
lā yìng lì
  • tensile stress;pulling stress
拉应力[lā yìng lì]
  1. 非饱和黄土在拉应力下的破坏一般为脆性破坏;

    The destruction of unsaturated loess by tensile stress is generally brittle failure ;

  2. 修正的拉应力裂纹扩展准则及裂隙水压对裂纹扩展的影响

    The modified tensile stress crack propagation criterion and influence of cranny hydraulic pressure on crack propagation

  3. 循环压缩载荷下缺口残余拉应力场的X射线分析

    Tensile Residual Stress Field Around Notch Root Under Cyclic Compression

  4. 黄铜静态腐蚀脱Zn层引起拉应力的研究

    Study of tensile stress generated by dezinc layer during corrosion for Brass

  5. 用SEM原位观测拉应力下氢化物对断裂的影响。

    The effects of hydride on crack fracture were studied by the in situ SEM .

  6. 结果表明:最大压应力、最大拉应力二单位式与四单位式均位于颈周密质骨,二单位式大于四单位式,两者有显著差异性,(P<0.001)。

    The results showed : The maximum compressive and tensile stresses were located at the cervical bone around dental implant in two unit and four unit dental implants .

  7. AlNi过渡层由陶瓷涂层到钢基体,由压应力过渡到拉应力;

    The stress changed from compression stress to tensile stress with the Al / Ni adhesive coating from ceramics coating to steel base ;

  8. 其次,本文利用ANSYS有限元工程分析软件,对整体翼梁结构进行了应力强度因子分析,分别讨论了裂纹按照直线、试验真实轨迹、最大拉应力理论预测轨迹前进的应力强度因子分析;

    Secondly , using the engineering analysis software ANSYS , stress intensity factor of the wing beam integrated structure are analyzed .

  9. 钛离子注入后DLC膜的应力状态发生改变,由压应力转变为拉应力。

    The compressive stress of DLC films is changed to tensile stress by ion implantation .

  10. 认为,淬火过程中产生的局部拉应力加上尖锐V型槽口引起的应力集中是造成开裂的主要原因。

    It is concluded that the local tensile stress created during quenching process and the stress concentration due to sharp V-shaped notch are the primary reasons of cracking .

  11. 针对典型的钢桥桥面铺装体系,采用SAP有限元软件,分析了铺装层内的拉应力的变化规律。

    The variation of tensile stress in the surface for a typical steel bridge deck surface system is analyzed by means of SAP .

  12. 在不同砧宽比条件下,都存在着使横向应力由拉应力转变为压应力的临界料宽比(b/h)cr。

    The critical value of blank width ratio when the transverse tense stress turns to compressive stress under given reduction ratio and tool width ratio is obtained too .

  13. 观察了晶粒取向3%Si-Fe在横向磁化场及横向拉应力作用下,磁畴结构和磁声发射强度的变化。

    Changes are observed of oriented 3 % Si-Fe in the magnetic domain structure and intensity of magnetic sound transmission under the influence of the transverse magnetic field and transverse drawing stress .

  14. XPS与SEM分析表明,在500℃下,拉应力降低氧化物组成中TiO2的含量,增大Al2O3的含量。

    XPS and SEM analysis indicates that the applied tensile stress decreases TiO2 content and increases Al2O3 content in the oxide scale formed on the alloy at 500 ℃ .

  15. 例如,对于钢筋来说,遭受拉应力和剪应力会发生延性破坏,而对于CFRP筋来说,则会发生脆性破坏。

    For example , a ductile failure takes place for steel bars subjected to tensile and shear stresses , while brittle failure takes place for CFRP bars .

  16. 计算结果表明,拉应力结果与JET环向场D形线圈的结果一致,沿导体的剪应力很小,近似为纯张力线圈。

    It has been shown that the results of mechanical stress are in agreement with that of the JET toroidal field coils , the shearing stress is small along conductor , approximate to pure tension coil .

  17. 晶须内部及其表面存在较高的双向压应力,Al2O3基体主要承受垂直于界面的拉应力;

    High compressive stresses develop in the whisker and on its surface , while the Al2O3 matrix is mainly subjected to the tensile stress perpendicular to the interface .

  18. 利用ANSYS软件分析了在役隔离开关支柱瓷瓶承受的拉应力、剪应力情况,得到上下元件瓷体部分危险区域的最大应力值;

    With finite element analytic software ANSYS , tensile stress and shear stress in post porcelain insulator of disconnect switch are analyzed , and maximal stress is obtained in dangerous area of insulator units .

  19. 无论是平砧拔长还是新FM锻造法,都要对料宽比加以控制,才能实现横向无拉应力锻造。

    Only when the blank width ratio is confined , can no crosswise tension stress forging be realized , regardless of flat platen stretching or the new FM forging method .

  20. 对对称双V型缺口试件的疲劳试验结果表明,压缩超载后,缺口试件的疲劳裂纹扩展速率增大,其原因是由于压缩超载后在缺口根部产生了反向残余拉应力。

    The results of fatigue test on double-V notched specimens show that the fatigue crack growth rate increases after compressive overloading for the sake of producing the reversed residual tensile stresses in the root of the notch .

  21. 使用这个模型,我们计算了由于纳米颗粒SiC引起的在Al2O3基体颗粒边界处的平均压应力和Al2O3基体颗粒内部的平均拉应力。

    Using this model , we calculated the average compressive stress on the Al2O3 grain boundaries ( GB ) and the average tensile stress within Al2O3 grains caused by the SiC nanoparticles .

  22. 为揭示贝氏体相变机制及外加应力对它的影响,采用透射电镜研究了140MPa的外加拉应力对中碳低合金钢35MV7的450°C等温贝氏体相变组织形貌的影响。

    Study of effects of tensile stress of 140 MPa on isothermal bainitic transformation product was conducted in this paper using transmission electronic microscopy .

  23. SiC晶须/反应层界面及其附近的反应产物TiC内具有较高的平行于界面的拉应力,当连接界面承受剪力作用时,SiC晶须/反应层界面和TiC处极易破坏。

    The high tensile stress parallel to the interface exists at the whisker / reaction layer interface and in TiC near the interface , at which failure occurs easily when shear force is applied .

  24. 利用三维有限元计算程序ANSYS对水泥混凝土路面面层底面的最大拉应力进行了仿真计算,对路面结构设计采用限元程序计算方法进行了一些探讨;

    The present paper selects the three-dimensional calculational program ANSYS calculate the max stretch stress at the bottom of the slab , It 's helpful to use the finite element method to design the cement concrete pavement ;

  25. 用LZ锻造法和新FM法代替WHF法,确保在每一变形工步中都不会产生双向拉应力。

    Replacing WHF method , LZ forging method and new FM method assure that there is not two-direction tense during every sequence .

  26. 经过400℃×1h或600℃×1h的热处理,三种pH值的镀层内应力均为拉应力,且显著增大。

    By the heat treatments at 400 ℃× 1h and 600 ℃× 1h , the internal stress of coating at the three pH values are tension stress , further more the numerical value are increase evidently .

  27. 结果显示,植入前人工腱的拉应力高于正常肌腱,植入后第9周,自生腱的拉应力强度很弱,主要是靠未被降解的HHK人工腱组分来维持。

    The tensile stress of AFT was higher than that of normal tendon .

  28. 根据Erdogan和Sih的最大拉应力理论,推导出以△K作为参变量,以裂纹角β0进行修正的Paris形式的扩展速率表达式。

    Based on maximun principal stress criterion , a modified Paris expression of fatigue crack growth rate is derived in terms of Δ K and crack angle β 0 for an inclined crack .

  29. 对冷变形800M合金管热处理,随温度的升高,晶粒逐渐等轴化并变大,延伸率增大,屈服强度、抗拉强度和残余拉应力和SCC敏感性降低。

    With increasing temperature of heat treatment on alloy 800M after cold work , grains became bigger , ductility increased but strength , residential stress and susceptibility to SCC decreased .

  30. 结果表明,当镀液pH值为3.8~4.1和4.4~4.6时,镀层受到的内应力为压应力,而当镀液pH值为4.8~5.1时,镀层受到的内应力为拉应力。

    The results show that when the pH value of plating solution is in 3.8 ~ 4.1 and 4.4 ~ 4.6 , the internal stress of the coating is compressive stress , but when the pH value is in 4.8 ~ 5.1 , it becomes tension stress .