Dynasty .

  4. 人类历史中常有玄学家声称:爱是粘合创造物的粘合剂。

    It has often been said by metaphysicians throughout human history that it is love that is the glue that holds creation together .

  5. 魏晋自然精神是中国思想文化史上最亮丽的一颗流星,是魏晋玄学家们集体智慧的结晶。

    The essence of nature is the resplendent shooting star in the history of culture and ideology in China , and is a crystallization of wisdom of the dark learning scholars in the Northern Wei and Jin Dynasty .

  6. 玄学家则从天道自然的角度,认为昆虫万物都是自然自生自化的结果,主张人类活动应遵循自然法则,否则就有虫灾。

    From the perspectives of " heaven nature ", metaphysicians thought insects and all things were all the results of self-run of the nature . They advocated human activities should follow natural laws , or pest disasters would happen .