
  • 【数】Lagrange mean value theorem
  1. 应用拉格朗日中值定理解题方法探讨

    Discussion about method of solving problems by using Lagrange middle value theorem

  2. 拉格朗日中值定理的简单证明与应用

    Simple Proof and Application of Lagrange Mean Value Theorem

  3. 拉格朗日中值定理的新证明

    A New Proof of Lagrange 's Mean Theorem

  4. 拉格朗日中值定理的应用

    Generalize the Use of Differential Middle Value Theorem

  5. 拉格朗日中值定理的巧用

    Skilfully using Lagrangian middle-value theorem

  6. 通过拉格朗日中值定理分析了影响结构辐射声功率计算精度的因素;

    The factors that influenced the sound power calculation accuracy were analyzed by Lagrange differential mean value theorem .

  7. 然后根据拉格朗日中值定理对毛细管、冷凝器和蒸发器的分布参数模型进行简化得到毛细管、冷凝器和蒸发器的简化模型;

    After that , it gets the simplified models of condenser , capillary and evaporator by simplifying the corresponding distributed models with Lagrangian Middle-value Theorem .

  8. 给出柯西中值定理的一个新的证法,说明柯西中值定理也可由拉格朗日中值定理导出。

    This paper gives the new method to prove the Cauchy Mean Value Theorem , which also may be deduced from the Lagrange Mean Value Theorem .

  9. 总结了高等数学中拉格朗日中值定理五个方面的应用,并举例加以说明。

    The paper sums up the application of Lagrange mean theorem in five aspects in high mathematics , and give an example to illustrate its application .

  10. 其证明方法关键在于构造一个辅助函数,再应用罗尔中值定理推出拉格朗日中值定理的结论。

    Its key proof is to construct an auxiliary function , which is used by Roll 's theorem to reach a conclusion of Lagrange 's theorem .

  11. 根据拉格朗日中值定理,运用分析的基本方法,推广了拉格朗日中值定理的三个条件,得到并证明了相应的结论。

    On the basis of these theories , Rolle mean value theorem , Lagrange mean value theorem and Cauchy mean value theorem are proved by constructing nested interval .

  12. 文章给出罗尔中值定理的一个推论及给出辅助函数新的构造方法,来证明拉格朗日中值定理和柯西中值定理。

    This paper provides an inference of Rolle mean value theorem and a new structure method of auxiliary function so as to prove Lagrange mean value theorem and Cauchy mean value theorem .

  13. 提出罗尔定理证明一类存在性问题的方法,采用拉格朗日中值定理或柯西中值定理来证明这类问题往往需要构造精巧的辅助函数,我们还指出了这种方法的一般性。

    We present a general method to prove a class of problems by Rolle ′ s theorem , which need make tricky function by Langrange or Cauchy mean value theorem , and point out our method is feasible for these problems .

  14. 利用拉格朗日中值定理、函数的单调性及泰勒中值公式给出了凸函数一个定理的三种新的证明方法,还给出了定理的一个推论,最后给出两个例子对其推论加以应用

    This paper carried out Lagrange 's to acquire three new proofs and one corollary , final analysis is carried out by two examples . Seek the functional limit by making use of mean value theorem and B.Taylor expansion On Application of Tayler Formulation

  15. 拉格朗日微分中值定理几种不同的证法运用拉格朗日法分析基坑开挖与土钉支护

    Different Ways of Testifying the Lagrange Differential Theorem of Mean ; Analysis of Soil Nailing with Lagrangian

  16. 最后,结合拉格朗日微分中值定理改进了积分中值定理的条件和结论。

    Finally , the condition and result of integral mean-value theorem are also improved combined with the lagrange mean value theorem of differentials .

  17. 给出了拉格朗日微分中值定理和第一积分中值定理中值点的渐进性的更一般性的结果及其简洁证明。

    Gives more general results on the gradualness of the median point of Lagranges median theorem and first median theorem for integrals and its succinct proof .

  18. 以二次型形式给出约束极值拉格朗日乘数法的一个二阶充分条件,并用反证法由拉格朗日中值定理及泰勒公式予以证明;

    This paper gives the second order ample condition of Lagrange multiplier rule of constrained extreme value with the quadratic form , and proves it by use of counterevidence with the help of Lagrange theorem of mean value and Taylor formula ;