- 网络Larsen;Larson;Lassen;Larssen

This is the Larsen B ice shelf ,
" We are trying to get people from around the country to tell Hershey that there shouldn 't be child labor or forced labor ( 3 ) in their chocolate ," said Todd Larsen with Green America .
Larsson sometimes joined in the fun , but with more discretion
Larsons pay me well enough , but there 's not much over for luxuries when there 's two of you to live on it
Answer by Ken Larson , recipient of SCORE National Achievement Award in Small Business Counseling
Under Larson , Cascade has focused some of its attention on UK-listed stocks .
Bill Gates hired Larson 22 years ago to take over the investment of his personal wealth , which was about $ 5bn at the time .
Despite his high-profile job , he works hard and successfully to stay out of the public eye - Cascade declined to speak for the purposes of this article .
The steaks are just one perk in the new Deluxe and Dinner Date amenity packages being offered at the Manzanita Lake camping cabins in Lassen Volcanic National Park this season .
Besides Indridason and Mankell , Scandinavia has given us Stieg Larsson , Karin Fossum ( brilliant ) and Jo Nesb ?
Cascade does not publicly disclose its performance results but it has been reported that because of Larson 's relatively conservative strategy , Cascade 's losses in the 2008 financial crisis were smaller than the industry average for the full year .
Since then Gates 's fortune has grown to around $ 80bn ( of which he has given away around half ) after Larson diversified the funds out of Microsoft , Gates 's software company , and into a broad range of investments .
Julie Larson green , the former head of the windows division , will now serve as hardware chief a role occupied recently by don Mattrick , now Zynga ( ZnGa ) CEO with Windows Phone VP Terry Myerson running the windows group .
But neither did he look like El Cid , the Spanish warrior who was so inspiring that even after death his body , strapped to a horse 's saddle , cowed the Saracen hordes .
Alaskan Brewing Co. 's Smoked Porter -- thought up by brewery founder Geoff Larson over a plate of lox with a salmon-curing neighbor -- ' hasn 't peaked yet , ' said Mr. Larson .
In a recent Medium post , Quincy Larson , the founder of Free Code Camp , an open-source community for learning to code , detailed the reasons it might be useful for people to make their personal data more difficult for attackers to access .
A groggy Ms. Larson , reached by phone in Australia , where she is filming " Kong : Skull Island , " said she was ready and willing to join the next wave of Oscar glad-handing , although she didn 't know quite what form that would take .
The girlfriend of Swedish novelist Stieg Larsson – author of the popular Millennium crime thriller series – lived with him for32 blissful years , bucking the institution of marriage .
Driver Kaia Larsen captured a dramatic image which shows the US Navy plane , an88-million-pound E-6B coming in to land when birds took off en masse and flew at it .
Larson : Looks like our girl 's pulled it off .
Larson : damn , you really had me going there .
It won 't be much longer , Mrs larson .
Application of Larssen steel sheet pile in Building the Underpass
Reynard , Ward and Lamson lift trophies on podium .
I 'm detective Caldwell , This is detective Larsen .
How are you doing today ? Tom ? I 'm detective Larson .
Detective Larsen , transfer , the new guy .
Application of Larsen ⅳ type steel sheet pile cofferdam technology in high-speed railway construction
Mr Lassen had been called in late to lead and fix this window .
Help was needed fast ; Mr Lassen provided it , expertly and fully .