
  • 网络traction;lead-in programs
  1. 带有深轮胎面在雪中进行牵引作用的汽车轮胎。

    An automobile tire with deep tread to give traction in snow .

  2. 目的:观察仰卧位旋按手法对椎动脉型颈椎病患者椎动脉血流速度的影响,并与颈椎牵引作用效果进行比较。

    AIM : To observe the effect of clinostatic manipulation in supine position on the flow velocity of vertebral artery in patients with cervical spondylosis ( CSA ) of vertebral artery type , and compare with cervical traction .

  3. 血浆单胺类物质参予推拿牵引作用的机理探讨

    A study of the function of monoamines in traction and massage

  4. 论茶文化对旅游业的牵引作用

    On The Tractive Action of The Tea Culture in Tourism

  5. 聚丙烯/尼龙6挤出原位成纤后的牵引作用

    Influence of draw rate on PP / PA6 in-situ composite

  6. 合理发挥两课对民族师范生的道德牵引作用

    Reasonably Exerting the Moral Roles of the " Two Lessons " to College Students in Ethnic Regions

  7. 加强文化建设理论研究对于推进文化发展创新有着十分重要的牵引作用。

    The enhancement of the theoretical study plays a very important role in promoting the innovation of cultural development .

  8. 模拟结果表明,延性层流动速度比脆性层运动速度大,对脆性层具有牵引作用;

    The experiment results show that the lower ductile layer whose flow speed is larger than that of upper brittle layer .

  9. 目的:探讨模拟上颌前牵引作用下大鼠上颌骨缝转化生长因子β1(TGF-β1)表达的变化。

    Aim : To investigate the expression of TGF - β _1 in maxillary sutures of rats after simulating maxillary protraction .

  10. 阿克库勒凸起构造圈闭成因主要有挤压牵引作用、断块作用、盐的塑性流动。

    The main genesis of tectonic traps here are squeezing tractive effort , fault block effort , the saline the plastic flow .

  11. 旅游产业是综合性强、关联度高的朝阳产业,对经济发展的牵引作用日益明显。

    The tourist industry is highly integral , correlative and promising industry , and the function of being impetus to the development of economy has become increasingly obvious .

  12. 诺兰希望我们看到这些牵挂所具有的磁力。即使人们相隔遥远,甚至阴阳两隔,这种牵挂仍然能产生万有引力一般的牵引作用。

    Nolan wants us to see the magnetic force of these attachments : The way attachments can exert a gravitational pull on people who are separated by vast distances or even by death .

  13. 方法用钢丝、弹簧和塑料注射器制成弹性可调式的乳头内陷矫治器,利用弹性牵引作用,持续牵拉内陷乳头3~6个月。

    Methods An instrument was made of steel wire , spring and plastic syringe , by use of its elastic distraction , continuously distracted the inverted nipples with the consolidation of 3 ~ 6 months .

  14. 各色夜光纤维的色相由稀土铝酸锶所发色光的色相决定,不同色料的加入起到牵引作用,白、红、黄、蓝色夜光纤维的色相分别为黄绿色、黄色、黄绿色和绿色。

    The hue of luminous fiber was decided by the rare-earth strontium aluminate , the hue of white , red , yellow and blue luminous fibers was yellow-green , yellow , yellow-green and green , respectively .

  15. 中国对东亚地区的经济繁荣起着日益增强的牵引作用,中国对国际社会的贡献也首先体现在东亚的稳定和促进东亚的繁荣上。

    China takes a increasing lead function in enhancing the economic prosperity of East Asia region and the contribution of China to the international society also first embodies the promotion of stability and prosperity in East Asia .

  16. 面对新的发展机遇,高等院校应该充分发挥现代教育技术的巨大牵引作用,通过创新教学模式、优化教学环境、开展网上教学,提高广大师生的综合素质,推动教育教学现代化。

    Facing the new opportunity , advanced institute should play a great role in the modem education technology , through innovating teaching mode , optimizing teaching environment , developing teaching on-line , enhance the comprehensive qualities of teachers and students and promote modernization of teaching and education .

  17. 牵引力作用于腰椎设定为400N。

    The load of lumbar vertebrae was 400N in traction .

  18. 21例上颌埋伏阻生尖牙正畸治疗疗效分析上颌埋伏尖牙在牵引力作用下的位移趋势及牙周应力分析

    Evaluation of orthodontic traction of impacted maxillary canines in 21 cases Stress Distribution of Maxillary Embedded Canine Periodontium and Moving Tendency in Conditions of Drawing Forces Regimens

  19. 沉桩挤土位移应力变分解和积分泛函收敛性分析上颌埋伏尖牙在牵引力作用下的位移趋势及牙周应力分析

    CONVERGENCE OF INTEGRAL FUNCTIONAL AND VARIATIONAL SOLUTIONS OF DISPLACEMENT AND STRESS OF SOIL DUE TO PILE-DRIVING Stress Distribution of Maxillary Embedded Canine Periodontium and Moving Tendency in Conditions of Drawing Forces Regimens

  20. 牙尖交错位紧咬牙时颞下颌关节应力分布的三维有限元研究上颌埋伏尖牙在牵引力作用下的位移趋势及牙周应力分析

    Study of the Stress Distribution in the TMJ during Clenching with the Three-dimensional Finite Element Method ; Stress Distribution of Maxillary Embedded Canine Periodontium and Moving Tendency in Conditions of Drawing Forces Regimens

  21. 本实用新型结构简单,不仅能够利用负压对乳头产生牵引拉扯作用,而且能够适应不同使用角度,使用方便。

    The nipple tractor is simple in structure , not only can utilize negative pressure to drag and pull nipples , but also can be adaptable to different using angles , and is convenient in use .

  22. 同时,要充分发挥外源性增收机制的牵引和拉伸作用,通过内推外拉,共同构建农民增收的长效机制。

    At the same time outer mechanism of increasing revenue should also play its own part .

  23. 罗宾斯在书中说道,如果身体没有受到牵引力的作用,那么摩擦力也是没有任何用处的。

    Robbins continues by writing that friction is useless unless the body is braced toward the direction of pull .

  24. 颌内、颌间牵引力同时作用于尖牙使其远中移动时,应力主要集中于牙根中部。

    The stress mainly concentrated at the middle of root , and less in the cervical margin and apical .

  25. 在种植体支抗后牵引上颌骨作用下,颧颞缝区以张应力为主,有极少量的压应力分布。

    Under the implants anchorage retractive forces , zygomatic temporal sutures showed tensile stress mostly , just few compressive stress . 3 .

  26. 试验和理论分析的结果都表明,在高含水量的松软水田土壤中,轮齿高对轮胎牵引性能的作用明显。

    The experimental results have shown that in the soft , wet paddy soil with high moisture content , the lug height and slippage have very obvious effect on tractive performance .

  27. 它在对关键环节进行控制和管理的基础上,充分发挥绩效的牵引和激励作用,提高营销组织的经营活力,实现管理和经营过程的统一。

    On the base of controlling and managing key flows , it fully exerts the function of guidance and encouragement , improves the work vigor and realizes the unity of work and management .

  28. 此外,由于管理信息系统在信息传递及反馈方面比较敏捷,使得管理者能够更好的对关键环节进行控制和管理,充分发挥绩效的牵引和激励作用,实现管理和经营过程的统一。

    Owing to quick transmission and feedback of the management information system , managers can better control the key process . Thus they can make full use of performance appraisal methods in orienting and incentive to realize the combination management and process .

  29. 目的:探讨牵引治疗CSA的作用机理,并提出牵引的合理角度,为临床防治CSA提供依据。

    Objective : In order to explore the therapeutic principle of cervical spondylosis of vertebral artery type ( CSA ) by cervical traction and apply to a suitable traction angles to prevent and cure CSA .

  30. 美国独特的创造文化对高新技术及创业投资的形成与发展具有不可忽视的牵引与推动的作用;

    The unique American creativity culture has played an everlasting role in drawing the high tech industry and the formation and development of venture capital ;