
  1. 安本资产管理(aberdeenassetmanagement)亚洲策略师彼得埃尔斯顿(peterelston)认为,该地区的经济必须转型为内需拉动增长的模式,尽管这个过程或许漫长而痛苦。

    Peter Elston , Asia strategist at Aberdeen Asset Management , argues that the region will make the required transition to domestic-led growth , long and painful though the process may be .

  2. 一项实验是放松对金融业的管制和依靠住房市场拉动增长。

    One was with financial sector deregulation and housing-led growth .

  3. 但它们的结果并不意味着欧元区的银行将拉动增长。

    But they do not mean that eurozone banks will now drive growth .

  4. 为拉动增长,引导经济结构性改革(向中等收入过渡这一复杂过程是其中一个重要方面),需要增加内需,开拓新的出口行业。

    Domestic demand and new export sectors are needed to drive growth and guide the structural transformation of the economy , much of which is in the complex middle-income transition .

  5. 小企业文化的另一个重要任务就是为小企业由业务拉动增长向管理拉动增长过渡提供支持,使企业能顺利转型。

    Small enterprise culture still contains an important mission to offer support to be transformed smoothly from the increase pulled to by the business to the increase pulled to by the management .

  6. 在发达市场仍在竭力摆脱全球金融危机的影响之际,从巴西到新西兰,全球不少经济体越来越依靠中国来拉动增长。

    With developed markets still struggling to shake off the effects of the global financial crisis , economies from Brazil to New Zealand have become increasingly reliant on China as a locomotive of growth .

  7. 其它发达国家已进行了此类改变,特别是上世纪80年代的爱尔兰,以及90年代的丹麦、芬兰和瑞典。但这将是一个巨大的挑战,除非哪个国家能够依赖出口快速拉动增长。

    Other advanced countries have made such changes , notably Ireland in the 1980s and Denmark , Finland and Sweden in the 1990s . But it will be a huge challenge , unless one can rely on fast export-led growth .

  8. 总统选择通过大幅降低利率来重新拉动经济增长。

    The President has chosen to kick-start the economy by slashing interest rates .

  9. 投资,作为拉动GDP增长的三驾马车之一,在宏观经济运行中具有重要作用。

    Investment , as one of the Three Wagons that pull GDP into increase , plays a very important role in the macro-economic life of a country .

  10. 消费是生产的动力和目的,是生产过程的起点,也是拉动GDP增长的主要力量。

    Consumption is not the power but also the purpose of production . As the starting point of production process , it takes the most important role in pulling GDP .

  11. 在拉动GDP增长的同时,加快西部公路水路交通发展还将为西部地区创造大量的就业机会。

    At the same time of pulling GDP increase , the speeding up of highway and waterway transportation development in the west region will also create large amount of employment chances .

  12. 美国提交的草案宣称,拥有可观经常账户盈余的g20成员国,将“承诺实施促进内需拉动型增长的政策”。

    The submitted draft states that G20 members with sizeable current account surpluses will " pledge to implement policies that will boost domestic demand-led growth " .

  13. 从1999年开始,房地产开发投资增长直接和间接拉动GDP增长每年保持在2个百分点左右,以住宅为主的房地产业已经成为我国国民经济的支柱产业。

    Since 1999 , the investment for real estate development has promoted 2 percent of the annual growth of GDP directly or indirectly , and real estate industry which mainly includes housing has been the key industry in China .

  14. 尤其在1997年经济危机之后,韩国政府进一步认识到了FDI在拉动经济增长,创造就业机会,促进生产力发展及技术转让发面的重要作用,并努力对相关政策进行了修订。

    Further , after the economic crisis in year of 1997 , Korean government recognized importance of FDI in economic growth , job creation , productivity improvement , technology transfer and make a special effort to amend the policy .

  15. imf指出,由出口拉动型增长转向内需驱动型增长,将帮助德国减少其“庞大的经常项目盈余”,这将有助于德国在带领欧元区走出债务危机方面扮演“关键性角色”。

    According to the IMF , a shift from export-led to domestic-driven growth would see Germany reduce its " high current account surplus " , which would also contribute to Germany playing " a pivotal role " in heaving the eurozone out of its debt crisis .

  16. 住房抵押贷款证券化(以下简称MBS)是近年来我国房地产金融界最关注的热点,国家为了扩大内需,拉动经济增长,必须改革传统房地产金融体制。

    Mortgage-backed Securitization ( MBS for short ) is the focus of real estate finance field in recent years . In order to enlarge effective demands and boom national economy , our country must innovate the traditional real estate finance system .

  17. 我国的PHS网络已成为全球最大的PHS网络。目前,PHS业务已经成为诸如中国电信、中国网通等固定电话运营商应对市场竞争和拉动业务增长的重要手段之一。

    PHS network in China is largest one all the world . The PHS service has made the fixed network operators such as Chine Telecom and Chine Netcom more competitive in the market , and it became an important means to increase the profit .

  18. 其次,农民增收是扩大内需,拉动经济增长的动因。

    Secondly , this will enlarge demands and stimulate economy to develop .

  19. 再次是通过发展股票市场来拉动消费增长;

    Thirdly , we can advance consumption through the development of stock market .

  20. 试论调节收入分配与拉动经济增长的关系

    A Discussion on the Relationship between Regulating Income Distribution and Pulling Economic Growth

  21. 财政支出拉动经济增长的惯性分析

    The Analysis on the Inertia of Fiscal Expenditure 's Stimulating the Economic Growth

  22. 但它们应放弃低值货币和出口拉动的增长模式。

    But they should abandon the world of cheap currencies and export-led growth .

  23. 因此,农村居民消费是拉动经济增长的一个重要因素。

    Therefore , rural consumption is an important factor in promoting economic growth .

  24. 论消费、投资、出口协调拉动经济增长格局的形成

    On the Formation of Economy Increase Pattern Based on Consumption , Investment , Export

  25. 爱尔兰政府制定应对措施,加大基础设施投资规模,力图拉动经济增长。

    The Irish government took strong measures to drive the increasement of Irish economy .

  26. 启动消费引擎拉动经济增长

    Starting consumption engine and promoting economic growth

  27. 另一个原因是对出口拉动型增长的过度依赖。

    Another is over-reliance on export-led growth .

  28. 计算机软件在拉动经济增长和改进社会生活形态等方面发挥了重大的作用。

    Computer software has played a major role in promoting economic and changing social lifestyles .

  29. 因此,在流动性陷阱中,政府的政策是无法拉动经济增长的。

    Thus , in the liquidity trap government policy is incapable of stimulating economic growth .

  30. 从需求的角度分析,拉动经济增长的因素有三个,即投资需求、消费需求和净出口。

    Analyzed from the angle of demand , there are three factors fueling economic growth ;