
  1. 启航阶段男子A组的拉桨效果优于B组;女子A组桨频高于B组,B组启航时间和总成绩高度正相关;

    The paddle effect of man A group is superior to that of B group , while the stroke frequency of woman A group is higher than that of B group .

  2. 但拉桨的力量并没有明显增加。

    But there is no significant increase in the strength of drive .

  3. 意大利队表现出了出色的提桨、拉桨、结束和回桨技巧。

    The Italian team displayed excellent skills in catching , driving , finishing , and recovering .

  4. 赛艇运动作为一项较为流行的水上运动,其关键技术环节&拉桨技术的好坏直接影响运动员的比赛成绩。

    As a fashionable aquatic sports , the crucial technology track of rowing & pull has a direct impact on tournament results .

  5. 随着桨频的提高,拉桨最大力产生时桨叶的位置会逐渐靠近运动员身后,相应的最大力产生的时间会提前。

    With the increase in tempo , when the most strength of drive is appearing , the position of paddle will gradually near the athletes behind . And the time of he most strength of drive will ahead of schedule .

  6. 起航第一桨适当提高拉桨阶段时间比例减小回桨阶段时间比例,以获取更多的动力时间,有利于艇摆脱静止而加速前进。

    Raising the time ratio of pull oars stage and decreasing the time ratio of back oars stage appropriately in the first oar . It can get more power , which is beneficial to the boat get rid of static time which would accelerate forward .