
  • 网络French culture;France culture
  1. 事实上,与中美文化的差异比起来,美国和法国文化的区别就类似于PeterPan花生酱和Skippy花生酱。

    American culture and and French culture seem about as different as Peter Pan and Skippy peanut butter .

  2. 因此,法国文化部长弗勒尔·佩尔兰(FleurPellerin)承认过去两年从未读过一本书的事,让这里的部分文化精英感到震惊。

    So an admission by the French culture minister , Fleur Pellerin , that she has not read a book in two years has provoked horror among some members of the cultural elite here .

  3. 我知道这种腔调听着像个法国文化部官僚在哀叹,法语被computer、Internet之类的英文词给侵蚀了。

    I know I risk sounding like a bureaucrat in the French Ministry of Culture lamenting the dilution of the French tongue by English words like computer and Internet .

  4. 例如,“en-US”表示的是英语和美国文化,“fr-FR”表示的是法语和法国文化。

    For example ," en-US " would denote that it 's an English language and United States culture , and a " fr-FR " would denote a French language and France culture .

  5. 他的文章审视了1970年夏尔·戴高乐将军(Gen.CharlesdeGaulle)去世后法国文化史上的重要时刻,对强硬的领导者与“荣耀30年”(从“二战”后到70年代中期)抱有坚定的怀旧情绪。

    His essay examines moments in French culture since the death of Gen. Charles de Gaulle in 1970 , with an unrepentant nostalgia for a past with strong leaders , and the peace and prosperity of " Les Trente Glorieuses , " or the 30 years from the end of World War II until the mid-1970s .

  6. 引进了诺曼-法国文化、语言、风俗和建筑。

    Norman-French culture , language , manners and architecture were introduced .

  7. 法国文化部举办近年中国摄影家作品收藏展

    French Ministry of Culture Shows Recent Collections of Works of Chinese Photographers

  8. 而且当你到那儿时,您是如何利用法国文化的?

    And how do you use your culture from France when you go there ?

  9. 而在法国文化中,它却代表着卑鄙、战争和恶妇。

    But in French culture it symbolizes meanness , war , and evil women .

  10. 如今,牛角面包已经成了法国文化也是法国传统的一种象征。

    Today , the croissant is both a symbol of French culture and tradition .

  11. 我喜欢法国文化、电影以及所有相关事务的场所。

    I like French culture , movies and all the event venues like this one .

  12. 国际法国文化研究院

    International French Culture Academy cultural-epoch approach

  13. 我有两张下周参观北京法国文化展览的门票。

    I have got two tickets to an exhibition of French culture in Beijing next week .

  14. 一位内部人士表示,成立巴黎文化学院意在表明谷歌重视法国文化价值观。

    One insider said that the institute was a gesture to show Google cared about French cultural values .

  15. 此外,本文还探讨了法国文化旅游线路的发展,重新界定了文化旅游消费的外延。

    It also explores the development of French cultural-traveling routes and courses , afresh defined the conceptional extension of cultural-traveling consumption .

  16. 勒阿弗尔坐落于诺曼底,是一个对文化尤其是法国文化很重要的地区。

    Le havre is situated in the Normandie , r é gion very important in the culture and the French culture .

  17. 对于音乐领域中的中国热和洛可可音乐风格形成的历史文化背景作分析之后,认为法国文化的影响在二者的形成过程中居于中心地位。

    This paper considers that France culture 's infection is essential in the forming process of musical Chinoiserie and Rococo music .

  18. 17、18世纪中国陶瓷与法国文化艺术的交流

    The Communication of Chinese Ceramics and French Culture and Art during 17 ~ ( th ) and 18 ~ ( th ) Century

  19. 世界文化(主要是法国文化)作为一种外来文化,也强烈影响了李劼人的小说创作。

    As a sort of foreign culture , world culture ( mainly French culture ) also exerts great influence on his novel writing .

  20. 2004年,卡塞勒因其对法国文化生活的贡献而受封法国荣誉军团骑士。

    Mr. Carcelle was named a chevalier , or knight , of the Legion of Honor in 2004 for his contributions to French cultural life .

  21. 给她锦上添花的是,1998年她享用了法国文化类最高荣誉艺术与文学大奖。

    Adding to her list of awards , in1998 Gong was given france 's highest cultural honor , the officier des Arts et des lettres .

  22. 平贺的画作道出他洗练的艺术表现手法和游走于他身上日本血统及法国文化洗礼的一种渐进式的风格融合。

    Hiraga 's canvases are thus narratives that speak of his artistic expression , and a gradual stylistic balance between his Japanese heritage and French inspirations .

  23. 瑞士坐落于欧洲比较重要的地方,这儿交汇了欧洲三个主要的文化&德国文化、法国文化和意大利文化。

    Switzerland is located at the crossroads of Europe , the meeting point for three of Europe 's major cultures cultures German , French and Italian .

  24. 同时天津也深深地被法国文化影响,很多建筑中都体现出了法式建筑风格,但地道的法国餐厅在这里并不多见。

    Of course , Tianjin has been greatly influenced by France and many building show French architecture , but there are rare authentic French restaurants in this city .

  25. 由于这个原因,我青年时代就对法国文化抱有浓厚兴趣,法国的历史、哲学、文学、艺术深深吸引着我。

    Because of this , I developed a keen interest in French culture and particularly French history , philosophy , literature and art when I was a young man .

  26. 研究法语成语的产生及其修辞特征,可以帮助我们更好地了解法国文化,了解法国国情,从而提高我们的法语水平。

    The study of the idiom 's emergence and rhetorical features can help us to understand French culture and its national conditions better so as to improve our French .

  27. 巴黎左岸是文化、时尚和艺术财富云集之地,不过,要想浸淫于法国文化之中,最佳方式还要算享用法国美食。

    The Left Bank is home to cultural , fashion and artistic riches , but one of the best ways to immerse yourself in French culture is with food .

  28. 这是法国文化周的重点活动,这是一次了解法国和法国文化的好机会。你去吗?

    It is the highlight of French Cultural Week , which would be a good opportunity to get informed of France and French culture . What do you think ?

  29. 罗伯特.达顿“给卢梭的回响:制造浪漫”《屠猫记与法国文化史上的若干插曲》。

    Darnton , Robert . " Readers Respond to Rousseau : The Fabrication of Romantic Sensibility . " In The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History .

  30. 摘要中国文化、印度文化、法国文化和美国文化等分别在越南历史上的不同阶段对越南文化发生过程度不同的影响。

    Chinese culture , Indian culture , French culture and American culture , to varying degrees in indifferent stages , have been influencing Vietnamese culture in the history of vietnam .