
shè huì zhǔ yì zhě
  • socialist;pinko
  1. 他本质上还是个社会主义者。

    He 's still a socialist at heart .

  2. 社会主义者的观点是所有被压迫的团体应该联合起来。

    The socialist standpoint is that there should be no division between any oppressed group .

  3. 社会主义者组织这次集会意在显示力量。

    The rally was intended to be a show of strength by the socialists .

  4. 他们是坚定的社会主义者。

    They are committed socialists .

  5. 卢梭提出的模式被很多早期的社会主义者接受。

    The Rousseau model commended itself to a lot of early socialists .

  6. 社会主义者如今随起了这一大流。

    The socialists are now climbing on the bandwagon .

  7. 社会主义者推行了相当激进的改革。

    The Socialists introduced fairly radical reforms .

  8. 该估算是经过仔细权衡的:社会主义者和他们的同盟并不占绝大多数。

    The arithmetic is finely balanced : the socialists and their allies do not have an overall majority .

  9. 他父亲是一个热情的社会主义者。

    His father was an ardent socialist .

  10. 财政统一使每个公民都能参与到财政体系中来,这是资本主义者和社会主义者共同的目标。

    Financial unity1 - bringing everyone into the financial system – is one cause which both capitalists and socialists2 agree on .

  11. 巴斯夏通过“社会主义者”(socialist)想要扮演上帝,解释对法律乱喊乱叫(thecallforlaws)限制了和平的、自愿的交流,并且惩犯了独善其身的愿望(thedesiretobeleftalone)。

    Bastiat explains the call for laws that restrict peaceable , voluntary exchange and punish the desire to be left alone by saying that socialists want to play God .

  12. 而社会主义者则把TPP看作是华盛顿的对中国的排挤,为的是建立包括日本在内的东亚贸易圈。

    Socialists see the TPP as a Washington-led sideswipe at China , which had hoped to build an East Asian trade orbit including Japan .

  13. 。相比之下,视频提到,“DonaldTrumprac”的自动补全结果包括单词“racist(种族主义者)”,输入““BernieSanderssoc”则会出现“socialist(社会主义者)”。

    In comparison , the video noted that autocomplete results for " Donald Trump rac " would include the word " racist " and " Bernie Sanders soc " would yield " socialist . "

  14. 但她几十年的公共服务毫无作用,佛蒙特州的社会主义者伯尼.桑德斯(BernieSanders)在民主党初选中对她的候选人资格造成的伤害,要大于人们所意识到的程度。

    But her decades of public service counted for nothing and Bernie Sanders , the socialist from Vermont , did more damage to her candidacy during the Democratic primary campaign than realised .

  15. 在美国商学院认证机构美国国际商学院联合会(aacsb)最近召开的一次会议上,许多美国教授声称他们实际上一直是社会主义者。

    At a recent meeting of the AACSB , the US business school accreditation body , many US professors were heard to claim they had really been socialists all along .

  16. E.M.佛斯特是一个自由主义者,而非社会主义者,他还记得1944年,卡本特一百周年纪念,他歌颂这个被遗忘的人。

    In 1944 it was E.M. Forster , a liberal rather than a socialist , who remembered Carpenter 's centenary , and his cautious eulogy33 was that of a man forgotten .

  17. 他在对抗默克尔方面有稍大一些的机会取得成功,因为他更容易与同为社会主义者的法国总统弗朗索瓦奥朗德(franoishollande)结盟。

    There is a marginal chance he will be more successful in standing up to Ms Merkel because he is in a better position to team up with Franois Hollande , the French president and a fellow socialist .

  18. 最近十年关于空想社会主义者圣西门的研究综述

    Roundup of Recent 10-Year Researches on Saint Simon , Utopian Socialist

  19. 富裕和社会主义者并不互相排斥。

    Being rich and being a socialist are not mutually exclusive .

  20. 社会主义者认为自己是启蒙运动的真正继承者。

    The socialists saw themselves as true heirs of the Enlightenment .

  21. 富兰克林·德兰诺·罗斯福总统创立社会保险制度时,批评人士称他是社会主义者。

    When FDR created Social Security , critics called it socialism .

  22. 社会主义者则主张,社会主义应该彻底取代失败的资本主义。

    Socialists argued that socialism needed to replace failed capitalism , outright .

  23. 《社会主义者》杂志新一期出版了!

    China Worker Socialist magazine – new issue out now !

  24. 这位温和的社会主义者誓要改革教育和税收。

    The moderate socialist vowed to reform education and taxes .

  25. 毕竟,公众银行算不上是社会主义者的发明。

    Public banks , after all , are scarcely a socialist invention .

  26. 这不是一种社会主义者的主张,或者不需要是这样的主张。

    This is not a socialist argument , or need not be .

  27. 社会主义者不相信资本主义是有益的。

    A socialist does not believe that capitalism is good .

  28. 你怎样调和既当贵族又当社会主义者的矛盾呢?

    How do you square being a Lord with being a socialist ?

  29. 墨索里尼在二十年前也还是一个社会主义者呢!

    Twenty years ago even Mussolini was a " socialist "!

  30. 社会主义者想闹点事来反对我们的君主制。

    Socialists trying to stir things up against our monarchy .