
  • 网络Xuanzang;hsuan tsang;Xuangzang
玄奘 [xuán zàng]
  • [Xuan Zang] (602—664) 原名陈袆,洛川缑氏(今河南偃师)人,唐代高僧,通称三藏法师,13岁出家,629年从长安西游,历尽千辛万苦,到达印度,645年回到长安,带回经书657部,十年间与弟子共译出75部1335卷,还著有《大唐西域记》十二卷,记述他西游亲身经历的110个国家及传闻的28个国家的山川、地邑、物产、习俗等

  1. 哎,韩佳,这些雕刻都是玄奘大师去印度取经的过程吧?

    Hey , Han Jia , are these sculptures about the experiences Master Monk Xuangzang had on his way to India ?

  2. 对,玄奘是中国历史上伟大的翻译家。

    Yeah , Xuanzang was a great translator in Chinese history .

  3. 那玄奘回到长安之后呢?

    Then what happened after Xuanzang 's return to Chang'an ?

  4. 而玄奘被公认为是其中最卓越的大师。

    And Xuan Zang was recognized as foremost among them .

  5. 是唐代的玄奘大师亲自设计的。

    It was designed by Master Monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty .

  6. 在真实生活中,玄奘的确是一个了不起的僧人。

    In real life , Xuan Zang was a truly remarkable Buddhist monk .

  7. 肯定是玄奘法师嘛。

    The character definitely refers to monk Xuan zang .

  8. 玄奘译经和敦煌壁画

    Xuanzhuang 's Translation Activities And The Dunhuang Murals

  9. 佛教的理想主义:玄奘的唯识宗

    Buddhist Idealism : The Consciousness-Only School of Hsuan-tsang

  10. 嗯。玄奘的这次旅行啊轰动了整个唐王朝。

    Yeah . Xuanzang 's journey caused quite a stir in the Tang Empire .

  11. 玄奘回到了中国,带回了大量的佛教经书。

    Xuanzang returned to China bringing with him a large volume of Buddhist scriptures .

  12. 玄奘是一个博学多识、意志坚强的人。

    Xuanzang was a knowledgeable and strong-willed man .

  13. 玄奘为佛经的翻译做出了巨大的贡献。

    Xuan Zang did a great job in the translation of the Buddhist sutras .

  14. 《西游记》里的唐僧和真实的玄奘还是有区别的。

    The character , Tang Seng , is different from the real-life monk Xuanzang .

  15. 玄奘修建大雁塔是为了存放经书。

    Xuanzang built the pagoda in order to have a place for his Buddhist books .

  16. 玄奘在学习的过程中发现,翻译成汉文的典籍资料还不够。

    In his studies , Xuanzang found that Buddhist materials translated into Chinese were often inadequate .

  17. 玄奘取经回国后便在慈恩寺主持寺务,翻译佛经。

    Xuanzang then took charge of the Ci'en Temple and did the translation of the scriptures there .

  18. 这下你了解了玄奘大师的故事和大雁塔的来历了吧?

    Now you understand the story about Master Monk Xuanzang and why the Dayan Pagoda was built ?

  19. 玄奘和马可·罗都留下了他们在丝绸之路上旅程的详细记录。

    Both Xuan Zang and Marco Polo left detailed records of their journeys along the Silk Road .

  20. 为了颂扬佛教,纪念玄奘,后来人们就称慈恩寺塔为雁塔。

    It was given the same name in memory of Xuan Zang and in praise of Buddhism .

  21. 1956年前,寺院内还供奉唐代高僧玄奘法师的舍利。寺庙后院的灵塔,存放着这位高僧的遗骨。

    Before 1956 , the temple had a repository for a relic of Monk Xuan Zhuang of Tang .

  22. 玄奘住的这座寺院附近有一座小乘寺。大昭寺建成后,文成公主又建了小昭寺。

    After the completion of the Great Brightness Temple , Prince Wencheng set about building the Little Brightness Temple .

  23. 后来,佛教玄奘从长安前往西部的土地上,他开始和返回的行程。

    Later , the Buddhist Xuanzang traveled from Chang'an to the west on land in his starting and returning journeys .

  24. 玄奘十分高兴,他不但亲自设计图样,还参加搬运砖石的建塔劳动。

    Master Xuan Zang was so pleased that he designed the pagoda and moved stones and bricks to the construction site .

  25. 我访问比哈尔的时候,当地人非常热情,告诉我玄奘在那里求学的传奇经历。

    When I visited Bihar , people there were very enthusiastic to tell me stories about how Xuanzang studied in that area .

  26. 他的名字叫玄奘,唐朝初期,他从中国去往印度取经。

    His name was Xuan Zang and he traveled from China to India in the early Tang Dynasty to collect Buddhist scriptures .

  27. 比如玄奘(602——664)——杰出的僧旅人和翻译家以及僧人奕经。

    such as Monk Xuanzang ( 602 - 664 ) , who was a prominent Buddhist traveler and translator and Monk Yijing .

  28. 在西安的六十四米高的大雁塔是玄奘西游印度回国后的居留之地。

    The64-meter-high Dayan Pagoda in Xi'an is the place where Xuan Zang , a great monk , once lived after returning from India .

  29. 历史学家认为,中世纪印度次大陆的历史一片黑暗,玄奘是唯一的光芒。

    Many historians believe that the history of India subcontinent experienced darkness in the Middle Ages , and the only light was Xuan Zang .

  30. 玄奘,河南偃师人,是我国历史上著名的佛学家,翻译家和旅行家。

    Xuanzang , from the city of Yanshi of Henan province , is a well-known Buddhist scholar , translator and traveler in Chinese history .