
  1. 党员队伍中,企事业单位、社会组织管理人员1061万名、占11.2%,专业技术人员1500多万名、占15.8%。党的组织体系日趋严密

    Among the CPC members , 10.61 million are management personnel in enterprises , public institutions and social organizations , while 15 million are professional and technical personnel , making up 11.2 percent and 15.8 percent of the total respectively .

  2. 绩效管理是社会组织管理的发展方向之一。

    Achievement efficiency management is one of development direction in social organization management .

  3. 如何解决企业和社会组织管理过程的优化,如何提高其智能化水平,是管理理论和实践中一个重要的课题。

    How to optimize the managerial process of enterprises and social organizations and improve its intelligence has been a key issue in terms of both theory and practice .

  4. 现代科技还推动着生活方式、交往方式、思维方式和社会组织管理方式的变革。

    On the other hand , modern S & T also forces the style of living , communication , thinking of human beings and the organizational , administrative pattern of society to reform .

  5. 针对青岛市社会组织管理部门信息化建设的现状,探讨社会组织管理信息化的发展路径,从运用信息化完善监管培育和运用信息化构建执法体系两个方面,并进一步推进政府业务流程再造提出对策建议。

    According to informatization construction of the social organization management department of Qingdao , it puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions from using information to perfect regulation and using information construction law enforcement system .

  6. 信息技术的应用,以及社会组织管理信息资源的采集、加工和有效利用,是实现社会组织行政管理部门职能整合和监管方式变革的基础性工作。

    The administration department of social organization can realize functions integration and change the way of supervision , by the application of information technology and the collection and use of social organization management information resources .

  7. 对我国现行社会组织管理体制进行了分析并指出了其问题和弊端,对社会组织发展比较完善国家的政策措施进行了归纳总结。

    The article analyzes current administrative system of the social organizations and points out the problems and the disadvantages . The article summarizes the policies and the measurements in the countries in which the developments of the social organizations are more advanced .

  8. 社会中介组织管理体制创新研究

    Study on the Innovation of Administrative System of Social Intermediary Organization

  9. 我国社会中介组织管理规范化研究

    The Research on the Social Intermediary Management Organization Standardization in China

  10. 在市场经济条件下,社会组织的管理主要是面向团体。

    Under the conditions of the market economy , modern administration mainly focuses on groups .

  11. 长期存在的社会组织双重管理体制也限制了社会组织获取合法身份及进一步发展。

    The long-standing " dual management " system limits the social organizations to obtain the legal identity and develop further .

  12. 但是,由于传统体制问题,社会组织在管理和服务中存在许多运行方面的困境,使其应有的功能不能完全发挥出来。

    But , as a result of traditional system , the social organizations had many questions in management and service .

  13. 土地制度是农村基本的经济制度,也是农村社会组织与管理体制的基础。

    As a rural basic economic system , land system is the base of the rural social organization and the management system .

  14. 因此,学术训练单位、社会福利组织管理者、社会工作者需共同努力,解决社会工作者绩效考核制度所面临的问题。

    Therefore , academic training centers , administers of social welfare organizations , and social workers need to work together to solve the problems the current performance appraisal systems have .

  15. 同时需要通过法律制度如社会中介组织管理法律法规、社会中介组织机构法律法规、社会中介组织行为规范制度等明确社会中介组织的性质定位;

    At the same time , it 's necessary to pass a legal system like the social intermediary 's organizational management laws and other regulations to definite the character of social intermediary organizations .

  16. 科学文化,在中国的现代化发展过程中具有极其重要的地位和作用,这不仅表现在经济的发展上,同时表现在社会的组织管理、运作关系及机制上。

    Science and culture play an important role in China 's modernization course . This is not only reflected by its economic development but also by its organization , management , operation and mechanism of the society .

  17. 在此基础上,仿照人类社会的组织、管理模式,提出等级MAS系统的社区概念,并引入森林形式的数学模型进行描述。

    Following the framework and managing model , we put forward the conception of grading MAS system and describe it as an data structure named " forest " .

  18. 提升温州市J社区组织建设的专业化水平、完善J社区建设的组织的治理能力以及健全J社区社会组织建设的管理体系。

    Enhance the professional level of Wenzhou J building of community organizations , improve the governance capacity of the J community building organization , and to sound J Community social organization building management system .

  19. 在高科技产业迅速发展的今天,平衡计分卡(balancedscorecard)己被广泛应用于处理众多的各种各样的一次性任务,成为社会管理和组织管理现代化的重要内容。

    In the rapid development of high-tech industry today , the Balanced Scorecard has been widely used to deal with a large number of one-time task and plays an very important role in modern management and social organization .

  20. 发挥社会组织在社会管理中的积极作用。

    We will get social organizations to play an active role in social administration .

  21. 论社会组织的知识管理

    On Knowledge Management in Social Organization

  22. 党的十七大指出,要重视社会组织建设和管理。

    The CPC 17th Congress pointed out that attention should be paid to the construction and management of the social organization .

  23. 俄罗斯新型体育管理体制具有政府与社会体育组织共同管理的多元化体制的特征;

    The new pattern of sport supervisory organization in Russia has the feature of combining the government management with societal management .

  24. 在此基础上,对社会组织枢纽型管理模式的发展提出相关的对策和建议。

    And after the analysis , this research puts forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions for the " hub " type management mode of social organizations .

  25. 各地方政府纷纷探索和尝试新的管理模式,社会组织枢纽型管理模式为社会组织管理体制创新提供了新的路径选择。

    As local governments exploring new management modes , the " hub " type management mode blazes a new trail to the social organization management system .

  26. 它是社会文化与组织管理实践相融合的产物,在管理实践中发挥了巨大的作用。

    It is the social culture and the organization manages the product which the practice fuses , has played the huge role in the management practice .

  27. 摘要大学评估是对大学的高等教育、学术研究、社会贡献以及组织管理的水准和活力,进行科学的分析和鉴定。

    The university evaluation can be explained by scientific analysis and assessment for the level of higher education , academic research , community service and organizational administration in university .

  28. 高校作为一种社会组织,其管理活动也离不开权力在组织管理过程中的具体运用。

    As a social organization , colleges and universities ' management activities in the organization and management can not be separated from the power of the concrete application of the process .

  29. 现在有一些社会组织还是政府管理的机构,如果把权力放给这些行政化的社会组织,就可能还是在政府内部转圈,要切实防止这种现象。

    Some social organizations are still overseen by the government . If power is delegated to them , it may in the end stay in government hands . This situation must be averted .

  30. 上世纪80年代初,随着日本企业的崛起,人们注意到了文化差异对企业管理的影响,进而发现了社会文化与组织管理的融合&企业文化。

    At the beginning of 1980s , along with the rapid growth of Japanese enterprises , influence of the cultural diversity to business management was noticed , which led to the discovery of corporate culture : the mixture of social culture and organizational management .