
jiǎo mén
  • corner gate;side door/gate
角门 [jiǎo mén]
  • [corner gate] 建筑物角上的小门;旁门、边门

  1. 乌西雅在耶路撒冷的角门和谷门,并城墙转弯之处,建筑城楼,且甚坚固。

    Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the Corner Gate , at the Valley Gate and at the angle of the wall , and he fortified them .

  2. 本文应用KεE模型与有限解析法对二维方角门槽附近的流动情况进行了预测。

    In this paper , the K - ε - E model and the finite analytic method are applied to predicting the two-dimensional flow near the right angle gate slot .

  3. 其围岩均为角门岩相的变质侵入岩。

    Both the host rock are amphibolite face metamorphic intrusions .

  4. “正门却不开,只有东西两角门有人出入。”

    " The central gate was shut , but people were passing in and out of the smaller side gates . "

  5. 其围岩为遭受角门岩相&麻粒岩相区域变质和混合岩化的新太古代大别杂岩。

    Their country rocks are the Neo - Archaean Dabie complex which has experienced regional metamorphism of amphibolite - granulite facies and migmatization .

  6. 耶和华说,日子将到,这城必为耶和华建造,从哈楠业楼直到角门。

    Behold , the days come , saith the LORD , that the city shall be built to the LORD from the tower of Hananeel unto the gate of the corner .

  7. “王夫人忙携黛玉从后房门由后廊往西,出了角门,是一条南北宽夹道.”

    " Lady Wang at once led her niece out of the back door , going west along a corridor and through a side gate to a broad road running from north to south . "

  8. “问丫鬟们时,方知往薛姨妈那边闲话去了.周瑞家的听说,便转出东角门至东院,往梨香院来.”

    " On being told by her maids that their mistress had gone to chat with Aunt Xue , she made her way through the east side gate and the east courtyard to Pear Fragrance Court . "

  9. “且掸了掸衣服,又教了板儿几句话,然后蹭到角门前。只见几个挺胸叠肚指手画脚的人,坐在大板凳上,说东谈西呢”

    " Having dusted off her clothes and given Baner fresh instructions , she timidly approached the side entrance where some arrogant , corpulent servants were sunning themselves on long benches , engaged in a lively discussion . "

  10. 根据岩石的矿物组合和结构特征可将其变质作用演化分为四个阶段:①石榴石中的角门石、斜长石、单斜辉石等变质矿物包体代表峰前阶段;

    Depending on metamorphic textures and reactive relationships among minerals , the evolution of metamorphism can be divided into four stages : ① the pre-peak stage which was represented by mineral inclusions of amphiboles , plagioclase and clinopyroxene in coarse garnet ;