
  • 网络Legal literacy;law cultivation
  1. 浅议大学生法律素养的培养

    Training of Law Cultivation for College Students

  2. 必备的法律素养,已成为现代市民特别是青年大学生立足社会的基本要件。

    This has made it necessary for modern citizens , especially young college students , to have basic law cultivation .

  3. “ROCCIPI”的评价指标,主要从七个方面,提出评价法律素养的主要指标,这一评价指标对我们培育大学生的法律素养起着很大的衡量和借鉴作用。

    Evaluation the " ROCCIPI ", more than seven key indicators of the evaluation of legal literacy , this evaluation we cultivate the legal literacy of college students play a lot of measuring and reference .

  4. 高等职业教育应加强大学生法律素养的培养

    Strengthening the Students ' Legal Literacy Training in Higher Vocational Education

  5. 宁波市大学生法律素养状况调查及对策研究

    Investigation on the Legal Accomplishment of College Students in Ningbo and Countermeasures

  6. 校园制度文化对大学生法律素养培育的束缚。

    The shackles of the campus Institutional Culture Students ' Legal literacy training .

  7. 采取有效措施,切实提高教师教育法律素养;

    Adopt the valid measure to improve the teachers ' education law cultivated manners ;

  8. 浅议如何强化医科大学生的法律素养

    Ways of Promoting Legal Quality of Medical Students

  9. 认识到当下校园物质文化发展对大学生法律素养培育的缺位。

    Recognize the absence of the present campus of material and cultural development of the Students ' Legal literacy training .

  10. 加强教育执法和监督,确保教师教育法律素养提高。

    Enhance the execution and intendance of education law , assure to improve the education law cultivated manners of teachers .

  11. 最后,本文还依据涉案报道影响司法公正的作用机制,指出提高司法从业人员的传媒素养和提高传媒工作人员的法律素养之必要性。

    Finally , it is necessary to improve the media literacy of justice practitioners and the legal literacy of media worker .

  12. 身处政法院校,尚且有人不明就里遑论卖校,缺乏法律素养的社会大众更是雾里看花。

    Harvard college in , did someone uninformed school " let " sell , lack of legal literacy public is mystifying .

  13. 第一是政治意识素养,包括政治理论素养、政治法律素养、政治道德素养、政治心理素养。

    The first is accomplishment of political consciousness , including political theory , political laws , political morality and political psychology .

  14. 提出了补救措施:加强教育立法,明确提高教师教育法律素养的规定;

    Put forward to rectifying measures : enhance the education lawmaking , define the provision improving education law cultivated manners of the teachers ;

  15. 探讨培养地方本科院校大学生法律素养的重要性,并在此基础上对提高大学生的法律素养进行探索性的思考。

    Students of local colleges training the importance of legal literacy , and on this basis to improve the legal literacy students'exploratory thinking .

  16. 通过图表等对比方式直接呈现出当下大学生的法律素养现状,并进行原因阐释。

    Chart such as contrast , directly showing the current status quo of legal literacy of college students , and the reasons for interpretation .

  17. 浅析中小学教师教育法律素养的缺失及补救措施

    The Imperfection of the Cultivated Manners and the Rectifying Measures of the Education Law of Teachers in Primary and Junior HighSchool Under the New Situation

  18. 本文主要从职业道德、技能、公共关系以及法律素养四个方面来阐述如何成为一名合格的采访人员。

    This paper elaborates how to become a qualified collector mainly from the four aspects as professional ethics , skills , public relations and legal quality .

  19. 同时高校校园文化建设与大学生法律素养培育还存在着要素契合、指向一致、双向互动的关系。

    Construction of campus culture and Students ' Legal Literacy nurture , there are still elements of fit , point consistent with the theoretical fit of the two-way interaction .

  20. 新闻侵权的频频发生给高校新闻学教育提出了更高的要求,提高学生的法律素养势在必行。

    Infringement of news is so frequent , which put forward higher demand to the education of journalism in university , it is imperative to improve the legal accomplishment of students .

  21. 同时,提升立法者本身的法律素养和增进与民众的交流并举,不断增进科学立法理念在立法过程中的效用。

    At the same time , the legislators should enhance their legal literacy to promote the communication with the public and improve the effect of Scientific Legislative Idea in the legislative process .

  22. 为提高大学生的法律素养,高校法制教育应该由从属于思想教育的阴影中解脱出来,赋予其完整的体系和独立地位。

    To enhance university students ' legal consciousness , university legal education should break away from the mode and influence of ideological education and have a complete system and full status of its own .

  23. 青年学生是国家和社会未来发展的中坚力量,他们的法律素养高低直接影响着社会主义物质文明、精神文明、政治文明的建设进程。

    Young students and the community are the backbone of the future development of our State , Their legal literacy level of direct impact on the socialist material civilization , spiritual civilization , political civilization-building process .

  24. 文章分别从高校和社会两个角度探讨了大学生法治教育的现状,梳理了大学生法律素养方面存在的四个问题。

    The article separately from the university and society in two aspects discusses the rule of the present situation of college students ' education , combed the university student law literacy in terms of four questions .

  25. 这部分鉴于校园文化三种形态的研究基础上,结合如何更科学与有效开展校园文化建设上来更好的培育大学生的法律素养。

    Full text is in view on the basis of the three forms of campus culture , the combination of how science and effectively carry out the construction of campus culture up better to cultivate legal literacy students .

  26. 青少年是建设社会主义法治国家的后备力量,加强青少年的法制教育是我国社会主义法治国家建设的必然性要求,因而,培养青少年的法律素养成为了青少年法制教育的主要目标。

    To strengthen the legal education is the inevitable requirement of constructing socialist country under the rule of law in our country . Therefore , to cultivate teenagers legal literacy is the main target of legal system education of teenagers .

  27. 这是因为法律素养的构建是一个不断延续的实践过程,不仅需要优良的法治环境,还需要制度化的法律知识积累和法律意识生成途径,更需要科学有效的法制教育的实现机制等等。

    The enhancement of legal consciousness as a continuous process requires not only a good legal environment and an institutionalized framework for accumulation of the knowledge of law but also an enabling mechanism for the provision of scientific and effective legal education .

  28. 而造成中国律师会见难的原因主要在于制度本身的缺失、部门利益冲突、执行力度不足、执法人员素质较低、律师个体法律素养参差不齐等。

    A result of Chinese lawyers " Meet the difficult " is mainly due to the absence of the system itself , departmental conflicts of interest , lack of enforcement , the lower the quality of law enforcement officers , lawyers and other individual legal knowledge uneven .

  29. 毕达哥拉斯对西方知识理性的奠基作用裁判者的认识能力是经验、法律素养、洞察力、分析判断能力等因素综合积累的结果,它决定裁判者认知理性的高低。

    Pythagras & Founder of Western Cognitive Rationality The degree of the judicators ' cognitive rationally relies on Some factors including working experience , legal accomplishments , discernment , and judging capability , so the judicators ' cognitive rationality may expose irrational cognition and defective cognitive ability .

  30. 在现行的司法环境下为了增强公民对司法公正的信任,通过邀请一些素质比较高、法律素养很强的人对案件进行分析论证形成书面意见,然后提交给法庭,以供法官参考;

    Under present judicial environment in order to strengthen the citizen to trust on the judicial impartiality , through invites some person quite qualities and legal accomplishment very strong and carries on the analysis to proofs of the case , forms the written opinion , refers to the court ;