
  • 网络rao;Rao,S;Raja Rao;Raoul;lall
  1. 该理事会的经济学家V•P•拉奥(V.P.Rao)称,这种传染病在10年时间内对印度GDP增幅的拖累可能高达1.5个百分点。

    The epidemic could be pulling GDP growth down by as much as 1.5 percentage points in 10 years ' time , according to V.P. & # 8201 ; Rao , an NCAER economist .

  2. 如国大党在AP执政,2004年为赢得选举而与拉奥的泰仑加纳民族党联手,遂接受了泰区建邦的要求。

    The Congress party , which also rules AP , accepted Telangana 's claim to statehood in2004 , when it joined forces with Mr Rao 's Telangana Rashtra Samiti party to fight elections .

  3. 建立新邦的努力始于上世纪50年代,2009年更为急迫,当时地区政党领袖拉奥(KChandrasekharRao)进行了11天的绝食抗议,他的支持者还与警方发生了冲突。

    The push to create the new state began in the 1950s and took on increased urgency in 2009 , when a regional party leader , K Chandrasekhar Rao , went on an 11-day hunger strike , and his supporters clashed with police .

  4. 然而,很多人会接受拉奥的假设。

    Many , however , would accept Prof Rao 's hypothesis .

  5. 我还高兴地看到拉奥也很痛快。

    I was pleased to see Rao enjoy himself too .

  6. 本文同时也展示了拉奥对印度英语小说的贡献。

    This paper also demonstrates Rao 's contributions to the Indian English fiction .

  7. 拉奥经济改革对印度中央地方关系的影响

    Topic : The Impact of Rao 's Economic Reform on Centre-state Relations in India

  8. 正如拉奥琪大使曾经对我说过的,东南亚起于印度东北部。

    As Ambassador Rao once commented to me , Southeast Asia begins in Northeast India .

  9. 拉奥政府新经济政策的社会后果浅析

    Social consequences out of new economic policy

  10. 拉奥表示,地震是否影响了珠峰的高度,目前尚不能确认。

    Mr Rao said it was still unclear whether the earthquake had affected Everest 's height .

  11. 马哈拉施特拉邦首席部长维拉斯拉奥.德斯穆克说,他愿意为显而易见的安全疏漏引咎辞职。

    Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilisrao Deshmukh says he is willing to quit to take responsibility for perceived security shortcomings .

  12. 拉奥星期二表示,双方应该放下武器,并提出可能的调停人的名字。

    Koteshwar Rao said Tuesday that both sides should put down their weapons and suggested names of potential mediators .

  13. 戈米斯。坦波拉奥已呼吁民众规律地进行安全的性爱,以保持身体健康。

    Brazil 's health minister Jose Gomes Temporao has urged citizens to have regular safe sex to stay fit .

  14. 在电视上,苏巴拉奥表露出了信心,认为印度央行有能力阻止最终灾难性恶性通胀阶段的到来。

    On-screen , Mr Subbarao exudes confidence in an ability to head off a final , ruinous stage of hyperinflation .

  15. 印度测量部门总监拉奥称,印度测量局即将在两个月内派遣科考队赴实地测量这座全球最高峰。

    Surveyor-General Swarna Subba Rao said an expedition would be sent to the world 's highest mountain in two months .

  16. 记者无法立即联络到印度央行发言人就苏巴拉奥爱引用中国俗语的习惯置评。

    An RBI spokeswoman couldn 't be reached immediately for comment on the governor 's proclivity for quoting the Chinese .

  17. 拉奥是个皮肤黝黑的英俊青年,只有二十几岁,口齿伶俐,讲话很快。

    Rao proved to be a handsome , dark-skinned , articulate and fast-speaking young man , still in his twenties .

  18. 初探美的规律&从拉奥孔群像和罗丹雕塑的差异分析美

    On the Laws of Beauty : Analyzing Beauty from the Difference between the " Laocoon and His Sons " and Rodin 's Sculpture

  19. 拉奥说,巴基斯坦警方通知印度驻巴基斯坦高级专员署后,在当地一个警察局把卡纳交给了印方。

    Pakistani police returned Khanna to Indian officials in a local police station after they notified Indian High Commission about the release , Rao said .

  20. 在该国的两天里,伯恩斯与巴基斯坦外交部长鲁帕拉?拉奥进行了深入的交谈。

    During his2 days in the country , Burns had what are described as " in depth " discussions with his counterpart , Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao .

  21. 布基纳法索最著名的电影制片人之一伊德里萨韦德拉奥果就是用的这个名字,他凭借影片《蒂莱》获得1991年的叶尼佳奖。

    It is shared by one of Burkina faso 's most celebrated film makers , Idrissa ouedraogo , who won the Yennenga prize in1991 with a film called tilai .

  22. 拉奥教授是新一代商学院教师中的一员。与其说他是一个搞学术的,不如说他是一个商人,他的实践经验胜过研究工作。

    Prof Rao , a businessman more than an academic and armed with practical experience rather than research , is one of a new breed of business school teachers .

  23. 斯蒂芬霍金教授告诉达拉奥布莱恩说,仅当他深陷痛苦、对世界无所贡献又徒增负担时,才会考虑安乐死。

    Professor Stephen Hawking tells Dara O'Briain he would consider assisted dying only if he were in great pain or had nothing left to contribute to the world and was merely a burden .

  24. 陕西妇女牛玉琴带领全家苦战14年,治沙造林面积达4万亩,荣获联合国颁发的拉奥博士奖。

    Shaanxi woman Niu Yuqin led her whole family made efforts for 14 years to planted trees on 40,000 mu of deserts . She has received the Y. S. Rao Award issued by the United Nations .

  25. 崛起的第一推动研究表明,印度产业政策是软件产业发展的第一推动,拉奥政府的改革,为产业的快速发展奠定了政策性基础。

    Blog of Growing up Exploration and Research on the Rising of Modern Science The industry policy is so called " the first impetus " which plays an important role in the development of the software industry in India .

  26. 拉奥表示,这门课有四大要点:学习激发创造性的技巧;帮助学生找到生活目的;学习如何最有效率;以及如何在生活中找到平衡。

    Prof Rao says there are four main planks to the course : learning techniques to spark creativity ; helping students find their purpose in life ; learning how to be most effective ; and how to find balance in life .

  27. 本文第一章依据邓宁的综合优势理论和拉奥的技术地方化理论,对中国石化集团目前处于国际化经营的初级阶段作了定位,并对其向跨国经营发展的必然性进行了阐述。

    In Chapter 1 of this article , we orientate that SINOPEC is stepping on an elementary stage of international operation at present and elaborate the inevitability of multi-national development in accordance with Dunning 's " Comprehensive Advantage Theory " and Leo 's " Technology Localization Theory " .