
  • 网络role practice;role performance
  1. 第二章,从角色转移、角色失调等方面,考察和分析艺术家在社会转型时期所扮演的社会角色,阐释艺术主体的角色实践与社会之间的有机联系。

    In Chapter Two , the intrinsic relationship between society and the role practice of art subject is explained by examining the social role of artists in society transforming period from the perspectives of role transformation and role imbalance .

  2. 不同年龄、地区、普通教育年限、特殊教育年限以及特殊教育专业背景的资源教师在角色实践程度上有差异。

    Resource room teachers of different areas , age , the general education age limit , the special education age had different role performance .

  3. PBL教学法培养篮球选项课学生角色实践能力的实验研究

    Training Students'Role Practical Ability in Basketball Optional Course by PBL Teaching Methods

  4. 第三阶段,大学四年级角色实践时期。

    Thirdly , grade four , the role experiencing .

  5. 为人们提供了角色实践的绝好场所。

    Offers perfect place for people 's role-playing .

  6. 乡镇干部群体的角色实践及其弱势化:一项类型学的观察&以湖南塘镇为例

    Typological Analysis and Role Weakening : Roles of Township Cadres & A Case Study of Tang Town in Hunan Province

  7. 在我院电子商务专业教学改革的基础上,通过不断探索与总结,提出了该专业的一种三维立体化实践教学体系,着重探讨了其中角色实践环节的实施方案。

    Based on the reform of E-commerce specialty in our college , the paper puts forward a frame of three-dimensional practical teaching system and mainly discusses one of the key measures-role practice in implementation .

  8. 研究性学习中教师的理想角色和实践角色存在差距;

    There exists certain disparities between the ideal and practical roles of teachers ;

  9. 虚拟社会化与青少年角色认同实践研究

    A Study of Teen-agers Virtual-socialization and Role Self-identity

  10. 灾后重建中社工组织多元角色的实践与实务模式选择

    The Multi-role and Practical Choice of Working Mode of Social Work Organizations in the Post-disaster Reconstruction

  11. 教师知识缄默性的生成是由内隐学习的存在、教师作为实践者的角色以及实践知识本身的特征决定的。促进教师实践知识的习得对教师的成长非常重要。

    The making of teachers ' tacit knowledge is decided by implicit learning , teachers ' role as practitioners and characters of practical knowledge itself , so it is very important to facilitate teachers to gain practical knowledge .

  12. 正面影响:青少年可以通过网络学习文化知识、掌握生活技能;网络所创造的虚拟社会给青少年提供了扮演社会角色的实践空间;

    The positive influence includes : the minors can learn knowledge and skills of life from the Internet , the invented society on Internet offers the minors good opportunity to practice the social roles , the Internet accelerates the socialization of the minors .

  13. 有助于完善大学生的角色学习与实践。

    It is helpful in consummates college student 's role study and the practice .

  14. 英语课堂中心角色转换之实践及反思

    Practice and Reflection on the Transformation from a Teacher-dominanted to a Student-centered in the Class of English

  15. 代表政府实施监管的安全监督机构在施工安全监管过程中扮演重要的角色,在实践中构建了核心内容为危险源管理的建筑施工安全控制系统,实现对施工现场危险源管理的全面化。

    Safety Supervision Agency plays an important role in construction safety control system and hazards management on behalf of the State .

  16. 此阶段新教师将完成由学生向教师的角色转换,实践并内化幼儿教师的角色规范,逐步提高专业能力,本文称之为幼儿园新教师的角色适应。

    During this stage , new preschool teachers should finish the role transfer from students to teachers , which is called the role adaptation in this dissertation .

  17. 拙文是作者学习与理解《伤逝》的艺术内涵,表现子君人物角色的理论实践及艺术实践的粗浅体会。

    This essay is aimed to help to understand the art connotation of the Shangshi , its exoterica and practice of expressing the role of Zijun better .

  18. 事实上,由于他在工作中广泛采用心理戏剧、社会戏剧和角色扮演等实践性的方法,莫瑞诺被后人称为心理戏剧、社会人际学和群体精神疗法之父。

    Moreno developed many practical working methods which lay stress on people 's participation and interaction , and he therefore was called the father of psychodrama , sociometry and group psychotherapy .

  19. 我国的表演教学总体上可分为表演创作素质训练、角色排演、实践演出三个阶段。

    The acting teaching in our country falls into three stages in general : the training of creative acting quality , the rehearsal of character , and the performing in a play .

  20. 师范生的专业成长不仅仅是教育理论知识的增长,更重要的是要将这些教育理论知识与教师角色的教学实践相结合,内化为个人的实践知识。

    Normal students ' professional development is not only the growth of education-theory knowledge , but also it is more important to combinate of education-theory knowledge and teaching practice and internalize the personal practical knowledge .

  21. 转变主体角色:教师教育实践发展路径探析

    Transformation of Main Body Role : Exploration of Teacher Education Practice Development

  22. 教师角色模拟教学的实践和探索

    The Practice and Exploration of the Teacher 's Role in Simulating Teaching

  23. 资源教师角色期望与角色实践调查研究

    An Investigation of Role Expectation and Role Performance Perceived by Resource Room Teachers

  24. 中学历史教师在研究性学习中的角色转换与教学实践

    The Role Change and Teaching Practice a Middle-school History Teacher Conducts in Inquiry Learning

  25. 影院级游戏角色设计理论与实践

    The principle and practice of realistic game characters

  26. 政府、高校和用人单位在就业制度改革中的角色定位与角色实践

    Position and Practice of the Role Played by Government , Universities and Employing Units in the Reform of Employed System

  27. 基础是一个用以描述角色、工具和实践活动集合的有用的术语,组织将这些元素组装和集成在一起,以提供软件开发的服务和支持。

    Infrastructure is a useful term to describe collections of roles , tools , and practices that organizations assemble and integrate in order to provide services and support for software development .

  28. 以掌握语文程序性知识为主的课外作业策略包括:角色体验,生活实践;口头与书面并重,合作分工;加入学习策略指导。

    To master the language procedural knowledge homework strategies include : role experience , life practice ; oral and written to pay equal attention to , cooperation and division of labor ; join the guidance of learning strategies .

  29. 说到法律哲学,艺术哲学也是一样,着手理解这些概念,是对这些概念在其中扮演角色(常常是本质而必要的角色)的那些实践生活的一个重要的贡献。

    As with the philosophy of law , so with the philosophy of art , coming to understand these concepts is an important contribution to the life of the practices in which they figure , often constitutively .

  30. 社会学认为角色扮演经历三个阶段:对角色的期望,对角色的领悟,和对角色的实践。

    Sociologists considers that role-playing experience three stages : the role expectation , to understand the role and the role of the practice .