
  • 网络Alphonse de Lamartine;Lamartine
  1. 几个月前,我站在人来人往的拉马丁广场的拐角,马路对面是进入法国南部阿尔勒的古罗马门。这个地方对文森特·梵高(VincentvanGogh)的一生都至关重要。

    A few months ago , I stood at the corner of a busy roundabout called Place Lamartine , across from the Roman gates leading into Arles in southern France , on a spot that was pivotal in the life of Vincent van Gogh .

  2. 从她开始懂得感情的时候起,拉马丁已成为她心爱的诗人。

    Lamartine was her favourite bard from the period when she first could feel .