
jué sè ɡuān xì
  • role relationship
  1. 浅析网络教育中教师和学生的角色关系

    On the Role Relationship between Teachers and Students in Network Teaching

  2. 多样的组织形式和变化的角色关系。

    All Kinds of Organizing Forms and Changeable Role Relationship .

  3. 尽管JavaEE规范没有指定映射的方式,角色关系通常在部署时从某些用户注册表映射到组或用户。

    While the Java EE specification does not specify how , role memberships are typically mapped at deployment time to groups or users from some user registry .

  4. 谓词角色关系只能连接到对象类型。

    The Predicate Role can only be connected to Object Types .

  5. 两者对合作角色关系以及课程设置的看法有着显著的差异;

    And there was significant difference on partnership and curriculum setting .

  6. 戏剧话语角色关系不同,人物语言的使用情况也不一样。

    The use of language is different as role relationships are diverse .

  7. 在交际法教学中怎样处理好教师与学生的角色关系?

    How should we deal with the roles of teacher and learner ?

  8. 城市更新过程中地方政府、开发商、民众的角色关系研究

    The Role of Local Government , Property Developer and Public in the Urban Regeneration

  9. 中国当代农村社会角色关系研究

    Social Role Relationship of Chinese Contemporary Countryside

  10. 基于任务型教学法的师生角色关系

    The Teacher-Student Relationship in Task-based Teaching Approach

  11. 教师在教育中扮演什么样的角色关系到教师发挥什么样的作用,关系到学生的成长和教育目标的实现。

    What roles teachers play determines the growth of students and the achievement of educational goals .

  12. 论角色关系人情化&关于中国社会人际交往的一种描述和评判

    On the " Humanization of Role Relationship " & An Description and Judgment of Chinese Interpersonal Communication

  13. 政府与农民在新农村建设中的角色关系研究

    The Research on the Role Relation of Government and Farmer in the Process of New Rural Reconstruction

  14. 角色关系与关联性

    Role Relationship and Relevance

  15. 第三章从中人的角色关系和关系定位两个方面论述清代土地绝卖契约中的中人现象。

    Chapter 3 expose the middleman phenomenon from its role and position unit aspect in lands absolutely sell contract .

  16. 称呼语能体现人们之间的社会角色关系,与语言的人际功能密切相关。

    Address forms can demonstrate this role relations among people and it is closely related to its interpersonal functions .

  17. 它是言语交际的重要特征,是体现人际功能中言语交际参与者的角色关系,亲密程度及社会地位的重要因素。

    It functions as the important effects of the realization of the participants'speech role , intimacy and social status .

  18. 人际称谓是人际角色关系定位的主要符号标记。

    Interpersonal appellation is thought of as the main semiotic marker used for the orientation of roles in interpersonal relations .

  19. 人际功能等值指在表达角色关系和讲话者态度的人际意义上等值,能使表达生动形象。

    EIF can color the TT speech by achieving equivalence in interpersonal meanings concerning role relationship and speaker 's attitude .

  20. 剧作家在建构戏剧中人物的话语时,有必要对剧中人物,尤其是对话语中人物角色关系有充分透彻的认知,才能提高戏剧话语的适切性和准确性。

    In constructing the dramatic discourse , it is necessary for dramatists have a sufficient and thorough cognition about the role relationship .

  21. 本文以角色关系人情化概括了传统社会中差序格局之类特殊主义的交往方式对现代社会的介入。

    By the term of ″ Humanization of Role Relarionship ″ this article summarizes the involvement of communicative ways in modern society .

  22. 概念整合、形式整合和角色关系等其它关系的压缩,使习语的生成和使用具有了动态性。

    Conceptual blending , form blending and the compression of role-value relation enhance the vividness for the English idioms'on-fine forming and use .

  23. 分析了钣金零件制造模型数据管理的相关部门、人员及角色关系,建立了基于规则的角色-权限控制模型;

    Relation between departments and human roles of manufacturing model date management is analyzed and rule-based role and access control model is built .

  24. 与话语基调相对应的语类潜势,这一潜势是对语类中实际发话者和实际受话者之间角色关系的选择;

    Genre potential corresponding to the tenor of discourse , determining the choice of the role relationship between the actual speaker and hearer of the genre .

  25. 称谓系统是人类用于识别身份、指代称呼对象以及交际中角色关系定位的特定的语言符号系统。

    Appellation system is the specific semiotic system in human society which functions as status identification , the reference of addressees and the orientation of roles in communication .

  26. 教师的社会阶层对其生活方式、兴趣和惯习产生深刻影响,并深深地植根于角色关系及社会交往之中。

    Teachers social stratum has a great influence on his life style , interests and habits , which is planted deeply in the roles relation and social communication .

  27. 文章分析了角色关系人情化的根源以及后果,指出人情的突出必然淡化、消解正常的角色关系。

    This article also analyses the origin and consequences of ″ Humanization of Role Relationship ″ and argues that humanity will necessarily lighten the normal role relationship between people .

  28. 结果表明,除了与父母和其他亲属的联系频率以外,影响社会交往的成本因素在北京社会网络的9种角色关系中没有获得经验资料的支持。

    Our findings show that , except contact frequency with parents and other relatives , there is no evidential support for other elements in the cost model that influences social interaction .

  29. 人际功能是指语言除了传递信息以外还可以表达交际者的身份、地位、态度、动机和在交际互动中角色关系。

    Interpersonal function concerns the interactional aspect of language , which represents the speaker 's attitude , status , motivation and it also expresses the role relationship associated with the situation .

  30. 我国的教学理论在研究教学中师生关系问题上,仅注意到以社会认知为主要特征的角色关系,而忽略了以个体情感为主要特征的师生人际关系。

    The teaching research into the relationship between teachers and students only pays attention to role relationship with characteristics of social recognition and ignores the relationship with characteristics of individual emotion .