
  • 网络ras lanuf;Ras Lanouf
  1. 反政府军随后向西挺进,夺回了石油重镇布瑞加(Brega)与拉斯拉努夫,途中几乎没有遇到抵抗。

    The rebels then moved west , retaking the oil town of Brega and Ras Lanuf , meeting little resistance .

  2. 东部数百千米处,经过一天的冲突后,冲突的双方都声称自己控制了石油港口拉斯拉努夫(RasLanuf)。

    Hundreds of kilometres to the east , there are conflicting claims about who now controls the oil port of Ras Lanuf after a day of clashes .

  3. 一名幸存者说,袭击的目标是拉斯拉努夫炼油厂各个大门。

    A survivor said the attack targeted the gates of the Ras Lanuf refinery .

  4. 叛军表示,他们并没有破坏拉斯拉努夫的石油设施。

    The rebels said there had been no damage to the oil facilities at Ras Lanuf .

  5. 在利比亚东部,据报道,支持卡扎菲上校的力量炮轰了石油重镇拉斯拉努夫。

    In eastern Libya , pro-Gaddafi forces are reported to have shelled the oil town of Ras Lanuf .

  6. 卡扎菲部队的进展非常缓慢,但是锲而不舍,他们似乎即将赢得拉斯拉努夫战斗的胜利。

    Slowly but relentlessly , Colonel Gaddafi 's forces seem to be winning the battle for Ras Lanuf .

  7. 如果拉斯拉努夫失陷,前线将越来越靠近反对派控制的主要城市班加西。

    If Ras Lanuf falls , it brings the frontline closer to the main opposition-held city of Benghazi .

  8. 据报导,支持与反对卡扎菲的部队也在利比亚东部的油港拉斯拉努夫发生冲突。

    Clashes were also said to have erupted between pro and anti-Gadhafi forces in the the eastern oil port of Ras Lanuf .

  9. 曾有一段时间,卡扎菲上校部队的突袭似乎可以将反叛力量驱逐出拉斯拉努夫,但是卡扎菲的部队似乎没有行动的迹象。

    For a time , it looked as though a quick attack by Colonel Gaddafi 's men would clear the rebels out of Las Ranuf , but there was no sign of any movement from the Gaddafi forces .